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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I was surprised by how there was absolutely no content coming out after Heirs of Fate. I realize that most of Awakening's DLC were legacy maps to celebrate the franchise, so it's natural that Fates wouldn't have as many of those. But with Echoes coming out and Fates fading into the background, I can't help but wonder why they never made more Scrambles etc. for Fates, or more challenge maps. We didn't get Fates' version of Apotheosis at all. The game definitely sold well, and while reviews of the plot weren't exactly stellar (terrible), I'm sure there would have been quite a large amount of people willing to pay for more maps (me).
  2. Seeing how there are special Christmas costumes for Robin and Tharja that have gone unused, most of the game's assets were already in place for quite a while, but the actual game's release had to be delayed for some reason.
  3. So in the Friend's List, there's this large green button above the list called "Send Greetings" (or whatever it is in English), but for me it's always grayed out. What's up with that?
  4. It'd be kinda funny if they made a "Valentine Chocolate" version of a few popular female characters, then some of popular male characters next month on White Day. The question is... Who would you want it to be?
  5. Yes, enemies in the Tower have randomized skillsets. I personally haven't played the Lunatic levels of the Tower yet, but perhaps there could be a scary unit whose randomized skills synchronize perfectly with its 5* weapon...
  6. 9-5 is extremely tricky, and is a map where your units' starting positions actually matter. The walls make it hard to position your troops, so if you don't already have a unit with the proper color in the position closest to where you need them to be, you're already at a big disadvantage.
  7. Oh, right. Somehow I ended up just thinking about the last part of your post.
  8. A full session roll is 20 orbs, which is about 12 dollars. It's cheaper than IDOLiSH7, but Orbs in Heroes are used for a few more functions as well (restore stamina, arena entry, upgrade castle), which means a player who goes all in on the money will be buying more and more often, probably.
  9. Name: Henry HP: 18 Atk: 13 Spd: 5 Def: 7 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Blárraven Assist Skill: Special Skill: Glowing Ember
  10. Name: Cherche HP: 19 Atk: 18 Spd: 5 Def: 7 Res: 1 Weapon Skill: Steel Axe Assist Skill: Special Skill: Name: Stahl HP: 18 Atk: 14 Spd: 5 Def: 7 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Steel Sword Assist Skill: Special Skill:
  11. The names for Conquest 22 (6-4), 23 and 25 (6-5) are Sakura, Possessed, and Ryoma, respectively.
  12. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay They aren't exactly being kind to grinders, huh.
  13. Oh, so when you upgrade a 4* Corrin to 5* Corrin, he doesn't automatically come with the Omega Yato?
  14. Ah, that's true. I was thinking Hector could be nice as a wall that Lucina. could fall behind when the time isn't right, especially when I'm setting up the health transfer with Setsuna and Lucina. He'd then fall back to get healed up for Armads to be at full power again, while Lucina does work. A lineup with Fae would probably be more stable though.
  15. Woah, that's interesting, but I'd say we need way more samples to determine if there's an actual pattern here; since base stats have variation, it could just be a coincidence. I'll keep an eye out.
  16. Yeah, Hector could work too I think. Just gotta pray for them pulls...
  17. I've been keeping everything as well, but I've mostly been rolling with just one team. Looking at the units I have, the only real strategy I can do with two Typeless right now is to use Setsuna with a healer and a unit that has skills related to low health, like Ogma's Attack boost. Setsuna has both Bowbreaker and Shurikenbreaker, so she can counter kill those kinds of enemies, but usually takes a lot of damage. She can trade health with Lucina (who self-heals), who then gains Speed Awaken the next turn. Something along those lines.
  18. I might give that a shot in the future. I'd be more comfortable with that if I had something like, 5* Tiki, and I don't have a good Shuriken user either.
  19. The current price rate is a bit too steep for my liking as well. 6 dollars for just 10 orbs (only half a full summon) is too much, especially since orbs literally do everything in this game, and is the only purchasable resource via microtransactions (nothing micro about these transactions).
  20. They would, but I don't want two Typeless on my team, and spending resources just to make my Serra to damage isn't worth it in the first place... I think I'll just switch back to Assault.
  21. Careful with all that bling, you might blind someone here... This is my team at the moment. It's supposed to be hyper offensive. Usually the plan is for Sully and Camilla to swoop in from different angles to take down the most dangerous Reds and Blues, who could pose a threat to Lucina. Lucina then cleans house.
  22. Yup, it definitely exists for staff spam, but I'm not sure about kills.
  23. Welcome to the world of mobile gaming... I see that everyone has a rank, but no way to actually increase it. Maybe the rank up will take place when the Arena event ends? Which might increase the Stamina limit.
  24. Have you bought the castle upgrades? Those help a lot. I haven't found grinding too much of an issue because of them.
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