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Posts posted by Crackin355

  1. I enjoyed Woolly World a lot, generally I don't like Yoshi games but for some reason this one clicked so well. Lately a lot of games I've been looking forward to have been coming out in PAL far later than when others have got the game and it's a little bit infuriating but out of the games that did come out over here earlier than it did elsewhere, I'm really glad that it was Woolly World.

    Each level felt like it introduced something new or at least took an earlier mechanic and built upon it/altered it to stay interesting. Such a good game.

    DS wasn't great and what I played of the original and the port wasn't very fun so to find that Woolly World is one of the only few games on the Wii U that made its purchase worth it was a surprise.

  2. Didn't realise there was a thread for this.

    I've been playing it for the past two months, I intended to just beat the main story before holidays then didn't expect to play much afterwards but after holidays I put some more time in and ended up playing it for another 80 hours on top of the 80 hours I already had. It seems like my goals change every time I reach them. I thought I'd stop at getting 100% on the survey but now I want to get all the achievements.

    I'm still trying to get all the achievements though but it's almost entirely grinding out squad tasks/missions/enemies so I'm just taking it slowly. After two months I finally got the True Hero achievement, I even set an alarm for that shit. So nice to know that I don't need to worry about it any more.

    The music in this game is amazing, I love Hiroyuki Sawano's work and I was so glad to hear it here. Seeing someone mention he would be doing the soundtrack is actually probably the only reason I got interested in the game in the first place haha.

    I made it to the final chapter at level 44 but ended up having to grind for the first time to get a Level 50 Skell. Speaking of Skells, the Ares 90 is a beautiful beast.

  3. I'd just like to know a release date honestly. I knew this would probably happen so I spoiled myself on everything straight away so that I could at least enjoy reading the discussions, watching videos and such over the last few months.

    I have a few games that I still haven't even started because Xenoblade Chronicles X has kept me occupied for two months longer than I thought it would and will probably still keep me playing for another month or two at this rate. The wait is bearable when my attention is focused on something else but most of the people I talk to online will have the game soon and I won't really be able to join in on most of the conversations they have about it which blows.

    I don't expect any added bonuses for the PAL release but it would be a nice gesture if they did.

  4. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

    -having to repeat Twilight Trail so many times

    -certain trouble center missions are just boring

    Metroid Prime

    -none that I can think of


    -possible lack of replayability? I'm not sure since I might want to go back and experience the story again in a few years time. It's more of a novel than it is a game, which is by now means a bad thing. It's one of the few games where I actually care about the plot.

    Sonic Generations

    -the missions above the main stages can be boring at times

    -the final boss is complete garbage

  5. Yeah I'm ready for it. I recently played 999 and VLR and one of the problems I had with VLR was that without ZE3 it's an incomplete story. So I'm glad this one is on its way.

    Both were good games though (999 was incredible, VLR was good) so I can trust that ZE3 will also at least be good. I just hope it comes out for PAL.

  6. Ye~s.


    You do such cute things...

    Ufufu, that feels good...

    A woman's hair is her life.

    Ara, please compliment me. So nice...

    Isn't human hair surprisingly heavy?

    The moment when my naginata pierces the enemy's skull is my favorite.


    You know...

    You know, it's gentle.

    Ara, you're so skilled.

    Such a nice feeling.

    Are you worried about my scar?

    It no longer hurts, so it's nothing to be concerned about.

    And the person who did this had their throat ripped out in turn.

    Did you know that in my youth I was considered a beautiful woman?


    How do you do?

    I'm always watching your efforts...

    Ah... I want to fight soon.

    Your murderous hand is bringing me peace of mind.

    Ah, you've ruffled my clothes?

    My body has many old wounds.

    If I could become a dragon like you, Kamui, I would have killed many more people.

    I was wounded so much in the past, and the pain was intense.

    Ara ara...

    If you do that...

    I want more...

    Don't ever die on me.

    I'll do my best for you. The cooking, the sewing...

    I'll belong to you...

    If anyone tries to do you harm, I'll slaughter them...

    Knowing that, could you still love me?

    Welcome back...


    The palpitations are audible...

    So... fortunate. We...

    At least I haven't lost you...

    Such a place, you can't...

    Excuse me? Even though this body is full of scars, you would...

    That you would accept this body... I'm so happy.

    You'll be fine if I'm a bit rough with you, right?

    Yuugiri's Amie Lines



    If you touch me that badly, I won't be able to hold back my power.

    The wind was crying today...

    I wonder if this room has a name...

    This hair was passed down to me by my mother.

    You're making my hair bounce...

    Whaaat? Are you complimenting me?

    I'm happy. But you need to praise the chosen warrior as well.





    I feel a little gloomy today...

    Uwah!? Gods, to a woman's face...

    Uwawa! My circlet, don't move it...!

    I wonder if everyone can be this helpful to their mother and father.

    Mou, your way of cheering someone up is crude... but thanks...




    The power emanating from your hand... is warm.

    This blood is my pride...

    But it's exposed frequently, so don't worry about it too much.

    To be honest, it's hard to see someone be hurt. But it can't be helped, you know.

    If my life is capable of helping in this conflict, then it's an honor.

    We remember each and every time we slaughter the enemy...


    What are you thinking of...?


    I-I feel a little embarrassed...

    There, there. That's enough for today.

    Your hands are so warm...


    Your eyes, they're so beautiful...


    I like it...

    I'll... protect you...

    Please, don't die...

    For us to be like this, it must have been fate...

    Uwah. You, you can't be...

    Even though I'm wearing these sorts of clothes, it's not okay to touch me like that...

    I-I want you too, you know, but to touch me there...

    Ahh, it's no good... my maidenhood is at it's limit...!

    Ophelia's Amie Lines

    Nice, thanks. I'd been looking for these for a little while.

  7. Maybe that advertised it that way to hide that he supposedly drops to his death early on. I'm just grasping at straws lol. Well I don't mind, would've been a nice and pleasant surprise when I reached that chapter but now I know heeeh. That's fine, I wonder what the mystery world is though.

  8. Oh, and they were such great conversations ! /sarcasm

    ...please, make an effort, you see what I mean.

    hey come on now, no need to get feisty. I'm just saying the swimsuit stuff wasn't the main attraction of that dlc, the support conversations were. If you don't care about what they have to say then it's a waste of money bro and that's on you.

  9. In FEA, to see your characters in swimsuit, you had to pay for a (crappy) DLC. And you could see them in those swimsuits ONLY in this DLC. There was also the hot springs DLC where to see you could see your characters in Kimono, only for this DLC. And if they were from a certain class.

    At least in If you can (probably ?) do it when you want. That's a plus. Better that, than shitty cash-grabbing DLC.

    wasn't the purpose of that dlc to add a bunch of conversations between the units? Looks like your mind was in a different place lmao

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