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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Wait, so the Festivals of Bonds never came out in the West? I was talking about them making even more Scrambles, but if they didn't even localize the existing ones... Damn.
  2. @ILikeKirbys First thing I would do is grind lol. Being over five levels under is huge. Once you do, you'll find it much easier even with your current team on Normal, because for starters your Robin won't die on the first turn if you toss him out, and he is your best bet for turn 1 if you don't have a flier. Otherwise, your current team should be able to pull through. Cherche can't double or oneshot the Archer at all. Her Res and Speed means she will die to the Wind Mage Knight all the time.
  3. The challenge is fun I guess. Saves a bit of time grinding too. Grinding a 2* is waaaaaaay more annoying than grinding a 3*. Narcian himself is kinda worth it. He's not as flexible as Camilla is, but he does hard counter to Effie, the second strongest Lance unit in the game, something that Camilla struggles with a little bit.
  4. Jeez, Lv 40+ Takumi.... Not even my Kagerou can counter that. Having Limit Break almost feels unfair in Arena.
  5. I will say, Chrom is not a very good option for your fourth slot, provided you run Robin/Takumi/Lyn. You already have the necessary tools to handle Dragons, imo. Takumi basically destroys Fae, F!Corrin and Young Tiki, and really doesn't struggle that much with destroying Nowi and Old Tiki either. If he's busy murdering someone else, you can still play the triangle game with Robin and Lyn. While you might not have direct coverage for Nowi, her damage when first engaging (before she gets her Res debuff on you) is not super scary. Also, Chrom has problems killing anything that isn't a Dragon. His low Speed means he cannot double tankier opponents for better damage, and unlike Lucina, who gets to choose between Luna and Aether, Aether is Chrom's only damage-boosting Special Skill, and is slow to charge. Low Speed also means many of his Sword peers can double him, which, despite his Defense, greatly hurts his chances of survival, and thus decreases his reliability on the Enemy Phase. His attack power isn't to the point where he can one shot those Sword users on his Player Phase, either.
  6. I see 6*s as something inevitable, and therefore worthy of discussion...
  7. Now that I have feathers to play around with, I think I'll also bring Anna up to 4*. I actually saw a 5* Sharena in the Arena earlier. Speaking of the Arena, man, I sure am glad that my Kagerou can survive one Takumi arrow. Sometimes she even doubles and kills him in one round. Otherwise I would have no counter to Takumi at all.
  8. My basis is... Every gasha game ever. Gotta keep da money rollin. Cards, characters, etc. etc. always devalue over time in gasha games, because newer stuff will always be stronger or more useful in at least one way. If they want to keep the game fresh, it's sad, but inevitable.
  9. It's quite possible that eventually, IS will release 6* versions of Heroes, which we will either be able to pull or upgrade into (at great cost). I'm thinking that the 6*s will be the promoted versions of Heroes, with stronger versions of their final weapons (or actual final weapons, in the case of say Chrom or Corrin). They might also have a skill in every single slot, like the enemies in the last level of Training Tower. So, what would you want your 6* Hero to be like?
  10. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Corrin. But male Corrin was always one step away from being cool for me. The baby face probably ruins it a little bit. I think I like everything about him except that.
  11. Yeah, I know all about that. I'm just praying that that's not gonna be a thing, because A) Lucina has already been a Focus, and B) I'll have to pull and train another one.
  12. So how are we getting these costumes? Will I be able to switch costumes for my 5* Lucina, or are they going to be a completely separate Hero? Hopefully the former... Not too much to say about the poll honestly, I wasn't that invested. I do wish they just combined characters who appeared in two games. Not much point in separating them in my opinion. About male and female Corrin, I don't think anyone honestly likes Corrin that much as a character. F!Corrin is saved because her design is pretty, but M!Corrin isn't that cool. Also, English Corrin's voice is... something else. I WON'T SURRENDURR
  13. Translated from Japanese, so they might not be in the English version: Lissa: "People call me tiny... But that's not true, right?" Reference to her pretty much defining quote in the beginning of Awakening (ちんまい言うな!), which was localized as "I am not delicate!" Lucina (castle line): "S-sorry... I was training, and I was careless... I blew a giant hole in the castle wall." Lucina (another castle line): "Why don't we go out shopping some time? I thought I'd go buy some nice clothes in this world while I'm here." That'd be great, but I'm not sure what kind of clothes she'll end up getting... Wendy: "When I fall over... Sometimes I can't get up because of the weight (of her armor)." Also Wendy: "That's my armor. I'm not fat!"
  14. That's weird, I can only see the first 102 names inside the spoiler. Browser problems?
  15. What if they gave Typeless its own triangle, kinda like how Magic had its own triangle in the GBA games? Bow beats Staves, Staves beats Shurikens, and Shurikens beat Bows, or something like that. It'd give offensive Staves a bit more purpose, and make Bows (*cough* FUCKING TAKUMI *cough*) a bit easier to deal with.
  16. The Zephiel in 9-2 has the Exaacus, so you can check to see what the localized name is.
  17. I think they might actually fill in all the skills when the 6* (or even 7*?) versions of Heroes comes out.
  18. Lmao. I think that might be part of how to raise Supports later when it's implemented, seeing how you can swipe over Heroes and hearts come out.
  19. I wonder what you do with your summoned allies. They all love you so much.
  20. Ah, yes, that was probably why then. I didn't save it down, unfortunately. Fingers crossed for Lucina #2 lmao
  21. So I just started up Heroes, and I was greeted by Lucina. I thought I just accidentally tapped her and she was gonna say something generic, but it was actually a full length convo, in which she tells me about the future she came from, and how she wants to protect this world. Unfortunately, I have no screenshots, nor did I record the conversation, because I was taken by surprise. Anyone else get something like this?
  22. Yeah, they say "A chance to get a 3* character!", as if that's something amazing....
  23. Ah yes, I just went and looked, and they specifically said it's going to be a special map in the Tweet. Oh well. Also, that Narcian is only going to be 3*? What a bummer.
  24. Double Takumi is crazy, especially in the new Arena season. One of the maps splits your team into two groups of two, so having a Takumi on either side is amazing lol.
  25. Ah, I forgot to mention this, but Gunter's Japanese voice actor, Rokurou Naya, passed away back in 2014, before Fates was released in Japan. They didn't replace him, however; they just used assets from Fates. RIP.
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