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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Jesus. That sounds absolutely painful to deal with. I think if you have a team of similarly strong 5*s to work with, you could win against the AI with some planning, but it's just a big "fuck you" to anyone trying to get a good Arena run, because there's no way you're winning without a casualty, unless you have Hector and a healer.
  2. Roy doesn't have a Special Skill to activate, so that portrait is never shown. However, he (and all other units that don't have a Special Skill) all have portraits and lines for that purpose in the game, so maybe someday we will get to teach them some. For now, only the Training Tower hax enemies can use them.
  3. The Desire Sensor is an omnipotent force that takes many forms. It spends its free time denying people of their hopes and dreams, and laughs at their crushed spirit. Occasionally, on a whim, it allows the people to succeed, so they don't stop trying. The Sensor is one of Anna's minions.
  4. No, I believe every color has an equal chance of appearing on every spot. It's probably just the Desire Sensor messing with you. One time I went into a summon to try and fish for a good Blue, but the board was 4 Typeless 1 Red... Then the game gave me 5* Young Tiki. Desire Sensor is strange.
  5. Speaking of Binding Blade, what is the Sword of Seals called in this game? Is it still SoS? Was looking around, apparently this is believed to be the strongest lineup: Aqua, Hector and Takumi are no real surprise, but I found it interesting that Lucina was the recommended here. While Lyn is much more dangerous offensively, Lucina is said to be a lot more reliable and versatile, which I would agree with. Lucina has a bit more bulk, can self-heal, is super effective against dragons, and Luna/Aether pierces Defense, so Magic isn't all that necessary. It is kinda sad that all four units are physical-based, though. Magic users need a bit of love.
  6. In the Japanese version, it's really obvious that it's the five originals, but I haven't really listened to the English voices. I assume it's the same though?
  7. Wrys and Lissa's Rehabilitate actually has the highest possible healing in this game. +HP 5* Clarine can reach 38 HP at Level 40, which means the max that Martyr can recover (when she is left at 1 HP) is 37 + 7 = 44. Goes up to 54 with Imbue. 5* Hector, the most common and best tank in the game (and pretty much the guy you'll be healing all the time) can reach 55 HP at Level 40 with boon. According to this formula, when Hector is left with 1 HP, he will be healed: 2*(55/2 - 1) + 7 = 2*(27.5 - 1) + 7 = 2*26.5 + 7 = 53 + 7 = 60 (70 with Imbue) I'm not even sure if Hector has the highest possible HP stat to begin with, so this number could go even higher if there is someone with more HP. In addition, it's been shown here that no matter what your maximum HP is, if your remaining HP is below 7, Rehabilitate will always heal you to full. Kinda crazy. In terms of pure healing output, Martyr and Rehabilitate are equally viable, but Martyr is much much riskier to use. Getting Clarine to low health is harder and riskier than getting someone else to low health. Also, you basically only get one massive heal, and then you'll have to try and get hit again to have good healing. On the other hand, Rehabilitate doesn't place your healer at risk, but it requires your other units to be placed in risky situations to have the best effect. However, since the best attackers and units in general are moderately squishy, your units will spend a lot of time with low health, giving Rehabilitate a strong purpose. HP numbers from here http://altema.jp/fe-heroes/
  8. I got Lucina and Camilla first try, so I really had no reason to reroll. Anna is blessing me in this game with 5*s for some reason, and right now I have five. Maybe that S Support in Fates helped out...
  9. Are the stats that Limit Break gives random? A Takumi just needs to reach 50 Str (the highest that +Str regular Takumis can reach is 49) to throw a wrench in my anti-Takumi strategy (Kagerou tanking that one arrow). Diving in to kill him becomes a necessity, which means I'm guaranteed to lose Kagerou or another unit, unless I've already narrowed it down to at least a 4v3. Hector doesn't really care either way, I suppose. Wish I had that. Also, I've met a Limit Break Lucina who can double mine, even though mine is not -Spd.
  10. Where did you find the list for daily Heroes? I have a score of 4417 in Arena atm.
  11. I only have like, one or two units that aren't at level 20 yet. I'm gonna save up feathers for Sharena, so everyone else is just sitting there.
  12. Yeah, guess what shows up on the 5th battle? 40+ TAKUMI
  13. Broken. I thought that once I got my full 5* team to Level 40, the playing field would finally be even... I thought wrong. Level 40+ Takumis. Level 40+ Lucinas. This just throws usual counters out of the window, all because the sucker pulled the same 5* twice. That's just lame.
  14. She's cheerful I guess. Eccentric. That's pretty much it, from me. Also, her Japanese voice is slightly annoying, even though I like Felicia's.
  15. That's the thing though, I have no one I want to raise anymore...
  16. Hype for new characters, they all look really good actually. I only have 8 Orbs right now, though...If they're dropping on the 14th, I wonder if I'll have enough time to gather Orbs for even one summon. I actually have nothing to do with my Stamina now. I got the three main characters to 4*, and even leveled up Felicia from 2* to 4*.
  17. Healing itself isn't really that horrible, you just have the healer whose main job is really, believe it or not, not healing. Physic definitely can't patch people up to super comfortable levels, so when using Maria (or Sakura), the rest of her kit takes priority, unless that extra health on the other unit will net you the kill immediately, or if you have the luxury of healing more than once. I speak mainly from experience from Sakura, though. Panic is a decent offensive staff that mirrors enemy buffs into debuffs, and she has Fortify Res for making your own allies stronger. Her biggest boon is definitely Miracle, which allows you to be a little more risky with her to get a heal or Panic off. I personally don't think she's better than Sakura, though. If you're looking for pure heals, then Wrys and Lissa are just better. They have the strongest healing staff in the game right now. Wrys is pretty much nothing but heals, though he does have the Slow staff, which is pretty useful. Lissa has Gravity instead, which is definitely harder to use, but also Kindled Fire Balm, so she can do more than just healing. The Recover staff is also quite good. Healing 15 per turn is actually quite meaningful, since it's over 1/3 health for most units. Elise, Serra and Clarine have access to it iirc, but Elise is the best of the bunch. @Ryuke Mend + Imbue actually heals less than Recover with a different Special Skill: 10+20+10 = 40 in three turns, while Recover heals 15+15+15 = 45.
  18. Jeez, Effie is so strong. High damage, especially with Death Blow, really stellar Defense (as expected), and actually decent Res for an Armor unit. Top it all off, she has Wary Fighter too. Smite for support as well. Her only real weakness is that she only moves one square per turn, but unless you managed to kill her three allies without your units taking too much damage, you're gonna have a rough time taking her down before she mops you up late game. Though, it seems Narcian is the perfect counter to her? Emerald Axe hits hard through her Defense, Vengeance for even more damage, and Lancebreaker. What happens when Lancebreaker meets Wary Fighter in Heroes? Does the Breaker get the doubling effect?
  19. Glad I helped. I'd recommend training up that Narcian and just leaving Cherche behind, honestly.
  20. m edgy lone wolf with no home It'd be cool if they actually added clans to the game, now that you mention it. But since atm there is pretty much no interaction with friends, I'm too lazy to change my name for just the cookie points lol. @Thany He means to add the tag "[SF]" to your in-game name.
  21. Units all have set stats for Level 40; the RNG just decides the pattern at which you reach said stats, so it'll all just even out if you bring her up to max level.
  22. I personally find Felicia to be a bit more useful than Jakob. They both give the same debuff iirc, and honestly neither of them are suited to do big damage, so it comes down to healing allies VS Rally Res, imo. Felicia's healing is pretty easy to use since she attacks from two squares; you can send out someone to eat a hit on enemy phase, then heal off some of the damage taken while also setting up the kill for your ally. On the other hand, I find Rally Res to be situational, and unnecessary most of the time. Mages are super squishy, so you can easily finish them on your player phase, and if you really need to hit back at them in the enemy phase, Jakob is probably your go-to for that role anyway. His self-heal is a nice bonus, but I don't think it's super relevant, as he's more a support guy that shouldn't be taking too many hits in the first place, and there are many things that can rush him down from full health too. I've been raising this 2* Felicia, because once things change and Kagerou isn't useful anymore, I'll probably run Felicia instead for the flexibility.
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