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Potato-chan Nana

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Posts posted by Potato-chan Nana

  1. Dear AMAZING people on this thread. Sorry it took me a while to get logged in..but i finally figured it out!

    Let me first say that I've ready every single comment and am moved beyond belief at your kindness and support.

    I've worked on many games but mostly come from the Broadway/TV world where there aren't as many people voicing opinions on the internet. I had no idea I was about to become part of something so big and so exciting. Anything of this magnitude is going to come with its lovers & haters.

    I'm learning quickly to disregard unwarranted criticism and focus on my work and the amazing FE fans!! I'm also doing what I love everyday..singing and bringing life to these awesome characters and feel lucky to do so.

    It's so easy to get swept up in the drama and lose site of what's really important...to tell the story and hope that players enjoy the journey.

    I feel very lucky to have fans like you and hope you continue to enjoy my work. I loved singing for FE and I've got more exciting projects in the works.

    Please keep in touch and I'll do the same...and thanks again for turning a crappy day into one I'll never forget!!!

    With Deep Gratitude,


    You've spoken with me before just two days ago, and I want to say that your forgiveness lifted my mind very much from what I had caused. Once again, I'm the uploader of the Fire Emblem Fates English and Japanese Comparison and I just want to say that you're a beautiful person, so don't let those negative comments keep you from shining.

    My first time hearing your voice in the E3 trailer months ago is very different from now. I didn't quite like it back then, but as I listened to the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Lost in Thoughts All Alone and watched the Hoshido and Nohr dances more and more, I began to love your voice quite a lot. I can't wait to hear more tomorrow and 'play on' as you told me. (^▽^)

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