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Posts posted by Aveylon

  1. I personally liked the children characters, but I didn't marry any of them. Something about getting in the pants of my character's friend's children struck a chord with me. If that had not been the case, and they weren't the children of the first gen, I would have been fine with it. But that's just me.

    After all, they are (somewhat) adults, and like capmalachi said, there are characters in the first gen that were actual children. Marrying future children doesn't seem like a big deal when you can marry actual children before they even appear in-game.

  2. Well, I guess I'm doing this. Hello and howdy, as people expect Southeners like me to say (Tennessee). I've been coming to this website for about half a year, but I only just made an account. Why? Well, it's simple. FE: Fates is gonna start receiving content in a language I can actually understand, and I simply wished to join the discussions. My one hope for this game is that they do a better job with the father/mother supports. More specifically, I mean the the generic conversations the father always recieved. Hopefully they won't do that to the mother characters in this game.

    Like listening to metal. And funk. And funky metal.

    Will make incredibly bad puns. This is your introduction to them.

    I'm incredibly sarcastic and condescending to people I don't like, but I'd consider myself very kind and encouraging to the poeple I do like. I don't hate easily, but even if I start, I'm easy to forget.

    Think about it this way:

    Don't like you = Gangrel

    Like you = Henry (without the bloodshed.)

    I'm just here to talk and chill, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.

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