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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Hikaru Midorikawa's usual work is pretty different from his Smash Marth voice, so I don't really associate the two, even though it's a fact that he voices Marth. I liked his performance in Fates for Marth a lot. @Sentinel07 Well the polls count Shadow Dragon Linde and Mystery Linde as different people, which is the same for all characters that appear in both games, so I think they're actually two separate characters in the game.
  2. I thought it was pretty obvious they were going for Binding Blade and Blazing Blade to show that they're related games.
  3. My favourite artist from Cipher is probably cuboon. I hope he draws some of the Heroes art.
  4. So can we talk about how Hinoka is almost Jojo posing in her artwork? This has to be the most fabulous one so far.
  5. Yeah, I know they do cross-gen, but my point is that the old hardware is not forgotten quickly. There might be no point in buying a new old-gen console/portable, but there is still worth in owning one, which is a pretty cool thing.
  6. Couldn't find a mention of this before. When I do a lot of formatting on one post, a glitch eventually crops up where the last line I had highlighted and formatted stays highlighted forever. When I type something new, it replaces said line, and when I highlight a different line and attempt to format it, or when just pressing a format button, it affects the permanently highlighted line instead of where my cursor is.
  7. I don't know much about the GBA, but the DS still received games up till 2012, which is a year after the 3DS was released, 4 years after the launch of the Wii, and the year that the Wii U came out. And they weren't just dumb titles, either; Pokemon Black and White 2 still supported vanilla NDSes.
  8. Nintendo plans on supporting the 3DS until 2018, and now that FE is a big thing, I think there's a good chance we'll get at least one more 3DS FE title. Possibly another remake?
  9. In the Heroes and Heroines video, on the upper right corner, Linde and Jeorge were listed as being from Mystery of the Emblem, which is strange, but I went with it. I might combine the two lists now, especially since it's clear Nintendo counts the same character in different games as separate entities for some reason, instead of choosing only one particular version of them. Actually y'know what I'll just slap them back in the FE1 section, since there are debuts in Mystery of the Emblem.
  10. Well, I'll just leave it at this: I meant no disrespect to your opinion, or anyone else's. I was interested, which is why I continued the discussion. I listened to it, thought about it, and somehow it just didn't click, even after your explanation.
  11. That's true. That's a general problem with the royals in Fates, though. They appear to have bearing on the plot compared to the side characters, but they really don't, and most of their interactions are meant to bring out the Avatar's importance or personality instead. Unfortunately. All four sisters in the game pretty much unconditionally love the Avatar, and all the brothers have this deep respect for him/her. Only Takumi ever remotely generates conflict, and it is done in a way that only makes Takumi look idiotic. I was responding to your statement about making a character "appealing", and when I read your earlier post, the message I got was that Camilla's selfishness made her unlikeable, and therefore presents a problem. I was arguing more generally, but using Camilla as the background of the discussion doesn't really help my stance, I guess. You pointed out that people complain about Nohrrin getting praised as heroic for killing innocents, even though it's not. My reply was hastily written because I didn't want the topic to just go undiscussed, but anyway, I don't understand said complaint. Soldiers get medals for killing, even now, and the people who hand out the medals don't really care about who exactly you're killing, as long as they're part of the enemy. It's natural for Nohrrin to receive praise for that. But honestly, I don't remember any part where Nohrrin ordered innocents to be killed in the game to begin with, so that's also a point of confusion. I can't understand the complaints, pretty much because in my mind, I don't ask "Why are you upset?" Instead, my question is, "Why do you care?" It simply just doesn't register as a problem to me. That's why when you explain to me why you get upset, I can't really...understand. It's a huge gap in values. Is Camilla really that despicable of a character? To me, her obsessive love and murderous tendencies are clearly mental illness, and I don't hate her for that. I suppose if you consider IS' intent behind Camilla, she really is just meant to be eye candy and Mary Sue reinforcement, but as a character, I just think she's a troubled individual. And again, I simply don't care about IS' marketing intent in that regard.
  12. It seems Hoshidan weapons aren't in this game. Subaki and Hinoka were both holding Lances (Hinoka had a Lance in her attacking artwork too). Sakura's artwork has her holding a Rod, but she used a Mend instead. This might mean that weapon loadouts are customizable, too, instead of a unit coming with one set weapon. I wonder if Lords etc. will come with their Prf weapons, or if they have to be unlocked.
  13. I know about endearing "flaws", and I know they're not actual character flaws. I don't think that's related to this discussion, since in the example Thane gave of Camilla's selfishness, it may be written as a "hahaha" moment but it's clearly not supposed to be endearing.
  14. That's actually an "e" in Conner, not an "o", so that's why. It seems she's new to the scene, and was only an extra in Fates. One of the generic female voices, probs. OP has been updated. Lots of repeats in English, huh. Eliwood being voiced by Sakurai is a real surprise. I personally think his voice doesn't suit Eliwood's personality; Sakurai's claim to fame is with darker heroes. Though I guess pigeonholing him is bad. Ursula is Navi. Kill me now. Btw, VAs who have not voiced FE characters prior to Heroes will have their other appearances used as examples instead.
  15. I don't see why a character can't have a few flaws. It makes them more complex. A major complaint about the Avatar system in Awakening and Fates is how "perfect" the Avatars are, and how much everyone loves them. And that's how war works; you get praised for killing as many people as you can. It's not black and white. I bring it up because a lot of people seem really bothered by fanservice, an opinion that I am unable to understand.
  16. Huh. Ingame F!Corrin and Smash F!Corrin sound nothing like the Drama CD one. I never imagined her to speak in such a tone either.
  17. @Thane Eh, I'd say selfishness is also a personality trait. It's no secret that Fates' supports generally suck, but a character being selfish isn't a bad thing. You may not like the character, but it still develops the character, so it says nothing about the quality of said support. Also, I don't personally remember Camilla being selfish, but I haven't read all of them, so you might be right. Idk, ridiculous clothes have never bothered me. I just roll with most things in fantasy games. Fanservice is just "ayy lmao" and then I don't pay much attention to it.
  18. Why do people criticize Camilla then let Tharja slide because her character is "better"? Unlike Tharja, sexuality is an actual part of Camilla's personality; she's not a flirt, but she embraces it. You can see this in the dialogue very clearly. On the other hand, Tharja actually gets bothered by sexual matters, like how she got embarrassed about her swimsuit in the Summer Scramble DLC. However, her regular outfit is probably even lewder than that swimsuit. Unlike Camilla, Tharja's design had zero reason to be sexy, aside from "IS wanted it to be so". I don't know if it's a cultural difference or a personal problem, but I don't think sexuality is ever a pointless dimension in a character.
  19. People don't pay Etika to be good at video games, they pay him to put on a good show, so it doesn't really matter.
  20. I wonder why Lander decided to use an alias, because she isn't fooling anyone. Was it just a mistake? Or is Liv Strander actually someone else who sounds almost exactly like her, like Jack Black and Mick Wingert?
  21. I always find it funny when people get salty about "fanservice-y characters" topping polls. It is a popularity contest, after all; it doesn't really matter how well-written a character is.
  22. Welp, Cordelia and Azura made it, so I'm happy lol. Every time I tell my friend that Ike left Tellius to fight in Smash and be with Samus my friend stabs a kitten
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