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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. F!Corrin by far. She is very good at tanking, debuffing and buffing, and has quite a bit of firepower with her Special Skill as well. What Bane/Boon is she? Florina's niche is honestly filled by F!Corrin 100%.
  2. There are some Servants that aren't weak to Enuma Elish in Grand Order though, and at least one of them is still a mortal.
  3. Hm, I don't think Ike could beat Gilgamesh though, if he's serious. Could the Black Knight with his blessed armor survive an Enuma Elish, I wonder? Can't think of anyone else with stronger protection in FE.
  4. Two Peg Knights is your best bet, because your other units will perform even worse. You're either gonna get shot by Takumi or not at all, and if you do get shot then it doesn't matter if you're a Peg Knight or not. Hopefully you'll pull some reliable infantry soon. Oh, for the 3*, I guess you could just throw her away for the feathers if you want. Merging with your 4* does give 40 SP, if you need it.
  5. So can he turn back into regular Takumi, or is he stuck as the Berserk form?
  6. If Ike was summoned as a Saber, and he was allowed to power up Ragnell with Yune's blue flames, wouldn't he basically be the best possible Servant? He did kinda slay a god with that.
  7. I've just been checking Altema for numbers. They had the stats for most of the relevant units already, including Banes and Boons, so I've just been referring to that. Good to see more English resources though. Are you sure Elise is 4th place in Magic Attack? Did they factor out weapons or something? Even so, she still definitely isn't 4th place. Nino without tome is higher than Elise without staff, that's for sure. I love how people slowly realized Sharena was lowkey amazing. I always thought she had potential, but now we have the numbers to back it up too. @nightmorpher I gave in to the demons... I'll save up during the next banner, since I don't care about it....
  8. I have 22 orbs right now, and I'm kinda itching to pull... I really want stuff like Azura, and I wouldn't mind pulling Eirika or something either... But I also feel like I should save up for the future. What do?
  9. If you have the feathers, then 5* Nino and 5* Sharena are both pretty good picks. However, you probably don't... Looking at your members, it doesn't seem you have a good Takumi counter, so no matter what you do, it's not going to be easy. I would suggest just running your three 5*s, Caeda, Julia and Cordelia. They're all solid units to have, and 5*s are so much stronger than 4*s. When you get 5* Sharena and 5* Nino some day, I would replace Cordelia and Julia with them. For the fourth slot, I think your best bet is probably 4* Effie. Effie's a pretty solid unit, and can sort of tank Takumi for you, and she won't die as easily since she has Wary Fighter. Keep Olivia. She's good.
  10. You're a Master in a new Holy Grail War, and because you own all the FE games in your basement, you have a choice to summon any character from FE as your Servant. Who do you pick, and what class will they be? Any Noble Phantasms?
  11. I know you didn't. I just told you why Takumi is not overrated~ Brave weapon offense is actually very strong, but Brave users not named Camilla or Cordelia suffer from Speed and bulk problems. If not for the fact that Takumi exists, I'm quite certain she would be preferred over Abel as the Sword killer.
  12. About time. Not fair that Elise got one first :(
  13. Takumi is far from invincible, but he is SS rank because unless you have a direct Takumi counter or a Dancer, he can almost guarantee the loss of one of your units in exchange for killing him on Player Phase. Close Counter spites anyone who tries to run up and hit him, which immediately puts the attacker at disadvantage, even if Takumi ends up dying. More often than not, the CPU will place a second unit directly behind Takumi as well, which is very likely to kill off the unit you just attacked Takumi with. Takumi has good Speed and average HP and Defense too, so it's not like he's paper enough to die in one round to most common attackers. His Res is low, but no mages can afford to initiate against him. These things combined make killing Takumi on Player Phase very risky, and usually not worth it, which is a great advantage that no other Bowman can press. In an 8x6 map, being forced to give ground can be extremely lethal. So if Player Phase is a bad idea, you're basically forced to have someone eat one of his hits, even if you have a direct counter to him. Every one of his counters except Hector won't exactly shrug off that damage without healer support, which is pretty annoying, and if your dedicated Takumi counter is also your only way of dealing with another meta threat on Takumi's team, it's possible to just straight up lose. It's happened to me before. Threaten Speed is mostly useful for when Takumi is in your and you baited the AI, but you can't be careless about leaving a non-Hector Takumi counter within two squares of him, either. If the map does not allow such space, then you might find someone doubled and killed. He also becomes extra cheap when supported by Azura or Olivia, for obvious reasons. Olivia's Hone Attack notably removes Kagerou as a possible counter. His overwhelming presence and prevalence have actually forced two fliers, Camilla and Cordelia, out of S rank, as well as making every other flier even less viable than before.
  14. True about the 1-2 range, I guess. I still think she is just a one-trick pony, though, that many things in the game can shut down just fine, including the newly released Julia. Nino is good because of her archetype and tome. She and Tharja grow like Linde (the current best mage), with high Attack and Speed, but no bulk. Glass cannon mages are considered superior, because they ideally should not be in direct combat, and the damage output lets them secure key kills. Nino's tome (and Tharja's) gains more power the more stat buffs she has on that turn, which, when paired with support like Sharena or Eirika, can reach ridiculous amounts of power. Add on the fact she can double most of the time, most 1-range units will perish in one round against her. Tharja is the more offensive of the two, with Vengeance and Darting Blow, but Nino can pull allies and has Hone Attack, which are also extremely valuable.
  15. For the FE Heroes Wiki tier list, I definitely think Lilina is way too high; there's no way she is on par with Tharja, THE best Red mage, and she is arguably worse than Leo as well. Nowi should also not be in S rank, but in A+ with F!Corrin; she is fairly one-dimensional, and has very clear flaws. I'm also on the fence about Sharena being S rank with Effie, but she's so underused that I honestly don't have a clue. Perhaps having a Hone, a Rally, and one Seal does actually change up the delicate math in Advanced Arena fights. Nino and Tharja might deserve to go up to S rank, Tharja more so, because of Darting Blow. Julia should probably stay at A or A+ though, since she doesn't have good Speed.
  16. Ogma's artist, Yamada Akihiro, is actually quite old; he turned 60 last week. His art style is, as expected, very old school, as you pointed out with how he draws muscles. I kinda like it; it's a very different vibe from the modern styles seen with other artists who worked on this game, and I think it fits the characters he drew (Gunther, Jagen, Zephiel, Ogma). I think Gunther is his best work. I do have one complaint though; Ogma's battle poses are not very cool. By the way, I don't know if you've noticed, but Mr. Yamada is the only artist who drew his characters entirely different poses for the Special Skill activation portrait. Every other artist, even Kozaki, just added special effects and changed visual expressions to the normal attack portrait. Definitely appreciate that.
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