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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Damn, they're getting me hype again... But I've already been hurt once with Fates... I can't seem to find a Japanese version of this PV. The Japanese site still only has the first PV.
  2. Welp apparently a guy above beat me to it with a strategy. Kagerou can fill Klein's shoes, and Catria or Subaki can sort of fill Fred's role.
  3. 4* Kagerou can win no problem, no need for feathers. Seliph doesn't need to fight Ursula, but is good against the Armor and Cavalier. Do you have F!Robin?
  4. People have managed to win with units like Stahl and Subaki, who are both free. Check out your tools a bit more. Starting positions are not random. Check the OP.
  5. People have been able to beat this map without Hector, and Takumi is actually deadweight on this map. Check the OP for a list of recommended peeps; some of them are free.
  6. I think Catria won't be helping out too much here. Nino can deal with Ursula, then Caeda can deal with the Armor Knight. I think a healer is what you need, as that lets Setsuna kill both Thieves.
  7. Well, no. Since you have the tools to kill the Thieves and Ursula, Tiki is just there to bait the Cavalier and Armor. She won't take much damage from the Cav, it's just that he won't immediately die on her, which doesn't matter that much, since he doesn't have Lunge or anything crazy like that.
  8. Okay, that's much better. 16 for the best case scenario still sucks, but at least it's not 23. Thanks. The Thief will do 19x2 to Nowi, which leaves her with 7 HP. The Cavalier will do 10... All 5* Manaketes can survive one round with those Thieves, but really not much else, so I think Nowi in particular will only be good for baiting that one upper Thief, or killing the Cavalier during clean-up.
  9. Oh. Adult Tiki doesn't double the Cavalier, though. You literally can't have both Hone Attack AND Spur Attack on Cecilia for round 2 if you use her to bait either Thief. EVER.
  10. Effie and Nino are already there. Felicia takes a crap ton of damage from the Poison Daggers, and doesn't hit back for much. Anyone who does not at least 2RKO a Thief is out of the question. I forgot to add Setsuna, though, will do that. How did Ephraim hit Ursula? DId someone else have to take a hit first? M!Robin isn't that great either, he's just more usable since his defensive stats and Speed are better for baiting Colorless, and the fact the he's Blue means he trumps the ubiquitous Reds. She has weapon advantage, but I already did the math above, and she's terrible at tanking the hits and killing the Thieves.
  11. Definitely train up F!Robin. Since you have Kagerou, you don't need Cherche to really do anything, but her Fortify Def will let Kagerou survive. If she has Shurikenbreaker and Retribution, you're set. This comp won't really need Olivia, if you mind your positioning. Bait the lower Thief with Kagerou and kill him, then leave and have F!Robin kill Ursula. Kagerou should have Retribution ready, which will one-shot the second Thief when he comes up on turn 3. Have F!Robin chip out the Armor guy a bit, then Young Tiki can swoop him in for the kill. She won't die to the Cavalry, and will likely kill him. Good luck. Hmmm.... I think Cherche can work, but you might want to have Nowi distract the upper Thief by standing up on the top right next to the wall; he'll gun for her since he does more damage to her, but it shouldn't be enough to kill. Theorycrafting on paper here, may not work as well in practice: on the first turn, have F!Robin kill Ursula, then I think you might want to just bide your time on turn 2, reposition properly F!Robin, Cherche and someone else (a Sword character, maybe?) to stay out of the lower Thief's range, and see if you can break the left wall. Then on turn 3, the upper Thief should be out of the way, so everyone else can dive in and kill the Armor and the lower Thief. Cherche can tank one hit from the Sword Cavalier without dying, which gives you some extra time. So basically, Nowi/Cherche/F!Robin/Marth. F!Robin must be either 3 or 4, and Nowi preferably 1. Why does everyone on this forum love Cecilia so much? She has meh stats in everything except Attack. She can't double anything, gets doubled to oblivion, and doesn't take hits too well in either spectrum, and is generally just hard to use. She does have good movement with being mounted and Escape Route, but there are very few situations she can both win the engagement and reach Escape Route health range. On this map, even at 5* +Def, she takes 8x2 from one of these ninjas, then has to eat the Savage Blow chip damage because she can't kill them, so basically 23 damage total in one engagement. She does absolutely crap damage back. You need to reach at least 48 Attack to just 2RKO those Thieves. That requires +Atk Boon AND both a Spur and a Hone/Rally if you're 4* (most likely), or a 5* Cecilia, who still needs the support. With how cramped the map is, and how the Thieves are positioned, you won't have enough space to give her both a Hone and a Spur on the second round, which means realistically you're never 2RKOing. That's awful. You're better off having someone who's tanky but can actually kill these dudes just eat the Daggers for now.
  12. I would just raise up F!Robin to level 40 (3* is fine) to replace Linde, then put Lucina in place of Elise. Kagerou, Lucina and F!Robin will basically win you the map for free, so Olivia just makes it slightly easier. Alternatively, if your Linde has more than 46 Attack, you can still keep her on your team; after Olivia's Hone Attack boost and leaving Lucina next to her for Spur Attack, she will be able to kill Ursula in one round. I think Growing Thunder has some decent potential in the Arena. The AI likes to hide enemies behind more enemies, so that'll blow em up for your teammates to finish them off.
  13. No, in the spoiler, you wrote "Rising Flame is a straight horizontal line, Rising Flame is a horizontal double-straight-cross", and same for Thunder. I was confused about that. @Eleanore Nino can deal with Ursula just as well, but F!Robin can take care of Ursula no problem at just 3*. Kagerou is excellent for the Thieves.
  14. Hm? Did you type Rising and Growing for both versions lol? I believe you are right about Growing Thunder being a vertical pattern, though, judging from the way the thunder effects travelled across the ground when I got demolished by it.
  15. You'll need to get 3* Robin to level 40 to reach 31 Attack for the ORKO. Spur, Hone and Rally Atk can also do the trick if you're short of 31. Time for Sharena to earn her 5* status, eh? Ooh, no wonder you were struggling with that team. Must have been intense, huh? Glad to have helped.
  16. I wouldn't really recommend using feathers on any of those, but I think you can use Cherche for this map. She functions similarly to Frederick (take little damage from Thieves, kill the armor dude). However, you'll still need someone else to kill Ursula for you. Do you have F!Robin? Yeah, she doesn't need to fight. Cecilia won't take too much damage from the Thieves, yeah, but she doesn't really damage them enough without some help with her Attack. If your Cecilia is a 4*, then Olivia's Hone Attack won't be enough. Why does she need to take a hit? Added Nino and Frederick to the list of recommended peeps, and believe it or not, Eldigan. That man is a god on this map once Ursula dies.
  17. I think you might want to drop Catria for Olivia, so that Lissa can get in and heal Effie, then get the hell out of there. Effie will mop everything up for you after Ursula's death, as long as she is kept healthy vs the Axe armor.
  18. Nope, Takumi can't one shot; he'll do 32 damage, which is 12 short of a one-shot. You can't get to that level without Limit Break, but hey, if you get someone to give him Rally or Fortify Def, he can actually survive one round, then kill on the next. You can have either Wrys or Lissa heal him back up to full. Takumi won't really die to Ursula at full health, but he can't one-shot, so you'll still need F!Robin. But since Ursula will prioritize him, you'll need a Dancer to get him out of the way so Ursula will shoot at F!Robin.... Clearly, you can't fit all of this in one team. M!Robin probably won't help you here at all. You're only gonna need his female self.
  19. Hmmm... You'll have to look into your 4*s, because I don't believe you don't have tools to clear this map with just this selection. Nowi only buys time, Takumi dies to everything that can hit him, and the rest obviously can't deal with Ursula.
  20. The Thieves have 49 effective attack after factoring their effectiveness, so they'll do 20x2 to Takumi (dead) and 10x2 to M!Robin. Your M!Robin won't 2RKO those Thieves.
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