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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Alm himself is meh, but my Alm is pretty much ready with Fury 3, QR2 and Spur Atk 3. He also has Swap on deck. Considering Renewal though. He's also +1, so that helps a teeny bit.
  2. They didn't do it for our boy Lucius... I guess Micaiah's gonna get Ardent Sacrifice. Or SOME form of healing....
  3. She certainly fights like one, but she's different when she's with Celica...
  4. Are you saying she's toxic? badumtss I think Tobin's just in his Villager form, not a Merc. @DarkLordIvy My Infernal strat (and the only one I bothered coming up with) had no dancers lol.
  5. I will have Kagerou free Celica's soul in this event.
  6. Cav Kliff is actually pretty decent in Echoes lel. Because when people visit castles they cast protection magic on themselves first.
  7. My +Spd Kagerou can't ORKO (and loses to) Ryoma because of loyalty. But she is obliged to Celica. No fakery here.
  8. She did it so that her liege Celica wouldn't have to die... True love...
  9. What if there will never be a +1 Sharena, because when two identical objects from different dimensions collide they both cease to exist The Heroes summoned aren't real so they are exempt
  10. You get sent on a boat. It's not going anywhere, you're just stuck on the boat and have to play boat maps for the rest of your life.
  11. I have all of my money on Celica being the final boss.
  12. Our first Bound Hero Battle's opponents are the Children of Fate, Alm and Celica! Map (Infernal): *The Axe Pegasus is not present in Hard/Lunatic. Enemy data: Alm Celica Green Mage Blue Mage Knight Lance Cavalier Axe Pegasus
  13. They're not gonna give away 3* Alms and Celicas lol. Orbs aren't exciting in the "oh damn that's new" sense, but hey, more orbs.
  14. It says it's an event, and you fight against a tag team of Heroes that are related in their own games, so I'd say it's more like a GHB. It's just two sentences, and other than mentioning the rewards are orbs it doesn't really say much.
  15. Ooh, I found the other Tweet that explains what a Bond Hero Battle is. So yeah, they do say that they won't give out Heroes, but the reward is orbs instead! Excellent.
  16. We'll definitely be fighting them, but I wonder what the rewards will be.... Maybe they'll give away free Alms and Celicas lol! Or we could potentially be getting the other villagers, Kliff and Gray, since Tobin is in the next Tempest.
  17. A Bond Hero Battle? Not sure what that entails, but the first Bond Hero Battle will be against Alm and Celica from Echoes, an event that starts on the 6th. So I guess no GHB. If you want an actual translation... "The commemorable first Bond Hero Battle will be against Alm and Celica from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. 'Bond Hero Battle ~Alm and Celica~' is slated to begin at 4:00 p.m. on 7/6 (Thursday)."
  18. Really, your favourite is Tobin? Didn't expect a Tobin fan to exist lmao. Most people just tell him to shut up. Hopefully they do. I need all the orbs this month.
  19. Teachers have to be strict sometimes. Especially when you think you're doing well.
  20. The fact that Celica isn't a bonus unit while Mae and Boey are makes me think that she might actually be the final boss this time around, possibly alongside Veronica. (Echoes spoilers below) As someone who ran Lunatic 7-map all the way for the 99,999 reward, I'd be happy if they made it easier for me as well.
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