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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. "why are you scrubs struggling with difficult content" "i just cleared it with horse/blade emblem, it was easy"
  2. If you do the Brash Assault thing, Speed ceases to matter so it's actually fine.
  3. My dad just pulled 4* +Spd -HP Nino, and he has an Ephraim already. I've set him on the path to Blade Emblem...
  4. -Spd is a great start. +Def is good, but Arc prefers +Atk. Pretty usable!
  5. I don't know, Mae was still pretty great in my Blitz run because Magic damage is so good. Stayed very relevant throughout the whole thing for Celica.
  6. iirc it's 24 SP per level for the last 10 or so, so there's 96 free SP.
  7. This time it's gonna be the Echoes maps from the Paralogue and Ch. 11. Have fun with Nuibaba Mansion.
  8. Definitely prep a second Dancer for the backup team, I'd make Olivia my highest priority to train right now. She doesn't really have to fight though, so 3* is really just fine as long as she has Dance. Then you should probably focus on building up one team at a time for now, I guess. Ideally you want two teams, one that can (usually) clear the pre-final boss maps consistently, and one that can beat the final boss almost every time. But if you don't think your first team can manage all five or seven maps before falling, then your second team will need to be equally competent in the random maps.
  9. I was gonna promote Aflonse, but now I'm spending my time on the beach with the beautiful Robin. Maybe I'll end up promoting her normal version after all. Or maybe Cecilia instead, but this one's gonna be for passing Gronnraven+ to GHB Robin.
  10. I'm actually on a computer, but not the one I'm usually using. Apparently autocorrect is on?
  11. Tier 20 bois I was originally going to 5* Alfonse with my 20k feathers, but I just pulled Summer Robin earlier today, so RIP Alfonse once again.
  12. There's some sort of pride from not spending a penny and having better luck/skill than the people who do pay, I guess. The term "whale" I supposed to be negative too, since it's a poker term for people with lots of money but don't know what they're doing. i'm f2p btw
  13. So I just pulled this +Def -HP Summer Robin. 32 HP is a bit unfortunate lol. What kind of build is good, I wonder? I currently don't have access to Triangle Adept, unfortunately.
  14. Ayyy I'm ready to rock and roll with this babe. +Def -HP. Hrm...
  15. Quick Riposte or Swordbreaker are nice. Swordbreaker is always good, but your +Spd one might not need QR that often, especially if you have Fury on him.
  16. Yup. Mad sustain. It's a great combo for any Falchion user.
  17. Yeah, he doesn't need it. It's a gimmick not used well by many units. Renewal is a good idea on him, since he has high HP and decent physical bulk.
  18. My Brave Lance Effie would probably just ORKO Celica lol.
  19. What if I could get Ragnarok+, which has an automatic Growing Light attack every time Celica initiates, in addition to its current effect?
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