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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. At 4796 right now. Starting to figure out the perfect runs with Alm.
  2. Goddamn, I can't keep Rein alive till the final map because Alm is a piece of shit who can't carry his weight.
  3. That's exactly the reason why I thought she was going to be the final boss. That and she wasn't a bonus unit.
  4. My brain is currently frazzled and I don't know why. My first three runs of Tempest consisted of Draw Back not going in the directions I want, and me ragequitting immediately.
  5. Well RIP me and my hundred dollars because I don't have her lol.
  6. +Spd L&D3 STILL gets Windswept unless you have Spd Seal on. Even then, he has too much HP to OHKO, so she has to hold that damage. Nothing can really be Vantage OHKOed on this map. Depending on your lineup, it could be worth it. Nah, I was losing because I wanted to kill everything as fast as possible, when I didn't need to. I could just back out and bait like mkv, except I can ORKO by baiting with 5* Anna.
  7. @Lushen I lied, I have no stamina and it's 2 am. I'll do it tomorrow.
  8. Yeah, some form of movement on Hector is an important start, probably. Jt didn't come up that time but it's super annoying to move him away when Alm and Celica push from the right.
  9. Lloyd with the Spd +1 Seal and Regal Blade won't get Windswept, so you can use him in place of mkv's Palla. Bridelia can ORKO the Blue Mage Cav, so use her to break the wall on turn 1 while Lloyd gets in place, then have her kill off the Blue Mage Cav quickly. Hector can tank the Lance Cav and kill him back, even without Bonfire iirc. Then put Ninian on the team, and you should be able to just wing Alm and Celica. You can sort of replicate my strat to some degree, I'll post it shortly. I suggest a different C skill on Ninian; a Hone is better in the long run anyway.
  10. My team was Celica/Kagerou/Azura/Anna. I guess you could say Kagerou did everything a Green mage is supposed to do, but a bit more. What SI do those units have? You have some pretty strong stuff, but they need to be SIed for that to be true.
  11. Is that an Emerald Axe+ on Camilla? This is the first time I had to study a mkv strat to actually beat something. I have good 5*s, but my strats weren't "put Hector in this win tile" either. I didn't end up copy and pasting mkv's strat, but it did remind me of something: I don't have to kill everything asap. I apologize to all Horse Emblem users. I did not mean to call you intelligent and thoughtful human beings. I don't know what got into me. Yeah, get my own win button so I never have to think and therefore improve my strats ever again. Though I actually am chipping away at it.
  12. When you use Horse Emblem, everything just dies because you can match stat inflation, but you have a brain and the AI doesn't.
  13. "here's my Horse Emblem easy ass clear for those struggling"
  14. Oh come on. Using fancier words like mediocre is saying the exact same thing.
  15. I'm in the same boat as you, and I'm willing to call myself bad.
  16. Well mkv beat Infernal without even resorting to 4*s this time, so clearly that's not true, and you and I are just bad.
  17. Yes, now fuck off. Oh, mkv already beat the map. This might be the first time I have to use an mkv strat.
  18. Okay I'm completely stumped. I can't figure out Infernal at all. I don't have Nino or Horse Emblem. Basically, nothing is dying.
  19. Apologies, I've been busy with other matters today. I'll update the OP shortly with map data. Infernal is kicking my ass.
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