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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. F!Corrin is also a dragon though, so at least there'll be two camps with many people? I'm pretty sure F!Corrin outplaced Tiki in the Choose Your Heroes poll. How many points did we need for the 20 orbs again? 10 billion?
  2. So I just thought... Ursula's map is clearly based off of Battle Before Dawn. Her Growing Thunder count is already at 3 instead of 5, and the Axe Knight and Sword Cavalier both have Aegis charged up, which can only be done through fighting. Does that mean... They already killed Nino and Jaffar?
  3. I like Azura a lot as a character. Married her all three routes and whatnot. But the story chapters don't do her justice. I think part of why people like Lucina more than Azura is that, while Azura is present throughout the entire game and talks a lot more, her scenes and dialogue were not done well in story chapters. In Birthright and Conquest, when Azura talks, she doesn't really interact imo; she just says "we need to do this and that" most of the time. When there is a plot-important scene related to her, she either tells us nothing, or just a half-truth. While Revelation is supposed to basically be Azura's route, most of the time, important things are shown to us instead of told (which is actually good), but that just shafts Azura's importance again. Compare this to Lucina. She appears and talks in far fewer scenes compared to Azura (partly because she doesn't join the party until much later), but when she does, she's always being important. She was secretive and distant when posing as Marth and before revealing her identity, but she also has many scenes with strong feels, such as when she tells Chrom her identity, and when she tries to kill Robin. These all left a lasting impression on many people. Speaking of killing Robin, none of Azura's scenes actually change regardless of whether or not you married her. That was a bit lazy of IS imo. When your wife slips away to disappear into bubbles, you don't just go "huh, alright" and go party with your Nohrian buddies. You go looking for her. This is far from the important touch that Fates' story needs in the first place, but it's these little things that turn a game from a good one to a great one. It also definitely affects people's attachment to her character; if the game is trying to make me Corrin, but Corrin doesn't even care, why should I care?
  4. @Elieson Is your Julia +Spd? When I tried to play with Julia the other day, Ursula just used her to get Growing Thunder and ruined my day.
  5. If you have the Assassin's Bow, then yeah, you automatically double regardless of Speed.
  6. I believe @Raven cleared the map with Camilla, Tharja and two healers? His strat is in one of the earlier pages, like 5 or so. Lilina isn't Tharja, but it might work out similarly. If that doesn't work, you'll want to look into training up Nino to take care of Ursula, and replace Camilla with the kid. Setsuna can take care of the Thieves, but I don't think you need her if you use Effie. Effie-centered strats usually revolve around a good healer (preferably Lissa/Wrys), Olivia to get the healer out and move Effie faster, and someone else to actually kill Ursula (Nino for you).
  7. Mhmm, yup. Just tried that, and killing Ursula on turn 1 kinda makes the choke too crowded.
  8. I like helping people out, so here I am, I guess. Thanks for the words.
  9. Man, Eldigan really helps with that rating, huh. I'm stuck with 4* Sully as my bonus. A bunch of people suddenly slammed their faces into my team and lost overnight for some reason; I had zero Defense wins last night. Guess I'll be taking those 500 feathers this week too.
  10. What's your Kagerou's Bane/Boon again? It was +HP/-Def, right? If so, make sure Cherche has at least Fortify Def 1. Put your team as Tiki/Cherche/Kagero/F!Robin in that order. If you haven't figured it out yet, here's a guide (I used Young Tiki because my Adult Tiki is untrained, but same results really): Turn 1: Turn 2: Turn 3: Turn 4: This strategy only really needs 3 people; Cherche is the flexible spot, depending on your needs. If you didn't need the Fortify Def, you could have brought Olivia to speed up turn 3. If you have Setsuna instead of Kagerou, then this spot should be taken by a healer, or some fodder to Reciprocal Aid with. Hope this helps. @silverserpent How did you Limit Break your 4* Robin? Also, if you feel like playing the level again for no reason, Eirika/Elise/Setsuna/F!Robin can beat the level with the strategy in this post, but Takumi won't work.
  11. Not to mention... Who said curbstomping wasn't fun? :)
  12. Oh really? I had a friend with Corrin and looked at it a couple of times, but never noticed that IntSys was credited for some reason. Still.
  13. Did you see her artist credit? Aside from the artist him/herself, IntSys is also credited for some reason, and only for Lucina. The winner was clear from the beginning. A SIGN REPENT NOW
  14. F U C K tfw when you lose a unit in the last fight of your no-death run...
  15. I was just playing off his title, Restoration King.
  16. Eirika put up more of a fight than Sharena did apparently, but I bet we can expect all of the Eirika people to flock to Ephraim? I'm not sure how this will go honestly; I feel like the Lucina camp is a little bit burnt out, but if the Chrom faction joins us, then we're talking. I saved up 700 flags for final round. And I intend to wipe the Disgusting King out.
  17. She only needs to deal 25 damage, which requires 31 Atk. Might have gotten mixed up a little there lol.
  18. Yuuuuuuup The first 5* I pulled was Lucina, right when the game came out. She was my second pull lol. Then my sixth pull was Camilla... But yeah, saving up for Sharena really paid off. She's worthy every single one of those magical items.
  19. No, if you have Setsuna kill both Thieves and F!Robin kill Ursula, only the Armor and Cav will be left. The Cav should outpace the Armor, so you can have Sharena tank the Cav, then take your time with the Armor. Alternatively, if you have a good Sword unit who can take a hit from the Cav, F!Robin should leave the Armor at an easy kill range. Narcian did cheese his own map, but I think the enemy Ursula might outdamage yours... Worth a shot I suppose? The problem is that Ursula will have access to one of your other units if she's not ORKO'd, and she does hit quite hard. Also, since the Armor teleports to Ursula, it opens up the path for the upper Thief, meaning he will not be in position for Setsuna to kill him immediately. Someone will have to eat an Ursula hit somehow.
  20. Yeah, I would have really liked a Gallery of sorts. There is one, but only has Summoning Movies in it (speaking of which, I wish the new Focus units all got movies...).
  21. Oh, okay. That's really not that big of an issue imo, since you have one free turn to heal up.
  22. Setsuna's Assassin's Bow prevents doubling from Daggers, and always doubles Dagger-users.
  23. Sakura won't heal Setsuna nearly enough if you want her to kill both Thieves; you'll need at least a Recover staff or something. +Def is fine, as you can have Sharena Rally Attack for Setsuna to ORKO those Thieves. F!Robin will deal with Ursula just fine, and she'll help out a lot against the Armor. 4* Sharena will do no damage to the Armor, and falls short of ORKOing the Cavalier, but that's fine. Just back up so the Armor doesn't hit you, and F!Robin should kill the Armor in two rounds (she will get an Ignis off to leave the Armor really low after killing Ursula).
  24. Actually, if you have Ursula hit Julia, it'll leave your Dragon Fang count at 1 (Ursula hit 1, you hit, Ursula hit 2). With a neutral Atk Julia with no boosts, your first hit will do (49- 19)/2 = 15 to the Armor, wasting his Aegis, and making your second attack Dragon Fang boosted. That does 49*1.5 - 19 = 54 damage. 54 +15 equals 69 (shoutouts) for the kill. Of course, this isn't exactly the best idea to begin with, because Ursula will get Growing Thunder very fast by doubling Julia, unless you can deal with her quick.
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