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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. yeeeeeee. I married her in all three routes. I didn't actually remember her birthday though...I just happened to log on lol.
  2. I usually think of a theme for a character, then when I do forge weapons for him/her, I give their weapons names related to that theme. I love making references. Sometimes I spend over half an hour just staring at the naming screen. Silas has a Nohrian Sword named "Arondight" (アロンダイト) Nyx has a Nosferatu named "Curse of Geass" (ギアスの呪い). That mark on her head is a dead ringer lol. Niles has an Illusory Yumi named "MUDAMUDA" (無駄無駄). I should probably gave him a ZA WARUDO too, but I'll have to think of what kind of weapon fits. Hinoka's Guard Naginata is "Akatsuki: Oowashi" (暁・大鷲). Her Bolt Naginata is "Hyakurai" (ヒャクライ). Kazahana's Sunrise Katana is "Midare Zakura" (乱れ桜), and one of my Kagerou's Darts is "Kasumi Suzaku" (霞朱雀). Both of those are Street Figther references. Severa's Sunrise Katana is "Demonic Dragon Awakened" (魔竜覚醒), because she was my daughter in Awakening. Hisame's Sunrise Katana is "Man's Soul" (男の魂), and his Killing Edge is "Man's Fury" (男の怒り). Odin's Mjolnir is "Unrivaled Hunter's Supercharged Thunder Claw" (無双狩人高電雷爪). Took me a while. That's all I can remember right now.
  3. It's not about his low Luck. It's not like his defenses are super good, so there are better choices in that department. Also, his shaky damage output means you won't even be profiting much from the counterattack most of the time.
  4. I'm pretty sure aura skills like his don't activate when he's in Guard Stance, but I haven't tested it. It'd be kinda OP if aura skills work even when the units are inactive in the field. What you said is true, but still, Leon is still only good in the niche you mentioned; I believe what I said about him still stands. I don't think he's good enough to be A rank because he's a good choice in only the situations you brought up. That's why he's not A in Conquest. I even dropped him in Conquest.
  5. Benny doesn't have really good Strength, but he is notable for not only having high Def but Res as well. Combined with Defensive Formation, Luna (with his good Skill) and Pavise, he's a pretty solid tank. Eh, it depends on your positioning. Charlotte and Arthur are two of the worst units for baiting approaches, in my opinion, so I'd much rather have Charlotte's damage and crit rate than a mediocore Arthur. Personal preference is what it all comes down to in the end.
  6. Every magic unit does well when they're using Lightning. But the stat decay means it can't be your main form of attack, so Leon is either working at decreased capacity every other turn (like Slaking lol) or is doing consistent damage that isn't enough to kill. Xander shares a similar problem, but is much tankier, and Siegfried is really good. Maybe that'll work. I'll try it out next time, or fool around postgame maybe.
  7. His actual growths aren't too hot either. He can't land a hit on anything, just like Charlotte, but Charlotte hits crazy hard and is super fast. Arthur is like a worse Vaike, and unlike Vaike, Arthur can't reclass to something like Barbarian to save him.
  8. The only S-rank units are the Avatar and Ryoma, in my opinion. The Yato, no matter which form it takes, is just too good. The Raijinto barely trails behind, but Ryoma's evade and crit are so crazy high he can clear entire maps for you without you even using your brain. All the other royals except Leon are a solid A. Leon hits hard, but it's only ever one hit, since he can't double for his life, so he needs support to actually get kills. Other A ranks in my opinion are Kazahana, Kagerou, Oboro, Effie, Keaton and Beruka. Benny could have been A, but in Conquest, Effie is the better pick imo. I actually put Felicia as B and Jakob as C. They basically have two gimmicks: Tomebreaker and Live to Serve. But since Felicia has decent Magic, she works better as a healer. The only D ranks are Arthur and Gunther for me. Essentially, Arthur is in his own tier of suck.
  9. Can Fire Emblem if interact online with Fire Emblem Fates?
  10. Of course that doesn't really work that well in Conquest. In Revelations I went quite a while without much gold to spend because of all the seals I bought; I ended up having to share weapons between units, and rely more on Spotpass stuff (which led me to find that some of those weapons are pretty good).
  11. What I usually do is count the number of skills that come before the skill I actually want (say, x). Then, I reclass x levels before the level I get the skill I want. e.g. If I want Kunaibreaker from Bow Knight on Kazahana via Marriage Seal, I reclass Kazahana to Bow Knight at level 11. At levels 12 and 13, she will get the skills from Mercenary (Patience and Persistence), then at level 14 she gets Rally Skill, and Kunaibreaker at 15. I like to do this since I don't want my units to be in wacky classes late in the game when I need them, nor do I want to just grind and make them overleveled.
  12. It looks more like a light blue to me, for buffed stats.
  13. Huh, this ended up being surprisingly even. I expected "Refuse to choose a side" to win.
  14. Huh? No, I don't think that's a "moe" voice. Felicia's voice would be considered moe. Can't really categorize Oboro's. It's just flavor text, come on now. If it bothers you a lot I can add it in.
  15. I think that might be an exasperated sigh of sorts, but what she's saying doesn't seem to match up with the sigh all the time, so yeah, it's a bit confusing.
  16. No comment on Pieri, I'm fine with her. But I really really like Oboro's Japanese voice. It is by far the most unique voice in the game. It sounded a bit weird at first, but it really grew on me. I also respect her voice actress a lot for not only being able to make such a weird voice, but also for her wide vocal range. Felicia's voice also has a unique flair to it, though I understand that it's annoying to some. Her "A+" skinship line (when you achieve A rank then fill a big heart in the skinship minigame) had me absolutely sold on her voice. Different standards, I guess.
  17. LOL I agree on Lost in Thoughts All Alone. I still like Renka's version better, but you can't sleep on Rena Strober's performance. At the time of the E3 trailer, I thought she was only mediocore, but her singing in the full song is pretty damn good.
  18. Huh? Where do I get these Awakening accessories? I only have the Emblem Shield. Are they from amiibos? Also, my favourite detail would be how Dragon Fang has special animations depending on how you're attacking.
  19. I was referring to the peppiness they gave Beruka in the localization. Not so much of a cold-blooded assassin anymore...
  20. Nyx's voice in the Japanese version still sounded young, except with zero pep in it imo, so the vocal chords thing still checks out I'd say. I'm not too sure about Treehouse's take on Nyx, but it might just be because the difference is really really jarring to people who are used to thinking of Nyx as a sad and cold person. Same thing happened with Beruka (dat name tho).
  21. I'm asking about the voice acting, instead of the entire localization experience, btw. I would say more like 12 to 13.... But geez, Sakura and Elise get to have children, and he can't have a girlfriend...
  22. See ya in Smash then lol. Really? I saw this pic of Male Kana getting shot down by three different girls in their S supports, and that's really sad... I'm not sure I'm okay with that. But now that I think about it, that's not really about the audio.
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