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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Nope, 4 pm Tokyo is 12 am Pacific, cuz that's when the server starts a new day. It was 11 pm Pacific before Daylights Savings ruined everything.
  2. Lol I love this.I like the detail on Julia's dress, it looks kinda like the in-game art.
  3. In my experience, Sully doesn't block anything... I'm glad I have Reinhardt now, but I hope they don't change the bonuses yet lol.
  4. If Australia wasn't such a bro, Europe would always be last It's kinda bad for them to be late about these things, when there's a deadline. I wonder if they'll extend the period because of this.
  5. I'm hoping for Rehabilitate Priscilla. Instant best healer. Was training up Reinhardt, and... If you're gonna come out and get destroyed like THAT, why live?
  6. Lol at the salty Ike fans. I've always liked Ninian, but I wouldn't call her my favourite in FE7. Priscilla would be closer to that. What if they gave Priscilla Rehabilitate? Mounted + best staff? Let's gooooooo
  7. It is true that the FE stories have always followed a formula. Big bad dragon, meddling Dark Mage, pathetic trash mid-boss, etc. It would be nice if they changed it up like Tellius, with FE Switch.
  8. Man, Reinhardt is a bit hard to use without a Dancer. He's kinda like a better Camilla, who has to stay ten miles away from Takumi, but Reinhardt has to stay ten miles away from everyone before the dive.
  9. Yeah, they're doing a total across all languages.
  10. Revitalizing the series without sacrificing its core... If we're talking about the core, then I suppose it's the phase-based strategy part of it. If we're to keep any element, it should be that. I guess they could change the way maps are presented, then, instead of individual story chapters? How about a sort of open-world exploration, like FFXV? I don't think it should be a full sandbox, though. Instead of just putting us in a castle in the stars, we're put on a giant map that we march our army on as a single entity, kinda like how the car works in FFXV. When we encounter something interesting, we can get off, and have our Lord and a few units go scope out the area. This could lead into a skirmish, so we have to be careful who we bring. Also, when the army itself marches, there could be skirmishes, too. Eventually, after some marching, we'll reach the next important spot with a big battle, which would be like a story chapter in a traditional FE game. If they do this, I'd like if it they added a day/night cycle as well, so the army would have to stop at spots to set up camp and rest for the night. That'd be a great time for support conversations (well, base conversations) and stuff like that to happen as well, letting you walk around camp to talk to your units. Maybe you could also stop at towns and such where there are shops to buy supplies and weapons. I would add measures so that players can't take forever to reach the next big battle, however. Things like sending small squads that actively chase your army after a certain amount of time has passed, with increasing frequency, or adding a deadline occasionally, where if you don't make it to the next point in time, you suffer a disadvantage, such as losing out on recruiting a unit, or starting the map in a worse position/situation. But to answer the original question, I think each era of FE has been unique enough to not be just the same thing over and over again for now. The GBA games are similar to other GBA ones, and the 3DS games are somewhat similar to the other 3DS ones. Shouzou Kaga's games were a lot more different form each other, as he liked to experiment a lot, but I don't think every single FE game needs to be a complete rehaul like what Kaga did.
  11. I'm pretty sure she is a yandere, though we're never actually shown her putting the final nail in the coffin (trying to kill the Avatar). She exhibits most of the tendencies, like clinginess, stalking, and exuding a dangerous aura. She also says she'll murder you in your sleep if you back out in her CG confession (she says "It's too late to regret this" in Japanese). It sounds like a joke, but I wouldn't take that risk. Yanderes aren't always outwardly creepy in anime. School Days is the most infamous example. Kotonoha and Sekai are really kind and sweet girls normally, until Makoto triggers them by cheating on them and whatnot; then they start to outwardly exhibit the visible traits of a traditional yandere.
  12. Gah, they're putting that out sometime in the future while tempting us with these good Focuses? I'm not made of money...
  13. I'm actually thinking Ninian will be a Green Manakete, since right now only Fae is in that category. Keeps the Elibe Dragons united too lol. I suppose she'll have a lot of support effects aside from Dancing? I wonder if they'll make a new Ice Breath for her. If so, that means she won't get Lighting Breath (Distant Counter, aka the best), but maybe they'll decide to give it a cool effect. Fae was a bit hard to use, since it's hard to get the full effects of her buffs when she's a one-tile attacker. But if Ninian has Dance, that'll make her more useful in general. I also kinda want Priscilla though... Hrmm... @Ryu Yuki When's the Choose Your Legends focus?
  14. Calling it now, Ninian will be the first tanky Dancer, since she's a Manakete. Can't wait.
  15. Damn, Priscilla looking good in the art. Manakete Ninian though? Interested to see what she brings to the table. I burnt all my orbs earlier and got Reinhardt, but since we're getting the free 20 from the Voting Gauntlet, I'll be able to pull again. Not sure if I'm actually gonna drop cash though; I got a Google Play gift card for free, but I might not use it yet. Wait hold on, is Ninian going to be Manakete + Dancer? That'd be pretty insane, then. We have the offensive Songstress Azura, the support Dancer Olivia, and now we're getting the tank Dancer Ninian?
  16. Actually, she really can't; she needs to reach 67 Atk to OHKO Ursula, and +Atk Julia only goes up to 52. The 15-point gap is impossible to bridge, as far as I know. However, if you have a +Spd Julia, then you can use Rally/Hone Spd + Spur Spd to reach 38 Spd, allowing you to double Ursula and ORKO. I don't think Ewwgene has those resources, though. And his Julia isn't +Spd. RIP.
  17. Actually now that I think about it... Ewwgene just started playing today, didn't he? He asked which account he should keep.
  18. Azura is good, but Sanaki won't help you much on this map, as even Tharja struggles. Any other usable units you have? Also, no problem, @Infinite Dreams.
  19. You can't pull F!Robin from any of the gachas, though. Actually, there is a way to beat Ursula with Julia, and the strat is...somewhere in this thread. I think it's only one or two pages back. What other Heroes do you have, though?
  20. I was wondering what I should transliterate the owl's name to. When pronounced, it sounds kinda like Fae. But eh. Feh's weird, but that works.
  21. Of course I get Reinhardt AFTER I get the no-death run with Sully. And I wanted Azura instead... Welp... Welcome aboard, I guess.
  22. I also decided to blow some orbs on Blue, since I really really want Azura. And this guy came instead. +Res/-Def, apparently.
  23. So there's an extra round of Voting Gauntlet? An exhibition match of Lucina vs the owl. Not sure what this is all about, but apparently if this tweet: Gets 50k retweets by 3/15 3:59 pm Tokyo time, everyone gets 5 Orbs.
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