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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. You probably saw them activate their Active Skill, such as Night Sky or Luna. Personally, I think tanking gets you nowhere in the Arena. Enemy phase baiting is often disadvantageous, because of the lack of freedom in positioning and the abundance of ridiculous skill combinations and weapons. I've had the most success by having one super strong unit (mine is Lucina), then using fast units (mounts/fliers) that have Brave weapons or Triangle-boosting weapons (Sapphire Lance, etc.) to eliminate anything that is problematic for your juggernaut to fight. Your juggernaut then becomes a win condition, basically. Of course, depending on the enemy team's lineup, which unit to keep as your win condition could change. On the topic of tanks, I think they should have put the Venge weapons from Fates in the game, so that some units can abuse enemy phase. As of now, Brave weapons have no real counter other than "don't let them hit you first". I don't think they're extremely broken though, so the Venge weapons shouldn't be too overwhelming.
  2. I highly doubt they will add this, because then people could keep starting dummy accounts to reroll infinitely, then trade all the good stuff to their main. They want your money.
  3. Alright, thanks a lot. Looks like we're done for this month!
  4. I'm pretty sure this chapter's background is based off of Awakening Ch. 3 (Kellam's chapter), which is the entrance to Ferox. So it's really no surprise they put the two Feroxi together here.
  5. Yes, as you can see from her title screen art... It's less obvious, but Fir is probably commando as well.
  6. Oh, I started with Attack. I forgot what her HP was actually, but I think it was either 27 or 28. Yup, she's 3* now. Her Attack Power is exactly 3 points higher cuz of the Lance lol.
  7. Yup, get them to level 20, then spend 200 feathers and 20 emblems of the same color to get them to 3*. Then it's 2000 feathers for 4*, and 20,000 for 5*....
  8. I upgraded Shareena to 3*, and now she's...still ass. She got the auto Defense Rally and Silver Lance, but she still doesn't do damage for her life.
  9. Still missing English for Zephiel, Veronica and Mysterious Man, otherwise I'm done for now.
  10. Sorry, I don't quite follow. Is that a yes or a no? I was just asking about the growths, not whether or not there's any point in levelling past 20. I just needed Shareena to be somewhat usable so she won't be 100% dead weight, since I'm at 6-3 Hard right now and I don't have a more useful Blue. Once this week's Arena rewards come out she's going straight to 4*, so yes, levelling her past 20 is still pointless.
  11. The summary table shows that Nowi is SS within her own category, which is true since she only has one competitor in Blue Dragonstone lol. Like how Fae is the only Green Dragonstone. Now is still S tier overall though (keep in mind these lists only judge 5*s), because of her weapon being able to counterattack 1-2 range, and she debuffs Res in a 2-tile radius, which buffs her firepower even more. Cecilia is kinda weak, yeah. Lillina does have AoE damage though, and her firepower is quite ridiculous, even if it's only hit. The Japanese tier list actually considers Elise to be the best Staff user in the game, but the summary table seems to disagree for some reason, even though they use the same website. Elise is much more flexible than Sakura, as she is mounted (3 move), can self-heal while healing, and has the Gravity offensive staff, which is probably the most useful Staff debuff (reduction to Speed, Move limited to 1). She also has an active skill that increases the amount she heals, so she's got her main job covered really well. But Staff users are still Staff users, so they're low priority in rerolls.
  12. The average player who does Arena every day will earn about 2000 feathers just from that... I guess in about 2 months you can star up a 4*!
  13. Not really, since you're pretty much only prolonging your suffering. The stats you gain from those extra 20 levels are completely reset upon star up, and you can grind for skills after star up no problem anyway. Does anyone know if levelling up units via crystals actually nerfs them? I bumped my 3* Shareena up from Level 1 to 20 with crystals, and all of her stats only grew about 7. Is that just extreme RNG screw or what?
  14. I'm probably going to boost either Shareena or Shanna, as the best Blue I have right now is only 3*. I'll probably get Shareena to 4* first, since her rallies are useful in more situations than Shanna's overall capabilities.
  15. After a little bit of grinding, got Shareena to 3* finally. Access to Silver Lance and the auto Defense Rally is much appreciated.
  16. セツナ | 9971553491 Had to blend in, you see...
  17. Thanks, but does the language barrier actually matter? This topic's list is just a chart, and its source is the site that I linked (i.e. in Japanese). It's just a matter of checking the positions. Just curious since I have to consider what I post in the future.
  18. Huh, so this tier list is based off the same one I posted, but this one ranks by type. Some of it seems to be different though.
  19. Said tier list is here: http://altema.jp/fe-heroes/risemara The tier list is more based on individual unit value than meta and matchups (since those don't exist yet), and is meant to help people decide what to aim for when rerolling. The analysis is in Japanese, but it's mostly intuitive stuff. Things that are generally considered valuable by the makers are (probably in order?): - The ability to retaliate at 1-2 range (Dragonstones, Takumi and Hector's skills) - Galeforce - AoE / aura effects (Savage Blow, Tiki's ally heal) - Brave weapons/effect - High killing power (of course) What do you guys think? I personally agree with most of this, but I'm not too sure about Hector. His 1 move means he gets kited by the likes of Marth, Lucina and Chrom, who self-heal, and imo the fact that he's part of the triangle and not Typeless like Takumi brings him down to S tier instead of SS imo.
  20. Myrm-type characters more often than not learn Astra, while Mercenary-types get Sol instead. That's really the only differentiation.
  21. Yeah, pretty much everyone is ridiculous in one way or another with their skills. I personally prefer Setsuna over Virion, because she has the Shurikenbreaker Bow and Bowbreaker, so is a strong counter to enemy Typelesses. However, she is hard countered by Kagero, whose Poison Dagger will just one-shot her despite the Breaker. This game is super matchup-based.
  22. Well, I don't think you'll ever field two Tikis at once. If you want two Reds, I'd go with a Sword character for the second Red instead (pretty sure Manaketes do Magic damage, but don't quote me on that). It's not a huge increase; my 3* Setsuna gained like, 1 or 2 points to every stat? Though it could be different for 5*s. The SP is really useful though.
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