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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Would have been great if you got a different 5*, but this actually isn't too bad. You can feed one Tiki the other one through limit break, and she'll become a +1, which gives her increased stats and a bunch of SP to work with.
  2. What do you guys think of 5* Ogma vs 5* Lucina? Ogma is quite hyper offensive it seems, but Lucina with Aether is...something else.
  3. This isn't the pull thread, but it looks good enough to me. Personally, I think Roy is the weakest 5* Sword from this event.
  4. 5* Lucina is definitely my ace, but 5* Camilla has been pulling her weight as well. I just got 5* Ogma, but I'm not sure if he's better than Lucina, especially when she gets Aether.
  5. It's just something I noticed, but haven't written down. Is Might already factored into the Attack Power stat though? If so that might be why.
  6. Attack damage is very very weird. It doesn't seem to be based on Power + Might - Def/Res alone, even when triangle and other bonuses are not factored in.
  7. Does Hinata actually sound different from in Fates? It's kinda funny that both Cam Clarke and Delem Donaldson both have alliterative names... Either it's still actually Clarke, or the new guy is cheeky.
  8. Huh? When I read the effect of his first skill, it said that it makes his triangle advantage stronger, but also makes him do less damage when he has disadvantage.
  9. Whoops, I said every turn instead of every 3 turns for Falchion. My Shareena has reached Level 23 now, and she's struggling against the higher starred units. Even with triangle advantage, she has to take a lot of damage for one kill. Can't wait for the feathers to arrive.
  10. Roy's Sword of Seals is a little bit disappointing, to be honest... It has the same Might as the other 5* personal swords, but it only gives +2 Def and Res when being attacked, which... Could be better imo. It's not even effective against Dragon, even though its 20 fucking Might tore Idoun a new one in FE6. His sword encourages frontline play, but his skills encourage backline waiting. I suppose it fits his personality AND his performance in FE6 (lol), but still...
  11. Who thought it was a good idea to give Takumi Point Blank? Come on now... His only weakness has been covered such that only a very strong Brave weapon user can hope to kill him first (Camilla, I guess). And if you send someone out to kill Takumi, chances are they're not making it back alive. This is stupid.
  12. I know that feel. Sometimes it takes a while to switch languages in your head. I don't have a healer either, but Lucina self-heals, and my Setsuna can swap HP with an ally, so they kinda heal each other? lol Whether or not you need a healer solely depends on matchup, honestly. Sometimes your enemy has stuff that happens to nuke yours, so their fast 4-man attack squad just crushes you. Healers are also a liability in levels against five enemies, unless you somehow have three tanks that can survive really well even when split up.
  13. Pretty much everyone has something broken about them at 5*, some more than others though. So yes, if you really really want to, you can spend 6 months making Alfonse good...
  14. So is Hawkeye just uncredited like Palla? I've completed the story, and updated the OP with everything I can glean from the story. For Japanese, that is. Does anyone know of units that aren't here, and aren't from Awakening and Fates? Surprised at Shin-ichirou Miki for Mysterious Man. I suppose he's not meant to be as dark and brooding as he looks?
  15. Sol restores 50% of damage dealt, according to its description. If it only recovers 25% it might be a bug? Just more EXP until it reaches +100%. He's really not, when you have swords like the Falchion that self-heals its user every turn and is super effective against Dragons, the Sol Katti which makes the user's double attack a Brave attack instead when below 50% health (same activation condition as Alfonse's sword), and even like, Eliwood's Durandal, which is basically Alfonse's Death Blow for free, and Eliwood is supposed to be a defensive Paladin. All of these characters I've mentioned are already at at least 3*.
  16. Unless they're also doing leaderboard rewards for the Arena and I didn't pay attention, it seems they've capped the amount of feathers you can earn from each week's Arena rewards, so people who spend money or Platinum points don't have a super huge advantage. If you have a good team, I think you can reach the 3k high score for the max reward without paying at all, since Arena entry resets every day 4 pm Tokyo time (same time Heroes was released yesterday, iirc).
  17. Brave weapons are insane, especially on slower units, and bonus points if they're tanky. Talking about you, Camilla, in particular. Takumi is also ridiculous. Fujin Yumi lets him walk EVERYWHERE, and being able to hit literally half the screen on a lava map is pretty dumb. Especially since the Fujin Yumi is still a nuke, and Takumi actually has good Str in this game. He's not made of paper, either; my Camilla couldn't ORKO him. I personally haven't had too much trouble with story missions, probably because I have two OP 5*s to just rock with. The one map that gave me grief was the last Hoshidan one (6-5 I believe?) That was when they first threw five enemies at me instead of four, and my ace Lucina was locked up with the lobster man. The daily units haven't been too impressive to me thus far. Getting a 2* Virion or Sophia doesn't really help.
  18. Okay then, you do you. I've made it to Chapter 9, so I should have the Japanese voice actors for Veronica and Mysterious Man by tomorrow. I think I burnt up all my luck by getting 5* Lucina and 5* Camilla first try, so I'm not getting dem good gasha rolls anymore. Story mode and Arena are where I discover most of the actors.
  19. Excuse me, do you not read the posts where I say "don't post about unchanged voice actors", or do you just refuse to listen? I can't stop you from doing the latter, but I'm curious. I prioritize FE roles over external roles, because it's more likely that a fan of FE who visits FE-related sites will have heard the in-universe voices.
  20. It's not looking good for our crew. They all start at 2*, while the lowest possible rarity you can get from gashas are 3*, which means you are guaranteed to get something better than those three straight out of the box. All three of them are relatively weak until they reach at least 4*, too. Alfonse is probably the shittiest of the three. He's meant to be offense-oriented, but his 5* sword's special effect only triggers when he's below half health, which directly works against his Sol. His Death Blow and the C skill are alright, I suppose, but I don't think it's worth all that effort to get him all the way to 5*, as this week's gashas already have four extremely strong sword characters. Even if you don't get the poster units, there are still useful gems like Eliwood, Corrin and Ryoma, and they're all at least 3*. Shareena is more support/enemy-phase oriented, but I think she's the best of the three. Speed +3 is unimpressive for a skill, but not getting doubled/doubling is nice. Her 5* weapon is high in Might, and its special effect is always active, unlike her brother's. When fully upgraded, she has an automatic Defense +3 Rally for adjacent allies, an automatic Attack Seal for enemies within two tiles, and a command Rally for Attack +4. The Attack Seal is great for her tanking ability, and she makes her teammates stronger too. I'm not sure what the meta will be like, but I think she can be quite viable as a PvM (player vs monsters) unit. Enemies have more than 4 members later on, making survivability a key concern. The problem is getting her to 5* in the first place. As for Arena PvP, a 4v4 meta probably encourages fast player-phase offense, because of Brave weaponry, perfect accuracy, various offensive skills etc. Your units won't be alive long enough for her support to matter. Being a blue foot Lancer also means she competes with the likes of Azura. Azura may have paper defenses, but has extremely high Strength (what, base 17 when 5*?), and has the Sapphire Lance 4* and above. The Sapphire Lance makes effective attacks do +10% damage, and the Sapphire Lance+ boosts that to 20%. This makes her a surprisingly effective Red nuker; the downside doesn't matter because she's going to die no matter what if she gets hit by a Green. Her high Speed means she can double really well too, so she can act as a Typeless killer as well. Her offense can rival Shareena's. On top of that, she can Sing, if you don't need her to attack, which imo is a lot more valuable than Shareena's Rally. Anna, if you ask me, is preferable over Alfonse as an offensive unit. They're both most effective at lower health, but Anna's personal axe's ability is very strong: it's basically the Witch's Warp from Fates. The downside is that it only activates when she's below 40% health. Since she has good Speed, she won't get doubled super often, so she can probably survive a turn against a Red character. Then the fun starts. You can warp her in to finish people off or deal with ranged units, which is an insane freedom when everyone moves two to three squares at a time, often only one because of terrain and obstacles. She also has Vantage, so you can warp her in to protect an ally, and she won't go down without a fight, unless against a ranged unit. Finally, access to Luna helps her surprise attack and Vantage shenanigans a lot, allowing her to one-shot enemies that she otherwise could not. The bottom line is still the 2* problem. Good luck getting there, and not finding a better unit to use in their places beforehand.
  21. Huh, the Sol Katti doesn't have effectiveness on dragons? It was in FE7... Jesus, she sounds like one hell of a kamikaze unit. Go in, double and murder, Galeforce, do it again, then maybe cripple one more dude before dying...?
  22. Since Shadow Dragon Caeda and Mystery of the Emblem Caeda were listed differently in Choose Your Heroes, I bet they'll release a different Caeda eventually.
  23. Lucina is kinda broken all the way until like, Chapter 7 (Blazing Blade) lol. She hits hard enough to one-shot most things already, AND she can double them. Night Sky and Luna are just for flashiness. Her Falchion heals her every three turns, has 16(!!!) Might, and nukes young Tiki, who I believe is the scariest tank in the game right now. Then she can also give Attack +2 adjacent allies if you spend the SP. If it weren't for the fact that my Lucina got 3 levels with no stat ups in a row (do growth rates decrease at higher levels? Sure feels like it), she'd still be blatantly OP. The fact that I also have 5* Camilla (Brave Axe+ OP) to cover her weakness also helps. Are Roy, Marth and Lyn also this strong? Lyn's calvary and armor effectiveness should be extremely handy.
  24. No problem, but please don't post about Awakening and Fates' characters that don't have different voice actors.
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