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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Can we talk about how useless Absorb is? What good is a life-stealing staff that can't do damage in the first place? They seriously need to buff healers. Just extra healing is fine. At this rate I'd be better off going back to using Shareena as a support bot.
  2. I believe 4-2 is the entrance to Ferox, as seen in Chapter 3 of Awakening. 4-3 is Chapter 7, the cliff where Cordelia first joins. 6-4 is probably Sakura's map, Chapter 22. It doesn't really resemble the Fates map, but Sakura is also locked up behind a breakable wall like in Fates. 6-5 is a combination of Castle Shirasagi (Ch 25), and the Great Wall of Suzanoh (Ch 23). The interior and Ryoma duel resemble the former, while the white marble of the exterior resembles the latter. Both Takumi and Ryoma's retainers are fought as well, so I think it really is meant to be a combination.
  3. The person who drew Ogma, Gunther and Jagen (I can't remember his/her name at the moment) has a really unique artstyle, but... I think he/she isn't that good at drawing action. The artist sure put a lot of effort, seeing how Ogma is one of the few units whose normal attack and active skill portrait are completely different poses, but they're not very dynamic.
  4. Lunatic 9-2 (Zephiel and buddies) only has armored enemies, and they're all over Level 35. That's a rather tough level though, unless you have really good Magic users or Dragons.
  5. We're getting so much content at release, I wonder how they're gonna keep this up...
  6. Ohhhh, right. I'm dumb. That's how I got my 400 feathers.
  7. I think it could work out. Haven't really thought about it in great detail, but the Lord definitely shouldn't be completely emotionless, just more so than average.
  8. I've been keeping my unused 3*s, just for collection's sake, but realistically yeah, you can just dump em. There's no point in going past 20 if you're just trying to star up asap, but if your 3* Shanna is the best phyiscal Blue you have, then you might as well keep levelling her up so she can be useful in fights until you can gather stuff to Awaken.
  9. The most problematic would be the 6-1 and 6-5 ones. I have yet to pull Felicia, and my only usable Green unit is Camilla, who's a flier. I'm thinking they'll probably have Felicia be obtainable from the dailies eventually, but I'll just have to hope I pull something ridiculous like 5* Fae. The rest are fairly doable, more so if you have a good team.
  10. LOL, I actually reversed Cain and Abel's Japanese voices. This isn't the first time I've mixed them up, and they're the only red/green Cavs I get wrong for some reason.
  11. Yeah, solid ego boost when I read my successful defenses lol.
  12. Dragon Breath does Magic damage, fortunately.
  13. Are people getting mass banned, or does the placement thing just take a while to update? I just shot up in rank from 50k to 15k. It kinda sucks how you need at least one 5* to reliably win at the Arena Intermediate onwards. You either have to get lucky with pulls/rerolls or spend money to get good units, because they locked the only way to upgrade units behind the Arena.
  14. Yeah, at 5*, all three of them are usable. I mentioned it in the OP, but I can definitely see 5* Shareena being a great asset, and if you can get Anna to survive to low health (which is a little bit tough with her defenses but not impossible), she can get in and do work when paired with a mounted or flying attacker to get her where she needs to be. I pick on Alfonse more because he is a foot Swordsman, a category that is filled to the brim with strong Lords, many of whom undeniably outclass his potential. There's no guarantee that you'll pull any of them, but there's even Ogma, who has admittedly weaker damage, but comes at at least 3*.
  15. Hm... Okay. I guess I'm just bad at playing defensive in this game right now.
  16. I realize what you said, but here's the thing: how can clearing all the missions be pointless, when you acknowledge the reward for clearing every mission once is not pointless? Your opening post is simply illogical. You tell us that it's a waste of time to reach the end, yet you should clear chapters eventually to get all the orbs... Which leads to you reaching the end? You also can't get the orb for clearing without actually clearing the chapter, so whether or not someone wants to use Life's Blessings is up to them.
  17. Well... Seeing how clearing them once gives you orbs, and orbs do literally everything in this game... How is it pointless? Story missions currently offer 135 orbs in total, and the initial 15 and 10 from Nintendo account bring it up to 160. That's 8 full summons, if you use all five summon spots every time. If you're aiming for a particular colour, then you can get even more chances than that by quitting out after you running out of said colour.
  18. My Camilla has 22 Def and 24 Res, but often times she just gets doubled and dies against units similar in level. She only has 29 HP, so there's a limit to her tanking capability. I suppose Freddy has more HP?
  19. Really? Then I wonder how I had 400 just sitting there. I haven't done any microtransactions, and as far as I know, there's no way to buy feathers in the first place. Maybe it was a login bonus? I don't think I got 400 feathers just from friends.
  20. I believe you get some from doing missions. I had about 400 when I realized Shareena only used 200. Then I just grinded the tower until I get enough Blue emblems through the random drops.
  21. What's the level and defenses of your Freddy? Whenever I try defensive play, I end up getting cornered easily, and it all just goes to shit.
  22. Shareena is just not competitive in the damage department until she reaches 5*. 4* and below, she is mainly a supporter. A decent one, mind you, but nothing more than that. Getting her personal 16 Might Lance makes her damage much more relevant in 5*, and it also has an extra support effect, so she will become quite useful then. At the moment, though, putting Shareena on your team gives you a unit that's weak to Green, but doesn't pull her weight in combating Reds. You could bring an extra Blue (Robin is great, because he kills both Reds and Typelesses), which skews balance, or let your Red handle other Reds, which could be too much pressure for your Red, unless he/she is a 5* beast. It's very hard for Shareena to function right now without two or more good 5*s on your team to begin with. At the same time, Azura, another foot Lancer, is also in the game. They do completely different things, but Azura's Sing is so valuable in this low movement environment, and she also brings hefty damage to the table. Once we are able to get 5* Shareena, I'm confident she won't be inferior choice to Azura, but Azura is much more usable out of the box, and is much more effective at 4* compared to 4* Shareena. Anyway, I think the difficulty curve for Story mode is kinda wack in this game. Chapters 1 to 5 are a breeze, then 6 somehow causes trouble, especially 6-5, which can become extremely difficult if you didn't know that your first unit would be stuck with Ryoma, and is the first taste of 4v5. Then, 7 and 8 are easy again, but Chapter 9 throws things like Zephiel's high Defense platoon at you, and Veronica is quite threatening damage-wise. It's mostly hard when going in blind, since you can't move your units' positions around after going into the level. The Arena AI seems to be smarter? And probably also because players have more threatening units. They know how to organize themselves to cover their weaknesses and force trades, so you have to plan around all of that. The small maps and limited movement really narrows the window of execution for strategies, such that one sub-par move before you engage the enemy could already have cost you the game.
  23. I hope we get a Lord who's kinda cold and emotionless, but is scared of the fact he doesn't feel. Every lord we've had so far carries some kind of emotional baggage like dead parents, fighting for their country, not wanting to kill, etc., so I think it'd be interesting.
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