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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I think the unused Santa M!Robin is actually a Sword unit, since he swings the tree.
  2. I THINK weapon triangle is applied after the -blade tome effect, then finally subtracting Res for the final damage.
  3. Wrys and Lissa actually have the strongest healing staff, Rehabilitate. Wrys in particular also has a Special Skill that heals your other two allies for 10 HP when you heal someone else, so in terms of pure healing he is the strongest. For utility, Elise reigns supreme. Recover's 15 HP is stable and reliable, and strong enough to be game-changing. She also has the Attack boosting Balm, and is mounted for more Mov. Her Gravity staff is very useful on maps with obstacles, such as the lava map and the water map. Clarine is also usable, but requires her to take damage first to be truly effective. If you want a staff unit who focuses more on support instead of full healing, Sakura or Maria are good picks. I personally prefer Sakura, but people rate Maria higher because of her survivability.
  4. For people who get messed up by the split map, you should really take that map into account when deciding the order of your team members. It's something you can manipulate out of the fight, and there's honestly no advantage that you can get from the other maps in this season that outweighs setting up for the split map properly.
  5. I wonder if the next set of Bonus Heroes will include either one of the remaining Awakening children, and another Whitewing. I think that's the theme they're going for, since Odin and Catria seem out of place at the moment.
  6. Even if he sucks ass as a unit, he's still a 5* Lord. Worth keeping just for collection.
  7. I actually don't mind the split map, but the number one map I hate is probably the one that has a bunch of water tiles in a mosaic pattern right in front of your spawn, and then two brick blocks in the middle. The bricks actually give me the advantage most of the time I think, but those water tiles are extremely annoying. They force me to funnel units into two paths, essentially hoping the AI does what I want it to do. I don't lose all the time on there, but my worst losses are definitely on that map.
  8. Wow, all this time I thought that having more of the bonus characters was better...
  9. Goddamnit, I keep messing up in Arena... I hate this cycle of maps. Also fuck Takumi.
  10. Watch the video I linked. Sakura Saber is in it, even. is joke
  11. Lucina does have access to Luna, though, which speeds up that fight.
  12. I'd definitely pick Olivia, then it's a toss up between Gunter and Frederick. Gunter's a decent attacker, and fairly tanky too. Frederick is also pretty good actually, but is a little bit more supportive and defensive. Depends on what you think you need.
  13. I know they have different roles, but generally speaking, Shanna just seems more usable to me.
  14. I do have Sharena at 4*, and a Sully, but the rest of my Lance units haven't been touched yet. A lot of 2*s too. Gotta get to grinding I suppose. I think I have Shanna too, isn't she better than Florina?
  15. Wait, Tharja is a natural 5* now? I could have sworn she wasn't. Oh well. Just the other two then.
  16. Darn, I have a severe lack of usable Lance users at the moment...
  17. Sharena, Nino and Tharja are the units who can't be naturally 5*, but definitely deserve to be 5* on your team.
  18. Oh, right. Forgot about those two for some reason, probably because they didn't come with horses in Heroes.
  19. That's only Eliwood and Sigurd though, right? Xander too I guess, if he counts. And Xander could shoot beams anyway lmao.
  20. If you really want to use Olivia, then go ahead. If you don't see yourself using her any time soon, then no.
  21. I just realized, the only Lords that can be Sabers are Roy and Ike, because Sabers who can't shoot beams aren't Sabers.
  22. Oh. There's a calculator somewhere, but I don't have the link. Anyone?
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