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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. When you are about to initiate an attack, you'll first check if you can defeat them in one round of combat. Obviously, if you can, then waiting might just do more harm than good in some situations. However, if you can't ORKO (one round KO), you'll have to pay attention to the enemy's counterattack. Sometimes it might just be chip damage that doesn't matter, but against most bosses, you should be taking quite a hefty amount of damage in return. So you'll have to think one step further ahead, and do the math (newer games do it for you though): if you attack them now, and you're going to get hit back, does your unit have enough health after the round to survive one more hit from that boss? If the answer is no, you should just wait next to the boss, and make them attack first. That way, it just reverses the situation, such that you can kill the boss on your turn instead of the boss killing you on his turn. Of course, you might consider a lot more things: - Does the boss move? - Can I just heal my unit back up so that the counterattack damage doesn't matter, and my healer won't be in danger for doing this? - If my unit is in Guard Stance, will me attacking first lead to the Guard Gauge filling up to full (thus blocking the counterattack), or fill the Gauge to full after receiving the counterattack? There might be even more.
  2. I'm thinking Green, since it's a Wind tome. There are currently no good Green Mages in the game (Merric is kinda bad). Hopefully when they release F!Robin, she'll be a good Green Mage too. Alm gets a Falchion really really late, but it might function differently from the Archanea Falchions. I hope it does, honestly.
  3. I like Alpha Yato the most. It has elements of both the Grim and Noble Yatos, and I kinda like that combined feel. Omega Yato is in a weird spot for me. I don't really like the in-game render of the Omega Yato, as it looks very blocky and not elegant enough, but THE CHAINSAW HITSTUN. MHMMMMMMMMM. Omega Yato looks a lot better in Smash than in Fates, though; a bit more slender, to begin with. If the in-game one looked more like the Smash version I would pick Omega all day. While I don't exactly hate it, I have to say, the Shadow Yato is my least favourite. When I first got it in-game, I had to stare at the screen for a cool minute to try and spot what exactly changed with the blade. It doesn't look terrible, but is a bit bland of a transformation, and isn't too different from Grim.
  4. Now that I think about it, there isn't a Brave tome in the game yet. I don't think it'd be too OP to have one; Gordin has the Brave Bow, and no one cares about him. Maybe they'll release one with Celica when they get around to Gaiden, as a reference to Celica's Gale.
  5. Ew, get that crap out of here. How did you win? If they gave the Brave weapons even higher Might, Brave units would all become really damn strong. iirc, Brave weapons actually have the second highest damage output in one round, only really losing to the Triangle Adept weapons (and super effective hits, but that doesn't count). The -5 Speed is just there to encourage good Player Phase usage and protection of your Brave nukes.
  6. Two at most. It was not fun. I think one of them was Limit Break though.
  7. Man, you must be really unlucky to be running into so many multi-Takumi teams lol. I've only met like two or so.
  8. Flying Brave Axe+ is hard to pass up, though. It allows you completely no-sell some common threats like Abel and Male Robin without them being able to do much at all, and actually outdamages Anna's personal axe. Anna has a lot more mobility when at low health, but getting there is a bit risky with her paper defenses. I think there might be some merit to switching back and forth between the two. If there are only two sets of Arena maps, this week's favors Camilla more, while last week's probably favored a teleporting Anna more.
  9. The way it was announced was so cheese in Revelation. It's just one line, the characters barely reacted at all, and it was never mentioned again lol. I married Azura in all three runs before I learnt about this, so it was too late anyway. I'll just pretend I never heard about it!
  10. It's generally not worth unless you really really need that unit and you can't pull it, if you ask me. So far, Olivia and Felicia are the best out of the current rotation. Notably, Olivia only gets the Silver Sword+ from upgrading to 5*, so she is pretty much fully functional at 4*. This is a huge merit to her usability, so I suggest you raise her, if no one else.
  11. The AI always aggros enemies in its range, regardless of outcome, which is the same as any FE game, really. The damage was hilarious though. I just found a F!Corrin with Distant Counter in Training Tower... I wish that was real.
  12. I'm playing on the Japanese version, and it says that the two Focuses from release should have ended at 2/14 23:00, but it's way past that in Tokyo time already... Please reconsider, dear child
  13. I would hold up a banner saying "Aqua-Nation".... But I don't like sharing. >w> I never really thought that much about Azura's physical beauty, honestly. It certainly exists, but I find her cool personality to be her charm. Then, all of a sudden, she just simply stops being cold, and that difference in behaviour just blew my mind. Kinda weird to be talking about this sort of thing, to be honest, when it's a 2D character. But within the boundaries of fantasy, that's how I feel about her.
  14. Red: Tied between Lyn and Lucina, Young Tiki as honorable mention Green: Hector, Camilla sometimes Blue: Azura by far, Male Robin and Linde tied for second Colorless: Takumi, Takumi, Takumi, Takumi, and Kagerou
  15. I'm not too sure, mainly because there doesn't seem to be much point. If you had a triangle-reversing Lance, then you'd just be a Red in disguise.
  16. American. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa We don't need more labels in this world.
  17. It'd be kinda funny if they end up just being subbed again.
  18. You could run someone to debuff Veronica for you, maybe? Like Felicia, if you have her. Or, take Olivia with you so Ryoma can get the kill. Olivia should be out of the Blue Mage's range if Veronica moves 2 tiles forward on both turn 1 and turn 2, if I remember the map correctly. Or you could bring a healer that heals more than Sakura, so Ryoma can tank that first hit on enemy phase. Wrys or Lissa's Rehabilitate should work. Just drop Cain if he's not doing anything useful until turn 4.
  19. Can Cain ORKO with Brave Sword? It's absolutely crucial that Veronica goes down immediately. If Ryoma can't handle that job, I would honestly drop him for any good Typeless or Blue unit you have, because you don't need three Reds at all.
  20. Even if you have a +Str Abel, the Robin will have to be -Def or -HP for you to ORKO, unless you got Olivia's buff beforehand, in which case +Def Robin is the only kind that won't get ORKO'd. Is your Abel +Str though?
  21. Lol, there's someone who has the exact same avatar as you around here, so I was confused for a second. Welcome to Serenes, and invite your friends, too.
  22. Elixirs exist. Only a grand total of TWO FE games have Vulneraries that heal more than 10 HP, so... There's a reason why the GBA games were basically Mounted Emblem. Canto, incredible Move, great triangle coverage etc. etc. Anything that didn't walk on its feet was basically automatically good or top tier (and honestly still is, but not to nearly the same degree). I don't have much to say about Shove and Rescue. I wouldn't mind them being either built-in or as skills, as long as they're in the game in some form. Having repositioning moves be skills means you need to a bit more aware of who you're using and where you're positioning them, so you don't screw yourself out of a Shove or Rescue you needed, instead of having everyone being able to do it. Third tier classes were designed to be OP, but the focus has sort of shifted to Pair Up and Stances instead. Would not mind them adding third tiers back, but I don't think they'll be balanced at all with Pair Up also in the game. With how accessible Sol and Luna have become in the new games, keeping their PoR/RD versions would just break any semblance of balance in half. How is it fair for an offensive skill to have Skill% activation rate, yet act as both a crit AND a 100% life steal? You can't convince me that isn't broken as fuck. It needed the nerf to begin with.
  23. I don't believe I've heard any news about it. What if it's a Survival mode kinda thing? You have to keep fighting with minimal (or no) healing between each level until you lose all four of your units, and get rewards based on how far you got or something. Could have a ranking system too.
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