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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I honestly don't think Roy can do anything better than Tiki, even when it comes to supporting Takumi. When is the Defense debuff ever meaningful for Takumi in the Arena? If it's a Red character, Roy will damage them enough that the Defense debuff won't mean a thing when Takumi guns them down (and you're better off having Takumi shoot before sending in Roy in the first place). If it's a Green character, Roy kills them for free, so you won't need Takumi. If it's a Blue character, your Roy is probably dead. Mages are squishy to begin with so they get one shot, and the only ones that aren't super squishy either don't need the debuff to be killed (Leo) or won't be debuffed enough to die to Takumi (Male Robin). The only characters that Takumi cannot easily kill are Hector (who Roy kills for free) and Effie (who kills Roy for free). If you want to win without losses, you can't even consider engaging Effie with Roy, so the debuff doesn't help. As for Colorless enemies, Roy will take heavy damage from enemy Takumi's counter attack, though it will net your Takumi the kill; the other Colorless enemies are easy enough to kill, with or without Roy. On the other hand, Tiki can do all that Roy does EXCEPT stand in front of Falchion users. She hits magically, and her bulk combined with Armored Blow make her an incredible Player Phase attacker (Hector will do 1 damage on average to her). Roy gets a faster kill on Camilla, but she is barely a threat on a team with Takumi in the first place, so stopping her in her tracks is good enough for Tiki. More notably, Tiki takes enemy Takumi's Close Counter extremely well, so setting up the kill for your Takumi isn't nearly as risky, and she can do it more than once if need be. While still not the greatest idea, Tiki can actually do damage to Effie, and not die (immediately) in return, to help chip her down to less than 50% health. Finally, Takumi's Speed debuff is great for Tiki, since she no longer gets doubled by Lyn, and even Linde. As long as the team has a suitable Falchion counter (Abel, Effie, Kagerou + anyone etc.), there is very little that Roy has over Tiki if you ask me. That's viable, I think. You'll have to watch out a bit more for Male Robin, though.
  2. I heard that despite the game bombing, #FE merchandise, most notably the CD, actually sold really well. So you could be right about people shelling out money.
  3. It depends on the timing you make use of Tiki's passive, if you even need it at all. Most of the time, you really don't. Roy's debuff definitely helps Takumi, but Roy himself isn't that good in the first place, while Tiki is a much more solid unit. If it's an enemy you're comfortable putting Roy in front of, Takumi can probably deal with them just fine anyway. And... The final team is just the same as the one I suggested. So you agree me lol?
  4. This will probably never ever happen, because: 1) They were not in the Heroes poll 2) The game was not super well-received by core fans 3) The feel is completely different than the setting of Heroes Despite that, I still wouldn't mind seeing them toss in characters from #FE into the game. Am I alone on this? Also, if they did do this, the #FE characters would be the only people to know that your Summoner weapon is a gun...
  5. Yeah, pretty much. I think they gave Camilla lower stats to compensate for Brave Axe+ and Draconic Aura combo, which is some ridiculous firepower. Also, being a flier gives her more freedom in movement.
  6. I imagine it'd be annoying to do that every day though, lol. Especially when you're running late or something.
  7. Well, she isn't named as one, but she functions as one, so I think it's alright to put her in that category. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/a/ad/Sharena_Hair.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170206013652 This is pretty interesting. I wonder if that actually works in real life. Kind of a big jump from Step 2 to Step 3, at least in my eyes....
  8. Wew lad.... I wish I could draw... Being able to give form to your thoughts is amazing.
  9. Lol that is disgusting. She can double and oneshot my Camilla for free, even if I attack first.
  10. Is that Young Tiki? She's a pretty solid replacement for Roy imo. She's tanky enough to stand in front of Takumi and Camilla, who can proceed to just destroy everything for you, especially Takumi. It also makes your current team 2 physical 2 magic, though that doesn't actually matter. However, since Tiki is weak to Falchions, I'd recommend taking out Lilina for Abel, the premier sword destroyer. Putting him on your team also makes it very balanced in terms of movement, with one flier, one mounted and two infantry. Alternatively, you can pair Olivia with Takumi, and ride all on his nuke.
  11. I'm considering replacing Camilla with Anna in my lineup when I get the 5*. I'm not really sure if that's the best idea, but I think Anna has some potential, especially with Takumi rampant. However, I feel like her matchup against Effie is probably terrible without a healer, while Camilla can deal with Effie alright. Still not sure how to feel about 5* Sharena. I've pretty much been dealing with enemy Sword users just fine with Kagerou + Lucina, so even though Blue gives me an advantage over them, it doesn't feel super necessary. It's not like Sharena can ORKO them or anything.
  12. Running Lucina / Camilla / Kagerou / Young Tiki right now, all 5*s. When I get Anna and Sharena to 5*, I'm gonna experiment with replacing Camilla with Anna and Young Tiki with Sharena. Young Tiki is basically the first person to replace once I get a good 5*s Blue, especially Azura.
  13. Narcian actually has a higher stat total than Camilla at 5* Level 40 (~170 vs ~160); he's actually stronger than Camilla in every stat except Res, and he's only 4 points lower on average. That being said, Camilla has the Brave Axe+ instead of the Emerald Axe, which is a much more flexible weapon, and also allows her to get ORKOs that Narcian cannot, notably Male Robin. It also makes her trigger her Special Skill much faster than Narcian, resulting in higher damage output. She also maintains decent firepower against Typeless units, and isn't entirely helpless against Reds. Narcian has Lancebreaker, however. He is the second unit to get Lancebreaker after Arthur, and the only flying Lancebreaker, which, when coupled with the Emerald Axe+, gives him quite a niche. This makes him very strong against Effie, the second strongest Lance unit in the game (I believe Lancebreaker overrides Effie's Wary Fighter, but honestly I haven't tested this, nor have I found anyone who has), and Narcian's higher Def compared to Camilla compensates for Effie's scary Death Blow. Both units have Savage Blow to chip enemies out. You can pretty much pick freely between Narcian and Camilla depending on your team, if you have them both. If you don't have Camilla, then Narcian is a good replacement
  14. Lmao. Unfortunately, there are only four enemies on the map... You'll have to use the band instead.
  15. Wow, this new map is interesting lol. Literally "1v1 me". Roy is kinda random though.
  16. Huh, you're right. The last time I checked Tiki was faster, must have been unconfirmed stuff or something.
  17. Young Tiki is the fastest Manakete, so getting doubled really comes with the job description lol. Thankfully, Manaketes are tanky, so you don't have to worry too much.
  18. My Young Tiki has 30 Speed at Level 40, which is the average number. It's 27 for Bane, and 33 for Boon. She's not meant to be fast, so your unit isn't screwed.
  19. It's kinda funny how Olivia doesn't even come with her Dance skill at 2*...
  20. Lol, I wouldn't believe that you'd get five 5*s, but it'd be pretty cool if that happened.
  21. Yeah, there aren't many gacha games that actually raise the odds of you getting a super rare unit after failing to do so. There are "pity rares", but they aren't always of the highest rarity. This game's odds aren't terrible like other gacha games either; the chance to get the highest tier is three times higher than the other games I've played!
  22. Fair enough. The person I spoke to did not have a real reason.
  23. Good point about pulling with focus on Takumi and Robin, hadn't thought about that. That definitely affects our chances of getting dupes clause.
  24. You can Limit Break in this game though, so it doesn't really punish you that hard. I understand this is a mobile game, and pretty much all general rules about good games are thrown out the window, but the fact that running multiples of the same dude instead of making one supersoldier of the dude is more viable says a lot about that unit's balance, and I'm sure IS knows this. I think it's not horrible from a business standpoint. You get people to pull more for more varied units, since they'll actually need to pull more if they get dupes, instead of just filling their team with the dupes.
  25. This is one of those things that's easy for people in the fandom to say doesn't exist, but it really does. It's not a matter of arrogance or anything, just perspective. I think the divide between the "veterans" and "casuals" is definitely because of how much FE has changed over time. Literally every single generation has a completely different system, and add on new game modes like Casual and Phoenix mode, not to mention literally two different games for the last FE, the number of ways to play to game has increased a lot. Each of these systems has its own advantages and disadvantages, but most people definitely have a favourite. This is where the divide comes in, and I suppose people in this fandom are extremely vocal about their opinions. I would liken this divide to the conflict between Melee and Smash 4 in the Smash community. There are definitely people who accept both games but favour one, and some that play both, but there is a rather vocal part of the community that only bashes the game they don't like as much. Unlike the FE fandom, however, the vocal bashers are very much a minority. People are more likely to pick a "camp" on the FE argument and just stick to it instead of being equally impressed with both sides, from my experience. Perhaps it's due to the nature of the game, as a single player experience. Unlike Smash, you can't show your friend a super cool match to convince them that your game is sick, nor can you hop on and beat their ass to show them that. Honestly, I find people who refuse to like anything about the newer games to be rather unreasonable. I've met someone who not only dislikes the system changes, but also hates things like the "Ablaze" battle music and crit quotes, pretty much just because they were introduced in Awakening. It's understandable to reject a game based on its mechanics, but I find it hard to wrap my head around hating on things that do nothing but add polish to a game. Newer players who refuse to pick up older titles are, to me, equally unreasonable, but I usually just let them be, because they'll either not stick around for long, or their growing love of the game will eventually lead them to do so. I think. As for actually changing the status quo, I think it's a matter of demonstrating that people who vocally bash some FE games are not welcome. And they shouldn't be, if you want any semblance of a cancerless community. You can't really stop people from circlejerking, but if there's a clear distinction between the base fandom and people who just want to be elitists (like r/Kappa, lol), it's much easier for new people to find a warm welcome. It's okay to have strong opinion, and talk about said strong opinion, but definitely try and be fair about it. There is always something that a game you don't like does better than your favourite in FE.
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