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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. If you don't have Hector on your team or your own Takumi, then yes, you probably should get Kagerou to 5*, as she is one of the precious few Takumi counters, but not a true counter like Hector is.
  2. Pick the average one. The +3 Def will not matter in any reasonable situation e.g. VS Hector or fellow Sword user.
  3. Setsuna's skills set her up to be a Colorless killer, but unfortunately, she lacks the stats to back her up, which severely hampers her effectiveness. Bane/Boons not discussed Setsuna's Attack at 5* Level 40 is only 39, which is pretty much bottom class amongst all units. This means that despite having two Breakers, she cannot actually secure ORKOs against most common Colorless picks: Takumi, Saizou, Jakob, Jeorge etc. The only two she can actually ORKO are Felicia and Kagerou; however, Kagerou can actually one shot Setsuna without fail. This also means she will not do meaningful damage to most 1-range units. Now you might think, "oh that's fine, I'll just bait the enemy with her and damage them, then kill them on my turn"... But unfortunately, that does not work. Even after one round of combat, NONE of the common picks will be within one hit kill range. This is a problem, because... Setsuna, despite having high HP, has very poor Defense at 19. Any one of the surviving Colorless listed above can threaten to kill her in the next hit, and since she cannot kill them in the second round without doubling (and in the case of Saizou and Jakob, still fail to kill in round 2), she will lose the engagement unless she has healer support, or someone else picks up the slack. And it's not like the enemies will be left at red health either, so you can't have a random healer or dancer just chip them out; you'll have to devote one of your actual offensive party members to finishing the job. Setsuna's best stat is definitely Speed, sitting pretty at 37. This allows her to double most things even without her Breaker skills. This definitely helps her damage output, especially with killing fliers such as Camilla and Cordelia, and believe it or not, she needs it; she cannot kill Camilla with one arrow. However, Setsuna is iffy as a mage killer, with only 23 Res; she is likely to be heavily damaged in return. She also loses to M!Robin and Henry, who hold advantage over Colorless units, cannot double common picks like Linde and Tharja, and gets doubled back by Leo because of his skill. If you shoot any of these people first, you will die next round, or immediately to Leo. She can reliably kill Lilina and Julia, and that's about it. Reciprocal Aid can be useful for passing low health to allies who gain advantages at low health such as Anna, and especially Lucina, who Awakens Speed +7 and also self-heals. You can also become a pseudo-healer if you have a Falchion user, passing the Falchion user's self-healed HP to others, and letting the Falchion user heal back up naturally. Overall, Setsuna is definitely not a formidable fighting force in the Arena; there are much better picks for a Colorless 2-range attacker out there, and she is strictly outclassed by Kagerou. However, she can see some use in Beginner and Intermediate fights, where the playing field isn't 5* Level 40. Also, Setsuna is actually quite useful in story maps, since she can ORKO many Shuriken and Bow users in those missions, at least on Normal and most of Hard.
  4. Wow, that is just evil lol. Don't hurt me, madam. Alfonse and Sharena... Alfonse is kinda slow, so I'll probably just focus on trying to dodge. Sharena is troublesome, though she might not want to fight in the first place....
  5. I play the Japanese version, and while the Dark version was definitely refreshing, the Light version just brings back all those memories of the trailer (when we thought Fates would be a better game lol!), and I honestly prefer the lyrics to the Light version.
  6. They were already wavedashing in Awakening, but since Fates comes before Awakening, they hadn't figured the tech out yet...
  7. She's super good, just not combat wise. I wish she got EXP for dancing. I need to raise her up to 40, since low stat totals drag down my Arena score. SCREW THAT LAVA MAP. Not only is it great for Takumi, but the design sort of gives the enemy the advantage, since they start clustered and are covered by many lava pools in their approach, while you have to waste time repositioning, and baiting is super hard with the terrain restrictions.
  8. I just find it funny. Maybe it completely goes against what Ephraim was like in SS, but this game was never that serious to begin with to me.
  9. So your 4* Gwendolyn is still better and sitting there, and you have a 3* +1 Gwendolyn around. Not much point either way. A 4* +10 definitely is stronger than a 5*, but most units lose their best weapon and a skill.
  10. I'm not sure I follow. What kind of advantage is being gained here?
  11. What do you actually have in your account? We kinda need to know that so we can start building.
  12. Well that's nice of them. If only I could even remotely beat any of these enemies first.
  13. Kagerou, even with -Def, can actually tank ONE Takumi arrow, even if it's a +Atk Takumi. She can counter for some hefty damage and kill on her turn, or outright ORKO -Spd ones if yours is +Spd. It's part of why she's considered good, iirc. I'm really glad I pulled her, because I was getting torn apart by Takumis.
  14. Jesus tapdancing Christ, getting Olivia to level 40 is so fucking annoying. The Tower enemies are so unfair. Spent like five Stamina potions, and I only really win one every three or four tries, because I'm trying to baby Olivia.
  15. The Genealogy manga also implied a relationship between Seliph and Julia. By the way, I may have deleted you from my Friend List in Heroes a while back... I was making room for my irl friends and just randomly got rid of some people.
  16. I met a Takumi with Close Counter and Vantage 3 in the Training Tower... It truly is down to skill combinations.
  17. Effie is so insane, she can actually 1v1 most magic users and win. Unless they shoot her from behind the cover of a mountain tile, she can just casually walk up and one shot them, and they can't one-shot her because of her passable Res and Wary Fighter. The only things that can one-shot Effie would be like, a Nino with +4 to every stat, for her tome to gain max damage, or Julia with Dragon Fang active. Robin is the only mage that will not get one shot, but his damage output is fairly low, so it's actually still possible for him to lose. Speaking of Nowi, now that Julia exists, her usability is probably going to drop even more.
  18. It is fairly ADHD, yeah, especially on higher difficulties. But it's also good for stress relief at lower difficulties lol. Well I already said that it's not about strategy. And yes, you are supposed to curbstomp everyone; anyone the player controls is basically a god. The trouble in the video comes from two things: protecting allies, and beating time limits. The text tells you a lot. On higher difficulties, pretty much none of your named allies can stand up to enemy aces, and sometimes even struggle against above-average cannon fodder squads. There are often penalties for letting them die, or it may even lose you the mission, so it's up to you to save them. Like in the video, the yellow enemies spawn and immediately swarm one of your important allies (the redhead). People who make these gameplay video are usually already familiar with the level, but if it's your first time seeing the level, it's very easy to be in the wrong position when they spawn, and thus make it hard for you to reach and eliminate the enemies before they kill your ally. A long time ago, I played Samurai Warriors 2, and there was one mission that was pretty much an escort mission with Shima Sakon. Shima would constantly run into enemy fields, and constantly be in trouble, as he is very weak in that mission. You spawn quite far away from Shima, while Shima spawns very close to enemies, so you must breach enemy defenses quickly to save him from the first wave, then continue to escort him through his path. In the middle of the mission, however, there will be situations that call for you to separate from Shima or go ahead of him, so you can't baby him all the way. That was one of the tougher levels in my memory. Time limits are also something that force you apart from your allies and such. In the video, there's one part that makes you kill three Mobile Armors (giant enemies with high health and power) within a time limit. Of course, if your unit is already fully upgraded and whatnot, it's a fairly simple task, but otherwise it requires knowledge of your combos and anti-MA techniques to do it as quickly as possible. Assuming your power level is appropriate, you only barely have enough time to destroy all three MAs within the time limit in the video. To be honest, time limits in Warriors games are generally more lenient than the one in this video, though.
  19. Olivia can't really fight... Like, at all. I don't think she can even kill mages that well. This is where she differs from Azura, who is a Songstress with relevant damage. However, Olivia has all the skills she needs available at 4*, so she's much easier to use. I'd definitely recommend raising her, despite her lack of combat ability. Sophia is quite... I don't want to say useless, but it's hard to deny it. Red magic has never been that relevant to begin with, and there are much better choices in Red too. Chrom would be my pick over her. He's quite tanky at high levels, and has Sol to replenish health, but 4* Chrom doesn't get the Falchion or Aether, which really hampers his usability a lot. Eliwood has a horse, and that's about it honestly. He has Aegis (or whatever his variation is called), but don't expect much from him in terms of damage.
  20. First of all, please put all of those images in spoilers so they don't lag people's phones and stuff. A reliance on Green is definitely your issue here. Despite the rest of your units being 4* or below, I think you'll have to take a pick between Raven and Camilla and drop the other one. I would personally go with Camilla, just because of the terrain freedom. As for a replacement, I would suggest Sully. Lucina/Camilla/Sully/Kagerou is a team I used to run, and it's actually quite well-equipped to deal with most threats in the current meta. It's not super reliable in terms of survivability, but at least you won't lose very easily, if that's your problem. If you have the feathers, I recommend you get Nino to 5* ASAP, then consider replacing Sully with her. Nino is already quite beastly at 4*, but she becomes one of the strongest Mages in the game at 5*, with high Attack and Speed. She's still Green, of course, but the triangle matters less when you're a ranged attacker, so it's fine.
  21. Used my Arena matches to test stuff out, and Olivia is working wonders. Any problem that could have been solved by having a certain unit, I solved it by just hitting them again. She doesn't even need the 5* to be 100% functional. I felt like with my old team (Lucina/Camilla/Kagerou/Young Tiki), there was always at least one unit twiddling their thumbs because they couldn't go out anyway, so I think this is for the best. I might still consider using Sharena, however.
  22. The Warriors series, from my experience, is less about strategy, and more about micromanaging the battlefield, and the speed at which you do so. You're your army's ace in the hole, and everyone else is basically too useless to change the situation. However, you can't be everywhere at once, so you have to pick the most important place to be in at any given time. Newer games/some Warriors series are generally easier, and honestly Hyrule Warriors was one of them, probably because of the target audience. But when a level is well-designed and sufficiently difficult (not the artificial kind from bullshit damage), it can actually be quite challenging. Check out this level from Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn. This one is actually fairly hectic, and requires speed. Because it's DLC.
  23. Well, I guess you don't really need anything in particular then. 5* Julia could replace Robin, I guess, if you want her.
  24. Got Julia to level 40, and... "My brother Julius and I are inheritors of a special bloodline. I inherited the Holy Book of Naga... Julius was turned into a terrible demon by the sacred black book... All because of this bloodline... If I, against my own will, became your enemy... When I think about that, I get terrified... But, since you've been with me all this time... If you were to call out to me... I can keep being myself... That's how I feel... So, please keep staying by my side..." Well... That's kinda heavy, compared to all the other level 40 convos. Almost feels like some kind of S Support.
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