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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Now that you mention it, Fates really never had a name for the entire continent, only the individual kingdoms. That's funny. I'm interested in Laguz and other non-Manakete shapeshifters coming to Heroes. I wonder if weapons super effective against mounted units, like F!Robin's tome, will become super effective against shapeshifters as well? Or will they add new Beastkiller weapons? Almost got 5* Sharena to Level 40. She is getting rather ridiculous. On the turns she's not supporting, she wrecks house.
  2. Then again, F!Robin's real kit is completely different from her kit as an enemy, so Zephiel could get Ranged Counter...
  3. That is a problem, but it's also something you have to plan around when using Special Skills. It's why I switched Kagerou's skill from the 2-count one back to the 3-count one, because anti-Takumi often lead to the skill being wasted.
  4. Well, no, he's not. Aether does kinda take a while to trigger, but I think Ike will also get Luna to go with it, hopefully. If not, Sol is still good.
  5. I didn't say Marth was bad, he's alright I guess. Definitely not the best in the business, though, and the fact that Ike is almost guaranteed Aether is likely to put him above Marth's level.
  6. I doubt Ike will be worse than Marth, other than lack of dragon slaying I guess.
  7. What if they put Ike and Elincia in different banners, just to spite Ike x Elincia fans lmao.
  8. Hm, I completely forgot about the Black Knight there. I wonder if he'll be really strong when he gets released. If so, Armorslayer Lance users would finally have a purpose, including Oboro, who's actually really strong.
  9. I'm betting that Ragnell's special effect is +4 Def when initiating combat. I'm actually not that excited for Ike. I might still use that money to pull during his focus (if it is him), but I wouldn't be wanting him in particular.
  10. Oh, okay. I might have mixed up Goad with the other one that only works on Armors. 5* Level 40 Alfonse has 25 Speed. Yeah. Even -Speed Hector has 21 Speed, so RIP Alfonse.
  11. Yup, they do not stack. Only the highest individual buff number for a stat will be used, so if you used Hone Atk 2 for +3 Atk, then Rally Attack for +4, you get +4 Atk in the end.
  12. Story missions give less EXP after the first completion, so Training Tower is better.
  13. Welp, I caved in, and decided to send two 4*s home (bye Henry and Gwendolyn) so that I could promote Sharena. And boy does that promotion do her good. I used crystals to get her to level 27, and I'm working my way up to 40 now. Looking forward to having her on the team.
  14. Kagerou is balanced because of no bulk and actually low Attack, so she can't do too much to non-infantry. Also, the Poison Dagger's debuff is basically useless, since if it doesn't kill the target is probably near death, so she's not really a debuffer, but just an attacker. I think as of now, there is really no point in having a Shuriken debuffer, because you could be picking a different Colorless for more damage instead, while Shuriken users not named Kagerou all require back-up from teammates for kills, a luxury one might not always have. It could be a different story if there was a Shuriken that lowered Speed, however...
  15. I should probably actually add SF people to my Friend's List, huh. Most of them are just randoms I beat in the Arena (and didn't use Takumi, all Takumi users I don't know get deleted lol).
  16. Kagerou is pretty good, but yeah, other than maybe Saizou, all the Thief-type units kinda suck. Felicia and Jakob do debuff support better than the likes of Gaius and co.
  17. Argh, I'm like 1000 feathers away from having 20k. Can't wait for the Arena season to end so I can finally get 5* Sharena.
  18. My eyes They burn You already have amazing tools at your disposal. Lucina, the best Sword user, and Linde, the best Magic user. For the sake of countering Takumis, I would suggest Kagerou, but given how you have ridiculous Limit Breaks, you might run into Limit Break Takumis as well, which your +0 Kagerou cannot beat. Robin and Jeorge could work, unless the Takumi is really high in Limit Break, so I'm not 100% sure how that works. Last spot is kinda up to you, I guess. Camilla could be good, but is hard to use due to the current Arena environment, and while she is offensively strong, she doesn't bring much defensively. Abel, Kagerou and Young Tiki would be your best options I think, as they counter Swords, pretty much everything, and Hector respectively. Alternatively, a team with Eirika + Tharja core could be extremely strong. Tharja is already quite ridiculous honestly, and Eirika's double Hone makes her damage output go through the roof. Assuming she doesn't get hit back, I don't think there's much that can survive a round against her. You'd still need a Takumi counter, and probably Camilla to eliminate certain Blues.
  19. Well, there was that one Valentine's roll you had, I guess. How much did you spend after that though?
  20. Bartre is the only other one, but Bartre is.... Not that good.
  21. Welp, didn't get Eirika, and I won't have another shot before the banner ends. Too bad I guess. I won a $40 Walmart gift card yesterday... And I'm tempted to spend it all on a Google Play card for this game...
  22. You have Jeorge to deal with Takumi, and Marth to deal with Hector, so I think you're good there. I think Effie is actually better than Robin for your team in this case, since without her, Marth would be the only one who could directly stand in front of an enemy Red, which is a heavy load when he has to deal with both Reds and Hector. Robin helps, but can't one-shot any of the common Reds, so Marth would have to finish the job anyway. Effie solves this problem pretty well, and gives you a fairly well-balanced team.
  23. Effie is quite strong. Death Blow makes her hits insanely strong, enough to one shot plenty of people, while Wary Fighter allows her to survive a round against opponents that she really shouldn't be able to (Armor-slaying enemies, magical enemies), then either kill them back or do so next turn. Smite is also quite useful for positioning, as it ignores terrain restrictions; a horseman can be pushed through or onto forests and mountains no problem. Overall, very solid.
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