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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Hmm... It's hard to think of specific details atm, but I know they exist. Usually I see them, mention them to my friends, then I just forget about them. In the M!Robin-Cordelia B Support, Cordelia mentions that her fellow Pegasus Knights often teased her for her flat chest by fondling them iirc. That was left out in the localization. Lol. In Fates, if Jakob and Felicia marry in the Japanese version, Felicia has a special ending that says under Jakob's training, she managed to improve to the point of only breaking one plate every three times she carries one. That was omitted in the localization, I believe. In the Birthright M!Corrin-Azura support in Japanese, Corrin confesses by telling Azura that he wants to show her that the world isn't as cold and cruel as she thinks, and is actually full of love; he thinks she grew up without experiencing that kind of love. Azura is happy, but she also thinks Corrin is just pitying her. That wasn't in the English support, which imo was rather plain. Also less important, but in their Revelation S support, after Corrin apologizes and says Azura has beautiful skin, she jokingly forgives him since Corrin praised her beauty, instead of being upset. There are some character details that can only be learnt through skinship in the Japanese version; they're not super important, but I think they're pretty cool. For example, Kagerou says she can actually see perfectly through the hair covering her right eye. Sakura's miko robes were handmade by Mikoto. Hana actually protests a lot when you do skinship, but once you get A Support, she just gives up and says "if it makes you happy, then whatever". Character attitudes do kinda change a lot from the source to the localization, though. Panne in the Japanese version is kinda refined and calm in her speech, in contrast the hot-blooded hostility she often displays in the English supports. She's still quite prideful, but doesn't sound as...arrogant. Azura feels much more distant in Japanese. She's not as excited about conversation as she seems to be in English, and doesn't speak in a perky tone ever. She does joke around sometimes, but it's extremely rare compared to the English version. Part of why I don't like the localizations is really just bias because of how...different the characters become. I can see why stuff like verbal tics would cause problems in localizations. I think the translators should try to preserve the core of these tics: you can't directly translate them, but they can keep the point of it. For example, in Japanese, Peri often adds "nano" to the end of her sentences (it's even a voice line); Orochi and Kagerou both have very old-fashioned speech (but they don't share the same patterns). These were completely left out in the English version. If I were working on the translation, I'd try to find something to match these quirks, like having Peri say "Y'know" at the end of her sentences, and make Orochi and Kagerou use a bit of older grammar and formal word choice.
  2. I don't mind localizations changing some of the flavour or adding a little bit humor where there originally was none and stuff like that. When done well, it can improve an otherwise mundane scene or line. What's problematic is that sometimes, in an attempt to achieve this effect, the translators end up leaving out character details. They may be just tiny details unrelated to the plot, but these quirks and traits are all part of the character, put in by the original writer. FE does this occasionally.
  3. Huh, I managed to level up Sully from 39 to 40 with less than 300 Blue crystals, because it also burnt some of the yellow ones. How many yellows do you have?
  4. It usually takes me about a day to get someone up to level 40 without crystal assistance. Longer for peeps like Olivia.
  5. Ah, you're right. A horse unit with Pass sounds terrifying though.
  6. Well, based on what the Twitter thing tells us, you probably can't give Lyn Goad Armor or something like that. I wonder if Pass will be restricted for Infantry only...
  7. Eh, that's a question no one can answer. Also, to begin with, I don't think people pick their factions based on what unit they have, anyway. It's more like a popularity thing imo.
  8. Chrom was more popular than Ephraim in the Heroes poll, so not sure if Ephraim will even make it to Lucina. I've only burnt 300 flags so far, and there might be people saving up like me, too. Who knows?
  9. Yeah, but we also have more than twice as much time to get to that goal. The only worry is that we won't make them up the stakes again lol.
  10. @Jyosua Alright, I got the bug to happen again, and once I disabled Flash it stopped tabbing me out. The ad had an "x" to close it like rubunne said. I right click -> Inspect Element 'd on it, and the console kept showing ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE with this ad: https://vast.bp3846283.btrll.com/crossdomain.xml
  11. I'd say Draug is better than Alfonse. Brave offense and bulk at least give him a teeny bit of purpose. Eh, but with the other Greens, it's not like Alfonse will do much better anyway. 5* Alfonse can't ORKO Hector either, pretty sure. Yeah, Selena's pretty bad, but I don't think she's any worse than Alfonse before 5*, which means you don't have to invest in Al.
  12. I think Lucina has a pretty good shot at taking the whole thing. How are the other factions doing in points?
  13. A bit late, but I'd like to mention the Tharja/Nino/Azura/Sharena team, the team with pretty much the highest damage output at the moment, as one of Sharena's suggested teams. Lack of close range presence doesn't really matter, because you're gunning down everything before they get to you, then getting out via Azura. Olivia is not run because Hone Attack overlaps with Sharena's Rally Attack, reducing the max buffs you can give, while Azura has Fortify Res instead. As for Alfonse... Even random Reds like Selena are preferable to him. The minimum requirement for the usability of a Red is to quickly dispose of Hector; everything else is honestly just a bonus, and the ones with the best bonuses are up on the top of the food chain, while the ones with good bonuses, but a tough matchup with Hector (poor Lyn) get sidelined a bit. In this regard, Alfonse can make it work, but requires Folk to really do that well, which makes him a really bad choice. You could just pull 4* Selena and be better off running her instead of raising Alfonse. Even a 3* would work, since it's only 2k feathers to get to 4*. If you REALLY want to use Alfonse, a Dancer is a must, because these are the only two situations you'd find him in if he's not dead already: 1) Get doubled by ranged attacker, go in and murder them in one hit (or fail but still do one hit anyway), which leaves your Sol counter still at 1. You need to get out now or die. 2) Get doubled by a melee attacker, hit back once. On Player Phase, hit and hopefully kill them, and Sol is charged up. But your health is still in the gutter because it was ready one turn too late. I honestly don't see how you could run this guy like this lol. If you don't have a Dancer, the rest of your team will have to dive and kill everything in range, and if they can do that, then you're better off running someone else to support your teammates than Alfonse. Honestly, everything about Sharena's confession screams "more than friends" except for that one line about being friends.
  14. I don't dare set Lucina as my unit, because a lot of people are doing it. There have been too many fights where my Julia basically saves the day because of the Blue Plague the Sharena camp is sending. So apparently, +Spd/-Def Julia can actually tank a hit from Takumi and barely live, and won't get doubled by neutral Spd Takumis. Then he dies next turn. That's amazing. +Atk is swell and all, but can't compare to this kind of utility.
  15. I'm bringing up my 4* Sully that I previously benched, so I'm gonna sub out 5* Sharena and see how that goes. Julia is just too important.
  16. Damn, just had a close call with a Takumi in the Gauntlet... My team was my Julia, a Lucina and a Camilla.
  17. Lol, switching out Julia for 4* F!Robin has immediately created a big hole in my team. I could depend on Julia to pretty much nuke any Blue in the world, and even heavily dent Greens, but now things are a bit rough with F!Robin's specialized kit. I still won in Advanced without losses, but it was much scarier. Not looking forward to the split map...
  18. Lol, I'm in the Lucina faction, and honestly it's a little rigged in Sharena's favour. Lucina did win second in the poll though, so maybe her popularity will pull through for the win.
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