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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. When I bring the units out of the box I take them out in pairs sometimes.
  2. But I like Tiki. I'm not really at the point where I need to focus on pulling for good units anymore to be honest.
  3. Hmmm... I want to pull for Summer Tiki, but with the 40 orbs from the new mode, upcoming orbs from Bond Hero Battle and Tempest, and the daily orbs we're getting, I'm gonna have quite a bit stockpiled up... Almost makes me want to save them for August. But I really want to pull for Katarina, Athena and Cordelia as well.
  4. I mean, she was my second 5* (that I pulled two minutes after the game came out in February)... I've used her a lot.
  5. It's okay, just make the Ultimate Lukas with every skill learned so it covers it all up. @GuiltyLove idk, I kinda liked the casual stages in that game. Also it had the best items.
  6. I actually like the Smash 4 ledge trump thing, though if you're talking about dem magnet hands I'll agree. Brawl (and Smash 4) hitstun formula is actually exactly the same as Melee's. They just added hitstun cancelling in Brawl because lol, and in Smash 4 base knockback is higher so combos aren't as free form. ill smash u so you can love smash again Yes, I am. But right now I'm just disappointed in lobster lord.
  7. @Anacybele I've always found it a bit strange Fred's an axe unit in Heroes, but now they've done it for Warriors too. RIP Silver Lance. Though I guess they're associating Great Knights with axes more since Paladins don't get them.
  8. Well, Xanders have been doing damage to my Robin. Maybe you're onto something here. Also, my sig is relevant lmao 1v1 me in smeysh!
  9. The "bonds" speech by Robin was actually kinda cool in Awakening, but Chrom liked that word so much he decided he must say it every time he shows up on the screen in any media. Kill me.
  10. Mah gawd I wish they would shut up about bonds.
  11. No Raven bois over here. He is actually mad good... But he's Green, which is pretty much the worst color right now, because Red has the most units.
  12. Damnit, that's what I've been trying to do, but I still need to 5* a Cecilia first... The road is long.
  13. Alright, beat Squad Assault on my second try. It would have been a first try clear but I fat fingered. Team 1: 4* (Brave Sword+) Alfonse, 5* Sharena, 5* Anna, 5* Jaffar Team 2: 5* Hinoka, 5* Clair (with Armored Blow and Iceberg), 4* Palla, 5* Camilla Team 3: 5* Hector (Bonfire), 5* Summer Robin (Fury, Vantage, Threaten Spd), 5* Ninian, 4* Lissa Team 4: 5* +2 Celica, 5* (Brave Lance+) Effie, 5* Bunny Lucina, 5* Bride Lyn (Heavenly Light, Spd +3, Hone Spd) Team 5: 5* +1 Kagerou (L&D3) did everything, 5* +1 Azura, 5* +1 Reinhardt, 5* +2 Lucina
  14. I currently have no stamina since I've been training up stuff, but does Squad Assault make you set teams before or after selecting the map?
  15. Not necessarily; skill does play a part. I'm just saying that those two teams in particular require none.
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