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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. It should work if you take it slow. F!Robin deals with the biggest problem for Effie, and Effie can deal with everything else just fine. Maria doesn't heal that much, but can do so safely. Go for it.
  2. Good stuff. This map is definitely a lot harder than F!Robin's, but I guess it's a bit more balanced than Narcian's one? What do you guys say?
  3. Yeah, I had all 5*s, though. I put a few recommended units up in the OP, will probably add more as we find stuff. Nice to see Eliwood and Hector doing work against a boss in their own game. I wonder if Lyn is useful in any way. Thinking about it, just like how Narcian was ghetto Camilla and F!Robin was ghetto Julia, Ursula seems to be ghetto Reinhardt. Lack of Goad Cavalry makes her worse, and she doesn't have the speed to double, while Reinhardt has Dime Thunder to get kills with. I'm not sure how high her final attack will be, but I imagine it's not quite high, seeing her base 12.
  4. Oh yeah, I already cleared the map. She killed the armor with some help, and killed the Sword Cavalry too.
  5. Welp... It IS his game... Klein will still get doubled by the ninjas before his second attack comes out, so he isn't better than Setsuna at all for turn 1. He can kill the second ninja on turn 3 real good though. Huh, didn't expect her to live that in Lunatic. That's pretty neat. I thought about bringing her, but I took Lucina instead for Spur Atk, just in case.
  6. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hector + a dancer just completely ruins the two Thieves, and can fight the armor fine. You'll definitely need Robin to clear out Ursula quick, though. Her presence destroys so many strategies. Also, THANK GOD for this. If it weren't for this I would never clear Lunatic, probably. @TEHPWNZOR Not sure, you could give it a shot, I guess. I recommend dropping the 2000 feathers though. @Hardy Maybe because they can double her? Not sure. Was that Hard or Lunatic?
  7. Does Setsuna actually work on this map? I feel like she's too frail and weak to kill these ninjas. @Ether RIP Nino being recommended then lol. Felicia too.
  8. I had Lucina/Sharena/Julia/Kagero (all 5*), and I failed because Julia didn't ORKO. Guess I'll have to suck it up and use F!Robin lol. Good thing I trained her up.
  9. Navi Ursula's Grand Hero Battle has arrived, and geez, this is definitely a step up from the last one. How are you guys doing? Enemy data Lunatic Thief x2 Axe Armor Sword Cavalry Ursula Infernal Ursula Sword Cavalier Green Mage Knight Axe Armor Thief (top) Thief (bottom) Recommended units for clearing (OLD)
  10. How many zeros is a million again? I always struggle with the English number system.
  11. Team Lucina is beating Team Eirika by only a billion or so. Hmm...
  12. Merric already has it, and I think it might be treated as his personal tome.
  13. Mhmmm. Good. The more you fight back, the more salt I harvest. Are people legit harassing others over this thing? It's supposed to just be in good fun.
  14. It would have been cool if you could give Limit Break bonuses to the three main characters after beating certain levels in the story mode. Maybe they'll do that in the future, who knows. Lucina doesn't pick fights she can't win, you see...
  15. If you're just doing the story, by all means, use whoever you like. And even now, in the Arena, using Sanaki would be preferable to Eirika because of the bonus. However, if you ever manage to get the units to make a balanced team, I'd pick Eirika any day of the week.
  16. I dun said it tho Our opponent lost, but fought well WHICH IS WHY THEY SHOULD JOIN TEAM LUCINA TO CRUSH THE INFERIOR LANCER
  17. Well, in the context of this game, he's not wrong...
  18. Heh, the loser returns to challenge the Lucina faction, huh? :P I've just been keeping Julia as my leader unit, and will probably continue to do so. Sometimes she just solos the map for me, and my guests just sit there, twiddling their thumbs. I really don't care much about my rank. It's only like 1500 feathers, which isn't worth fretting over.
  19. I've always found the "rude" characters (Severa, Jakob, Azama) to just be funny. Nothing they've said has really made me go "that's too far", so far.
  20. I'd rather deck out Nino with three really good passives instead of giving her a Special skill. She doesn't need the extra firepower at all, but can be made extremely difficult to deal with with the right Passives. Not to mention, her tome makes Special skills charge slower, when as of now it has literally no downside.
  21. I agree with Arcanite's picks. Eirika and F!Corrin give you a core of a strong party buffer and a strong enemy debuffer. Sanaki would be a good ranged attacker, but sadly she has too much overlap with Eirika to fit on your team, and Eirika is more solid of a unit. If you decide to get Sharena up to 5* (which I highly recommend), I would consider replacing either F!Corrin or Elise with her, depending on whether you prefer debuffing or healing.
  22. She was smiling when she said that, though. Perhaps she didn't like it at the time, but now that all of them are dead, she thinks back on those times fondly.
  23. No evidence.zip? I'm afraid you'll have to do it again...
  24. Does Defense score factor into your ranking? I'm 4276 at rank 6979 at the moment. That wasn't a perfect no death run, though. I usually got about 4400~4500 in the previous two Bonus Hero seasons.
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