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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. STOP I think someone mentioned that the Counter skills are likely to be locked to the specific units? But what if IS is dumb, and thinks the way to balance the Counter skills is to let everyone get them...
  2. Eirika's damage output is her biggest weakness, so I think something from the Luna line would benefit her more.
  3. I'm decking out Reinhardt with Green Tomebreaker, I'm ready for this. I hope that's like, a Special skill and not a Passive. It better be 5-count too goddamnit.
  4. And then the Green unit will have Swordbreaker because skill inheritance is a thing soon BAN SWORDBREAKER HECTOR
  5. Yeah, this vid has been posted twice already, I think. Nice use of Galeforce. I believe you're the first one to do so in this thread?
  6. Eh, Azura has a stat total of about 165, which is actually above average. If Ice Breath did that...Let's goooo Y'know, everyone's freaking out about Lucius holding a staff... But didn't Bishops hold staves while attacking in FE7? I think we're fine.
  7. Yeah, I guess. I think he'll fit on my Defense team, at least, since no one really likes eating Dire Thunder that much. Lol, no, the tower enemies have inflated stats that normal units cannot reach. She shouldn't be able to one-shot like that.
  8. Yeah, the boosts aren't super necessary for this map, but it does make things go faster if you had other units to kill Ursula and the Red Cav. Savage Blow doesn't actually auto-damage the person attacked though, so that wasn't a concern.
  9. into the trash along with Lachesis as a unit haaaa You just have to flip it 720 degrees really fast.
  10. Now that I think about it, my joke makes more sense than I thought. The Earth Sword steals life normally, but when you hold it upside down, it gives life instead...
  11. Man, he doesn't even care about the Knight lol. The only thing that can kill that guy is Ursula and himself, cuz of Fury.
  12. Lol. That's the sword that Eldigan gives her in FE4. It's not bound to her specifically, but still.
  13. Well in the last Hero Battle, both Nino and Hector were extremely good units to have. Hector just won the whole thing, and Nino kills Ursula, which basically won you the whole thing. I guess Hector is stronger individually, but Nino hits harder with buffs. For story chapters, doesn't really matter.
  14. Damn, I would have wanted him a bit more instead. Looks like I stole your Reinhardt, and you stole my Ephraim...
  15. Are you specifically talking about story chapters and Hero Battles? Because in the Arena, literally any Sword lord destroys him. Even Alfonse and Seliph, if you bait Hector instead of attacking him first.
  16. Oh you're in that spot. I get it now. Then it should work. @Emerence Eldigan is pretty good for this chapter, and Reinhardt can be useful. What Bane/Boon is your Klein? Do you have F!Robin? What other units do you have?
  17. Killing the Knight on Turn 2 usually leads to the Thief attacking whoever was hugging the wall, unless you block him from advancing. That Thief will ORKO F!Robin with few exceptions.
  18. Yeah, Narcian's map was super dumb if you didn't have Camilla to just dive in through the mountain, since it was either M!Robin or bust for surviving turn 1. I didn't like that map. I'm planning on decking out my Reinhardt with Green Tomebreaker (replaces Vantage, which he honestly doesn't need), Death Blow from Ursula, then maybe Pull Back or something like that.
  19. So Lachesis' staff is just the Earth Sword held upside down?
  20. Well he doesn't really count since it's the Special skill. I meant a staff that does AoE healing.
  21. What if Lucius will be the first AoE healer? We don't have anyone with Fortify yet.
  22. My usual team is Lucina/Julia/Kagerou/Sharena, and it was extremely solid. I will say, Pull Back has been useful, but I want my regular team back now.
  23. Yeah, thinking about it, I'm having trouble thinking of a way to fit a Green Dancer on my team of Lucina/Julia/Kagerou/Sharena. Maybe I could run Lucina/Ninian/Reinhardt/Sharena? Reinhardt greatly benefits from the mobility a Dancer provides, while the other two members are pretty solid on their own. That's saying I'll get Ninian though lol.
  24. Mine is +Atk/-HP, and yeah, she can tank Swords and Tiki no problem, but pretty much anything else leaves her helpless. Sharena was a lot more useful for blocking.
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