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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Leo's personal skill is good on paper, but functionally useless most of the time because of how Leo grows. Most of the time it's just overkill, unless you purposely chip the opponent out by a little, then have Leo attack. If so, you're better off just having someone else deal with the problem to begin with.
  2. I really liked em, playing around them was pretty fun. I don't think they were too powerful either. Unfortunately, some of them were also pretty much useless, like Leo's or Dwyer's.
  3. I have +Atk Julia as well, but beware that Effie will not die in one round to her unless Dragon Fang is active. Also, she unfortunately doesn't hurt Reds that much; even Young Tiki will survive. Other than that, great unit, and the healing is very welcome.
  4. The tweet doesn't actually imply the skill passed down is random, what they meant was more like "I wonder what kind of skills we should pass down", to get people thinking and whatnot. Never trust Google Translate lol.
  5. I just tapped Tiki, then tapped Hector, instead of dragging.
  6. Well I read it off the Tweet, so it probably is the case. Unfortunately.
  7. It's not really that great, but not really horrible I guess. Best is +Atk/-Res, and the extra Speed honestly doesn't let him do anything special in particular. It does mean he won't get doubled by +Spd Takumi, so there's that. It seems like units who pass a skill to another unit will be sent home, so if you want to pass a super strong skill that only a 5* version of a character can have... This kinda benefits whales again, I guess.
  8. Ah, I see. Thanks for the source. So how did that level go?
  9. Leo has a skill that lets him double attack people who attack him, right? He should be able to heavily damage or kill some of those mages, including F!Robin, I think. By the way, what manga is your sig from? Is that from the Fates 4koma book?
  10. Linde is a bit too frail to take the axe hit well, which, when combined with F!Robin, might actually kill her. I think Leo should be able to handle it, if he's a decent level.
  11. I knew about that, I was just too lazy to do math regarding the Banes/Boons for F!Robin's targets. I think F!Robin can't ORKO +Res Linde (whales don't run that but you'll probably see one eventually), since she barely kills neutral Linde, but I haven't actually ran any numbers with those.
  12. Wow, swimming in feathers, huh. If you're right, then without considering any Banes and Boons, she can ORKO Linde and M!Robin perfectly fine. However, that Attack is too low to deal with the likes of Effie, Sharena and even Azura. That definitely spells trouble for her usability.
  13. Sure, if we're assuming both are +10. I wasn't. I was trying to say that being Limit Broken actually matters in a fight, compared to not having the buff, since the guy said that +10 isn't that strong.
  14. I think F!Robin is another "replacement" character for one of the banner Heroes; Narcian was pretty much a weaker Camilla, and now F!Robin is a weaker version of Julia. Julia can pretty much do what F!Robin is apparently meant to do: 1) She one-shots both Blue mages pretty easily, or leaves them at red health at worst, negating the need for the Blue Tomebreaker 2) In terms of firepower, Ignis may be insane, but Julia's Dragon Fang reaches ungodly levels of power already. 3) Julia's natural Res combined with the Naga tome's +2 Def and Res when being attacked is high enough to take no damage from M!Robin and chip from Linde, negating the need for Defiant Res Julia is supereffective against Dragons, while F!Robin destroys horses. The only popular horseman at the moment is Abel, who Julia already murders, so there's no point FOR NOW. When Ursula comes out, the meta may change. Julia also has Breath of Life for teammate support, something that F!Robin cannot do because both her Passives are used to match Julia's job. We'll have to wait and see what F!Robin's caps look like. Narcian's stat total was actually 10 points higher than Camilla's (but was still an inferior hero). It's possible F!Robin will have better Speed and Def, and overall more balanced stats, compared to Julia's glass cannon (but very effective glass cannon). If you already have Julia, then I don't think you need to train up F!Robin for now, unless you need her for next Arena season's bonus or something.
  15. Since the new banner is just a temporary anti-Robin one, I'm betting we'll get a new Paralogue in March. Tellius?
  16. The hell, Miyuki Sawashiro forgot how to F!Robin? Her voice is way too gentle in this one.
  17. Looks like Camilla just dunks on this map again. I could have put Young Tiki in the choke instead and it would have worked too, probably.
  18. The +10 matters a lot when the enemy the +10 unit faces is the same color. The extra stat points can completely flip an otherwise neutral matchup into a disadvantageous one, especially because of the +4 Speed, causing you to either lose the ability to double them or get doubled instead. Also, Limit Break Takumi turns Takumi vs Kagerou from a loss for Takumi into an unwinnable for Kagerou.
  19. Yeah, they just completely flip the triangle around.
  20. The maps in rotation in the Arena change every season, if you haven't noticed... Though it's possible that next month, we would get an entirely different set of maps. Hopefully.
  21. I've rolled every time I hit 20 so far. I kinda want Eirika too, so I might roll again before this new banner ends.
  22. No, it was delayed so that it could be released closer to Super Mario Run, so that there's more interest for Run or something. I'm supposing yeah, they will reuse those assets. Made em already, might as well. As for additional Christmas shenanigans, I honestly have no ideas lol. Christmas Cavaliers sound neat, though.
  23. Honestly, I don't see any point in Reaver weapons in this game, because everyone is locked to only one weapon and color. Reaver weapons are good in actual FE games where one unit can wield more than one type of weapon, and can switch weapons on the fly to deal with different situations. The triangle may be reversed, but the way you deal with it is exactly the same. Though, it could be interesting if equipping the Reaver completely changed your color instead of changing how the triangle works, which gives you a choice of switching to the Reaver or not.
  24. When people datamined the game for artwork, they found an unused Santa Robin with a tree, and unfinished Christmas Tharja art. People say Heroes was probably ready for release last year in the fall, but it was delayed for the sake of Super Mario Run. A moment of silence for our beloved Axe Lord:
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