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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I'm mad upset about the new focuses. All muh orbs... And I didn't get anything worthwhile earlier today, either... I picked the Lucina camp, and my leader unit is Julia. Thankfully, because the Sharena camp is going all out with the Blues.
  3. What's with Fir's middling Strength and Speed, but insane Res? That's the exact opposite of FE6 Fir.
  4. True. But I'd probably give skills to Lucina or Tiki first instead. Talking about Vantage only makes me think of Vantage Takumi, pls stop If Bolting etc. were added as Special Skills, I think they'd just leave an enemy at 1 HP instead of killing.
  5. I've occasionally been having this problem lately. When I type something in the reply box of a thread, I will randomly get tabbed out of the box, so I have to click in the box again to resume typing. This doesn't happen when typing up threads, but can range from once a day to every single time at the reply box. This doesn't happen in any other forums or places where I can type text. I'm using Opera on Windows 10, if that helps.
  6. If you don't have a good Takumi counter, she can serve as one, yeah. She's gonna get doubled, though, so it's gonna hurt. Her low speed makes her hard to use.
  7. I really wish Hana had an offensive skill instead of Rally Attack. She's already so hyperoffensive, wouldn't hurt to make her even more ridiculous. Honestly, her skills don't fit her at all.
  8. Oh, really? I looked around and must have missed them. Hold on.
  9. So this was tweeted, and is now in the in-game bulletin (at least in Japanese?). Apparently what this is is a "tournament" between eight royals, including: - Alfonse - Chrom - Ephraim - Leo - Sharena - Lucina - Eirika - Elise So what you do is you pick one of these royals, and join their camp; you cannot change camps until your royal of choice is defeated. Every camp will square off against another one (Alfonse vs Chrom, Ephraim vs Leo etc., keep going down the list). The winner is determined by a score system. We players will duke it out against the forces of the opposite camp in 3v3 battles (one unit from you, one from a friend, and one from a random person in the same camp) in order to earn points. When you win a battle, you get to add a vote to your camp, increasing the score. There are three ways to increase the amount of points one of your votes gives: 1) Have lots of friends 2) Have your chosen unit be the same as the royal you picked 3) Use flags to boost the points you give, which are given as daily bonuses and earned through special missions There are also rewards for participating, of course. There are rewards for: - Your camp winning - Getting a high rank (high point total I guess) within your camp - Getting a high overall rank (across all camps) Finally, if the total amount of points that all players earn exceed certain thresholds, everyone who participated gets special rewards. At 1 billion, everyone gets 3 Orbs and 1 of each large badge (the ones used to upgrade 4* to 5*); at 3 billion, 5 Orbs and 3 of each large badge; at 5 billion, 10 Orbs and 5 of each badge. The event starts 3/6. Raise your flags, my fellow Lucina loyalists.
  10. I finally decided to swap out Lucina for Young Tiki on my Arena team so I can get a higher score. I really like Lucina, but for the points...
  11. It wasn't an accident. I needed feathers to get 5* Sharena.
  12. That news probably belongs in a different thread. But good for you I guess.
  13. I actually... Sent my only 4* Gwendolyn home... Literally a day before people datamined the March quests... I might actually have to try and pull Effie from the VS Ursula Focus when it comes out....
  14. I wonder if there will be new original characters with a Prf staff and Prf Shuriken later on.
  15. Uh... Yeah...? Does anyone happen to know the mythological origins of these names?
  16. More health simply means more options at any given time, that's all.
  17. Cain is a pretty terrible unit, though. If a Red is needed, I honestly might just pick Eliwood or Eldigan.
  18. 5* Sharena is only barely less offensive than Lucina, one of the strongest attackers in the game, yet also has better bulk and multiple support options. If she's not worth 20k feathers, I don't know what is.
  19. Very informative, did your research and everything. Strongly agree with what you said about reactionary offense. That's truly the strong point of cavalry. Also learnt something about Eldigan's worth, I guess. I still think he's too glass for any cannon he has to offer, but perhaps on a Cavalry team, buffs from allies can fix this somewhat. I think Abel can also be a valuable ally to go alongside Reinhardt. They're both Blue Brave users, but one of them hits physically and the other magically, so you can cover different bases that way.
  20. I think that's a pretty cool idea, if they also bumped up the amount of feathers available without this method. I don't think it's any incredible revelation that a mobile game gives advantages to people who pay. I will say, you were being a little bit too dramatic about it. This topic is honestly not quite relevant to Pay to Win though. Whether or not you're paying doesn't change these problems; you are still limited in Hero selection, and unless you have an unlimited bankroll, you will still hit rank walls in the Arena.
  21. The lack of longevity caused by Fury isn't that worth it imo. Also, his single hit damage isn't that strong, and it only works on fellow 2-range units, so I don't really think Vantage on him is that good. Its true value is that it makes him get his Special Skill earlier.
  22. Runescape's model is very outdated and flawed, and it shows in their dwindling playerbase. With the advent of mobile games, and also better F2P models, no one wants to pay 10 USD every month for "long-term" gratification that also requires excessive grinding. When Bonds were first introduced, each one went for about 1~2 million gp on the Grand Exchange, which, unless you already have access to making Rune Bars, is already realistically impossible for a F2P player to accomplish without sacrificing sleep, social life, and work etc. This price range has been maintained in Old School RS iirc, but it has inflated to insane levels because of RS3's small playerbase (most of them bots). If Nintendo were to learn from any company, I would not want it to be Jagex. At all.
  23. Can't seem to find a video, but Japanese Serra goes all-in with the nasally voice. It's hilariously annoying.
  24. Well, maybe her English voice could be a teeny bit higher, but I think it's pretty good.
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