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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Rend Heaven on Takumi just straight up makes him unstoppable lol. I'm not sure even if Bowbreaker can wall him, because of Certain Blow. No idea how good that is in PvP, but in story chapters it basically means you get a free kill every turn.
  2. Shigure isn't just as strong as his grandfather, he's the reincarnation of his grandfather, right? Anankos only refers to Shigure as "Ryuurei".
  3. I just realized... in both the Future Past and Recollection of Bubbles, Yoshimasa Hosoya (Avatar in Awakening, Shigure in Fates) has to die for world peace... Also, dat throwback to Invisible History.
  4. I haven't actually gotten the supports that tell me that yet, so thanks. (I'm playing the JP one too) I think one of the reasons she seems like a hundred years old to me is because she reminds me a lot of C.C. from Code Geass lol. Also, she does say "hundred years too early" a lot, compared to the usual "ten years early" that most people use.
  5. Huh, I see. Could be a thing. Well, if she's only 45-55 like I suggested, then it's possible for her to have very few/no gray hairs. As for the theories about her being older than that... MAGIC
  6. Hmm, true. At most another 5 years or so I guess.
  7. But unless she somehow stopped herself from having periods with a curse, she still only has a limited number of ova, so that limits her possible age. The 300~400 number is the count when you begin puberty. She might not suffer from the hormonal effects of menopause, but she'll still eventually stop getting periods. I think the mood swings thing kinda makes sense. She does get randomly depressed, even though she says she's past it already. Lol, I know. I find it fun to think of these things, but the lack of an explanation doesn't take away from a fantasy game.
  8. Just a fun thought I had. Nyx, the Dark Mage cursed with eternal youth, often talks about her age; how she's old and experienced, etc. The way she says some things makes it sound like she's been alive for a century or something. But, it just occured to me the other day that Nyx can have children. This means before the curse took effect, Nyx had already started to go through puberty, so she was at least 10 years old. However, women have a limited number of ova that will actually be ovulated (around 300 to 400); then they go through menopause, which usually happens at around age 45 to 55. This means Nyx is at most in her early 50s, and has been cursed for at most 45 years. It's still a pretty long time, but honestly the way she talks makes me think she's been alive for a lot longer...
  9. Interesting how when the kids fight each other, they see each other as Invisible Soldiers, and they can't see the Invisible Soldiers that are essentially fighting on their side. I guess Anankos must be bored.
  10. One little detail I like is how the chapters are narrated by Shigure. It makes the title so much more meaningful. Can't wait for the last 3 chapters.
  11. Nintendo usually releases DLC in the afternoon (in the Japanese timezone), probably so people getting out of school can go immediately or something. That would be really late night for America I think. Too lazy to calculate.
  12. shadowofchaos was joking that if there were both Kanas in the DLC chapter, that would mean a male Corrin married a female Corrin.
  13. I think it'd be guaranteed that the Kanna you start with is the gender you get normally (opposite to Corrin's). Though it could be interesting to have the other Kanna be involved in the plot...
  14. We know we have no control, we're just discussing what we would like to see.
  15. I've read those reviews before, and I have to say, they have some solid points. Plot wise, I ultimately think I enjoyed Fates' story more than Awakening's personally. But it's true that the overall narrative is kind of poor for all three routes. Conquest and Revelation were way too shonen, and didn't make much sense. Hoshido doesn't suffer as much from these problems, but that's only because it's kinda generic. The experience was fun, but in retrospect the plots were bad. It's extremely ironic, considering they paid money to hire a "famous mangaka" to write their story for them in response to Awakening criticism. I haven't really read Shin Kibayashi's work, but I guess every mangaka has their bad days. Or years. He's definitely not keeping this job though lol. I don't remember all of the reviews, but I did see that one of the complaints about the gameplay was that hit rates were way too low in this game, which made planning strategies impossible with so much RNG screw. I'm gonna assume that guy played Conquest first. I honestly don't think the hit rates are a problem, because it's a problem almost exclusive to Conquest imo. It just so happens that Nohrian characters have generally lower Skill compared to the Hoshidans, and that was combined with the presence of the fast Hoshidan enemies, like Ninjas and Swordmasters.
  16. I was referring to later in the story; like, if you manage to save all of the children, Kanna will be able to awaken the Omega Yato in the sixth and final map. I suppose everyone's hair colors are reset to defaults because it's an alternate universe/timeline. Even if a sacred katana could be reforged into a naginata, I don't think Shiro would have access to the equipment needed to do so. He's gonna have to man up and learn how to use a sword lol. Well, for me, it doesn't really matter what those people think. If they don't like the children, then they don't have to buy the DLC. Meanwhile, I get to enjoy six fun and challenging maps that I can't cheese using my main game units. There's no denying that the children are shoehorned in, with no impact to the plot and provide EXP sources that cause you to get overleveled. How much a person enjoys a game mechanic totally depends on their perspective. I'm interested in whether or not we'll get to see a part of the children that we normally can't (or don't have to). A lot of the kids are pretty wacky and mostly carefree this time, unlike in Awakening, where despite their different attitudes, all of the children shared the same trauma. I suppose it's the inverse of Awakening in this way.
  17. Huh, I actually haven't seen that one yet. That's really interesting. I wonder if they'll be able to get the Omega Yato. Is the chapter you're referring to the one in Revelation? Maybe he'll just keep it in his inventory, or actually become a Weapon Master lol?
  18. I would guess that at least the first fight would be in Kana's village, judging from the screenshot shown in the teaser. I'm guessing it would play kind of like a mini FE game, where you start with only Kana and maybe one or two other children, then get more allies you progress through the six maps.
  19. I am super hype for this. I guess we could use this thread for some speculation right now, then discuss the actual gameplay when it comes out in here as well. For those that don't know, 6 DLC maps, collectively called "Recollection of Bubbles", is coming out later this month for Fire Emblem if. The maps focus on the children characters, similar to the The Future Past set from Awakening. The Deeprealms came under attack, but unlike in the main timeline, the parents failed to stop the assault, and lost their lives in the process (one of the alternate timelines from you resetting the game lmao). Some children managed to escape from the massacre, but now face a seemingly endless battle. It's kind of like the situation for the Awakening kids (even though Severa and co. promised to not let it happen again...). I'm really interested in seeing how the kids fight their loneliness, harden up, and come out on top (or don't). It feels like material for a whole new game, but unfortunately we're just getting six maps. What would you guys like to see in these maps?
  20. Oh really? Maybe I just never used it then... Thanks for the correction.
  21. It's Birthright exclusive. The Nohrian counterpart would be...the Shortbow. Lol.
  22. Funnily enough, I ended up enjoying Conquest more, but not because I liked the story more. I played Birthright first, and fighting the Hoshidans hit me in the feels. Also, I liked the constant simmering tension of Conquest. The retrospective stuff like was really really interesting to me as well. Both routes were frustrating in their own way (can't tank shit in Birthright Hard, can't hit shit in Conquest Normal), but I liked Conquest's map design more overall.
  23. Which is why I said "ideally". But say, if I had to punch a General, I would just use some kind of Armorkiller, which would make Rend Heaven obsolete anyway in that situation. RH is nice to have, but not something I really count on.
  24. Hayato is truly not worth it in Birthright, but he gets good bases in Revelations. His growths are still shaky for me though. Rend Heaven is kinda situational, tbh, and is only truly good on archers. You're not going to be using physical weapons on enemies like Generals, nor are you going to be hitting a Sage with Magic (ideally). The only enemies that Rend Heavens truly...rends...are hybrid ones like the Basaras themselves.
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