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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. I mean, I went against the reasoning itself, but I'll be the first to say that Byleth, like every avatar before them, will be broken. Avatars are power fantasies after all.
  2. Yeah no, most people probably won't be, but I feel like it doesn't take much sometimes. Especially with how random this is.
  3. Looks like considerable potential for drama right here. And it is peculiar admittedly. I'd rather it not spread because I can already see the headlines, but it's not like I can stop people from looking at things.
  4. Even then, the fact that she gets a major crest effect from it is surprising.
  5. Oh, I thought that crest looked weird associated with Lisythea. Guess I was too sleepy to put two and two together. It's pretty difficult to say... Lysithea is a mysterious character, her being the rightful Gloucester heir doesn't seem completely impossible(life really hates Lorenz if that's the case). Edit: She is getting a support from Lorenz in that battle, though, interestingly. It's really weird to see Kostas with a neutral expression after all this time. He seems so... sad
  6. Well, assuming Claude really is out, that's bad news. Now I feel bad for misleading people, and angry at this article for leading me into misleading people. Even now re-reading through it it clearly wasn't just my imagination there.
  7. I get that the material we've gotten has made dark magic look like a bigger deal than the other two types, but there are also reasons to think that's not really the case, and it's just special classes having special requirements. Afaic Gremory isn't focused on Dark magic in particular unlike them, and thus there's no reason for it be tied to a dark reclass seal. It is also unlikely that a seal used for a tier 2 class(so low value at this point) will be used for a tier 4.
  8. Probably, but she cannot be in a dark magic class, meaning dark magic usage isn't special, dark magic specialty is, which is not what this class has. So idk.
  9. It's a global magic class rather than a Dark magic one though. I'm not sure access is a factor either, as we've seen Lysithea cast Dark magic when if it was tied to classes focused on dark magic, she shouldn't be able to, by virtue of being female and all.
  10. I mean, I learned about a 1/4th of what I know about the game in the last 5 hours, but okay.
  11. I was actually considering making this thread. We are getting pretty much the entire earlygame shown to us right now, on top of many other things. If you want to go in even remotely blind, now is looking like a really good time to leave.
  12. That's true. Plus, there's no final class for Paladins otherwise. I guess the 2 paths just fuse, just like Hero/Swordmaster/Assassin, and Grappler/Warrior. I've also been wondering for a while if just staying at a lower tier wouldn't be perfectly viable in certain cases.
  13. The first article from Gaymingmag(just picked up on the name... that explains the subject matter(^_^')) is almost entirely about Claude. It doesn't factually confirm it, but there seems to be a pretty strong chance.
  14. There's great knight. It requires armored skill, not mounted for some reason. Edit: Hate to be a downer but I really doubt there's more tiers yet.
  15. Aw, I assumed there'd be a bit more. Then again, female selection I suppose. Anyway, horses everywhere. Y'all get a horse. Now everyone's broken yaaaaay. As for dancer, might be tied to Dorothea? Edit: Nevermind, watched the video, I misunderstood.
  16. Yeah, we get to see the mourning scene under the rain much better, and it's pretty much obviously Jeralt lying there. Guess that was his fate after all: The emphasis on the sword of the creator and the axe specifically when we know other bone weapons exist is very interesting, too. And I'm going to assume this "fusion" of Sothis and Byleth is the reason for the white hair, because why not. The closed eyes and outstretched hand seem to match the changing scene.
  17. Well, that's going to make a lot of people happy from what I'm reading. This may have been the #1 subject discussed on the FE Reddit these past two months. Edit: The quality of the writing part, I meant. Quantity-wise these aren't massive numbers. (leak spoilers that don't really matter anymore but hey):
  18. Just one level, just one level. Their level ups weren't that impressive in the numerous King of Beasts videos we got.
  19. I'm not seeing it, but I'll take your word for it.
  20. Oh. Too many things to pay attention to at once. That's a pretty big coincidence, though, and also... if temporarily recruited students are npcs, there's no real point. I was assuming that's what the treehouse lady had done to have both Raphael and Ignatz as playable... but I guess not. That doesn't seem to be the case, that's still their logo. Yeah, they have their own separate deployment slots, this was revealed in Famitsu for what feels like an eternity ago. And I agree, that's a very interesting take on the mechanic.
  21. Assistants(aka pairup), localized as Adjutants, cannot be assigned before professor level C, and only one can be assigned at that point. So it doesn't seem like "pairup" will have a huge presence for a long time. We also see that Edelgard, Hubert, Caspar, Dorothea and Petra are dual attack adjutants, while Linhardt is a healing adjutant. Perhaps it's tied to class, but in the shot, Caspar is still in his base noble class:
  22. A-bsolutely. Meanwhile Gilbert is an npc too, and I'll give you a guess as to what he's busy doing.
  23. So Sylvain is an npc in the Gautier chapter if you don't pick the Blue Lions, apparently. That's nice.
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