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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I wonder if he's gonna show up like those "Emergency Quests" that are common in gasha games. You select a normal mission to enter, then, randomly, Narcian swoops in to interrupt, and you can choose whether or not to do his emergency quest.
  2. The only way I've been able to beat Takumis is to have Kagerou eat the first hit from him, and do a lot of damage in return. However, I haven't been able to max out my Kagerou yet, so she doesn't always survive.
  3. After getting my Arena streak stopped five times in a row solely because of Takumi, I can safely say "FUCK TAKUMI". Who thought Close Counter was a good idea? You'd think after seven FE games, and the fact that this has happened before in Fates, IS would know how game-changing this is... RIP the two items I spent to restore my Arena tries. delet this
  4. I don't think you can actually defeat Takumi without losses, unless you're lucky enough to get Lyn or Cordelia's Galeforce count down to at least 2 before you attack Takumi. There are many units that can rush him down, but they're likely to die the next turn since you had to dive to get the preemptive kill. Hector isn't nearly as scary imo, as he's part of the triangle. What the hell? Five teams in a row with Takumi.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I think Camilla can handle Pegasi alright, but mounts could be a problem. I'll give it a shot when the Arena resets, I suppose. Young Tiki can't self-heal, by the way, only adjacent allies get healed.
  6. I already have Ogma, so two 5*s is whatever... Kagerou tho!
  7. What do you guys think of a lineup with Lucina, Camilla, Kagerou and Young Tiki? All of them are 5*, but I'm not sure how reliable this is. My original team (Lucina, Camilla, 4* Sully and Serra) was equipped to handle most situations, but lacked adequate ranged damage, which left me at a bit of a disadvantage against Mage-heavy teams. My new lineup would be able to deal with Mages, as Kagerou not only has super effective damage against foot soldiers, but also Warding Blow to soften possible counter hits. Also, Kagerou can somewhat fill Sully's shoes as a Sword unit killer, as most of the relevant sword units are foot soldiers. However, she cannot effectively kill and debuff anything not a foot soldier. Also, I don't have a dedicated healer; Tiki can heal via attacking, but isn't a super reliable source compared to Serra.
  8. Azura is by far the single strongest support unit in the game right now, and I would argue close to the point of dominance within the "support character" category (including healers and support-type Shuriken users like Felicia). Sing is an amazing ability in a game where everyone only moves 2 tiles at once, 3 for horses. Doubling the amount of tiles a unit can move in one turn makes for some insane dive tactics, especially when paired with Galeforce Lyn (or Cordelia) for the possibility of three kills in one turn; it lets Takumi, the strongest player phase attacker (because of the lack of risk compared to Lyn), kill two people for free; finally, Sing dramatically increases Hector's effectiveness, whose strong damage output is held back by his one tile of movement. To top it all off, Azura is currently the only support character with relevant damage (5* Shareena is still a dream), especially against Reds and sometimes Typeless enemies. Her damage effectiveness is actually top class for the Blue Lancer class, even, despite being a Songstress. Olivia may have Spur Attack, but she does not reach the same level of relevance as Azura, due to Azura actually pulling her weight even as the solo Blue on a lineup. But if you're looking for heals, then Elise is the girl you need. She's mounted for high mobility, and possesses possibly the strongest Staff combination: Gravity and Recover. Gravity severely limits the enemy's options by reducing their movement to only one tile. It shines through when she attacks through an obstacle such as a wall, or even forest and mountain tiles, but in an open area she is open to attack if she uses it. Recover heals 15 HP to a single target. In the higher difficulties and Advanced Arena Battles, this imo is the only healing Staff that actually heals enough to justify having a healer in the first place. It may slow down Special Skill activation, but it actually outheals Mend + Imbue over a three-turn period (15+15+15 vs 10+20+10). Elise also self-heals while healing, slightly less reliable than Recover, but good nonetheless. Finally, she has access to Fire Balm. Wind Balm's Speed boost is godlike, but only situationally so; Fire Balm's Attack buff is always relevant, but not always a lifesaver. Overall, extremely solid healer, leagues ahead of the competition.
  9. Thank you for telling me what the Emblem does, but you don't have to be so hostile.
  10. Do the Arena rankings actually mean anything? Do they increase feather rewards?
  11. Individually, Camilla and Nowi are probably stronger than Cordelia or Roy, but I would definitely pick the account with two 5*s, as it will carry you much further.
  12. The fact that you have Takumi already lowers the need for a balanced setup by a lot lol. Since you don't have the resources for a balanced setup anyway, I recommend that your team focuses on keeping him strong and alive. Camilla is definitely worth keeping for a quick kill. I'd say Lillina is good to keep around, as she decimates most Armor units with Magic, the only class that remotely has a chance of surviving Takumi. However, the only truly relevant Armor in Arena is Hector, and unless you're confident she one-shots every time, Roy is a safer bet against Hector, as he does not need to be the initiator. What other healers do you have? Healers with the Recover staff (Elise, Serra etc.) have decent healing at 15 HP, so they can stay relevant. Not familiar with Wrys though. The only Mage Knight is Leo right now.
  13. Yes, it's an established fact that the 75-orb pack is the most efficient, and the 35 and 140 packs are not.
  14. Lol, okay, whatever. Depending on how much you need the coverage against Red, you could just drop Blue completely. Does your team really revolve around a Green character, or can your Red adequately handle fellow Reds? If you have strong Typeless attackers, they could also semi-fill that role by chipping/killing Reds.
  15. Nowi is pretty solid if you also run a healer. A bit barebones in terms of utility, but has the 1-2 range counterattack. She also does Magic damage, so she's honestly what you need. What do you dislike about her? Still waiting for Azura...
  16. Well, not really. He was given said title because of his fearsome magical prowess. He also mentions his ability to control gravity when he gives you gems on a mining spot in My Castle. It doesn't actually come into play in gameplay or story, unfortunately. But hey, now it's relevant again.
  17. Apparently it was "Gravity Master", not "King". Whoops. Anyway, it seems it's not referenced anywhere in the localization, but it definitely was in the Japanese promotional material.
  18. I really like how they finally made Leo's title, "Gravity King", relevant in this game, since his Brynhildr has the Gravity effect at high health.
  19. Ah, I see. I vaguely remember something like that. What a shame.
  20. I'm guessing it'll be down until the server transitions to the next day, which is 4 pm Tokyo. Monday sure is a slow day.
  21. There's a thread about this on the Heroes Reddit, too. The 35-orb and 140-orb packs are tricks lol.
  22. I went into the gasha thinking I want either Robin or Azura, and the pool had 1 Red and 4 Typeless... Then they just threw a dragon at me. Desire sensor is both cruel and kind.
  23. They can't move past you the 4 spaces beside Hana: X X Hana X X Those four tiles surrounding her become pseudo-walls that cannot be walked through. However, if you just attacked an enemy, that means they are standing on top of one of those Xes: X X Hana X X If the enemy on the red X moves to the left, right, or down, it won't pass through any of the Obstruct tiles, so it can leave your side no problem. It just can't go past you.
  24. I'm kinda tempted to replace Serra with 5* Young Tiki in my team of 5* Lucina, 5* Camilla, 4* Sully and 4* Serra. Young Tiki can dish out 7 healing to allies directly next to her when attacking, and takes pretty much no damage when she initiates, because of Armored Blow. Serra has a lot of use with a two range staff, an alright heal (15 single target), speed buff Special Skill, and an Attack buffing aura. Tiki trades all of that for the ability to tank and kill really effectively. She's also magic damage, which is something my current team lacks (Serra doesn't matter).
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