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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Maybe they realized that this was a way to get us to spend our valuable orbs instead. Used to....
  2. So the reward for the 7 map trial will still be the same? BLEH.
  3. Isn't Etruian Scum a free unit? And what does she even pass on to Reinhardt or Cherche?
  4. Is my memory failing me again, or has the score gained from runs increased? Alm got 441 from that flawless 5-map run. That's already more than what the 7-map flawless trial gave, right?
  5. I actually do have 5* Hinoka from trying to get Cordelia back during the Flier Gauntlet. She's made the Flier Quests much easier, but eh... How dare you >:E Cordelia is so ridiculously strong on a flier team...
  6. Maybe, maybe not. Now you must surpass that person. I'd like this a lot. Using guest units from my friends list is my absolute favourite part of the Gauntlet.
  7. Maybe IS is trying to send you some kind of message.
  8. Nope, never, and I'm not sure why. Throughout the whole gauntlet, I kept getting the same Marth or Julia, with an occasional Cordelia, and @Rezzy's Bridelia once in a blue moon. I've only gotten @Vaximillian's Sharena once in the first round, but never your Est or @Korath88's Celica. The algorithm needs work. tfw it was Tuesday
  9. Well at least you have her. :( I would have wanted her as a 4* instead of this 5* Nowi...
  10. I still haven't pulled any Cordelia, despite her being one of the ones I wanted the most...
  11. When do you ever pull, even? I don't think I've heard about you getting new 5*s or anything.
  12. At least she has Threaten Def instead of Threaten Res like your Oboro lol!!!! When are you replacing that?
  13. @Arcanite I met this in the Arena. Silver Lance+ / Pivot / Escutcheon / Fury 3 / Vantage 3 / Threaten Def 3. A strange build.
  14. Oh, RIP me. Where's the tracker at, just on the Gauntlet website?
  15. Welp hopefully someone comes along and tells us who's correct.
  16. iirc, Lissa was actually in the lead against Priscilla in the first hour, but we ended up winning. For some reason Lissa never surpassed us despite seemingly having more people.
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