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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. I'd assume lures cost money(it seems that way too), and that's how they limit it rather than with the venture gauge. ... but then again fish can be sold for money. So I'm not too sure.
  2. "Was expecting theoretical discussion, sees new footage" Wait uh hm what? Well some question marks are finally getting their permanent leave Edit: To the person who told me about the problems a literal whipsword would have(I think it was @Von Ithipathachai )... well there you go.
  3. Yeah... I made the comparison too. I guess they're not really the same so different gains make some amount of sense. But I reached the same conclusions when it came to Ferdinand and Dorothea's gains, even though +1 Exp for being "talented" seems surprisingly low. That'd be really fun! Sounds like sequel material though:3
  4. Apparently her current rank is C+, the fading in and out is just there to signify that the next tutoring session will make it B. You see it happen in the "Customize your characters" video on the Characters page, which this shot and the one of Ferdinand beside it come from. The same happens with Linhardt in the E3 footage, when going from D+ to C.
  5. It's weird though, looking at treehouse footage I was under the impression that thunder had 3 range, but here it' shows it has 1-2. Dorothea certainly had 3 displayed range with it equipped; could have been from another one of her available spells granted, but then when the player puts her at 2 range to attack, the game autoswitches to Fire, as if Thunder couldn't hit from there.
  6. Yeah, it is. Also Flayn has completely busted stats here for a level 14 Peg. Notably her ~20 Str&Spd, and her 36 res(what).
  7. Well the examples we got before with Ferdinand and Dorothea got 8 exp to Ferdinand, 5 to Dorothea, and 7 to Byleth. Rather it seems like things went very well there(so exp x2? Byleth also got 10 authority instead of 5), maybe it's random, or maybe Ignatz and Raphael are friends? Also confirmation that the Byleth template we've seen most starts at E Faith. Somehow they have exp in nothing so maybe those are their bases despite being level 6?:
  8. Yeah, but also, man this poll... can we call ourselves a community of strategists if we overwhelmingly go for "risk it all" when faced with a problem...? Also I'm really curious what they'd have done if people actually chose to fled.
  9. Okay, so this doesn't mention gameplay much and I think I've done a decent job at showing that I care a lot bout that, but, the truth is, I care about everything really. And this review was exceedingly positive(and pretty well-written), which is really uplifting. I'm pretty happy right now. Not much new information, although the existence of a new game + option was confirmed.
  10. Shoot. Was there anything significant in there you can remember? Edit: You're a lifesaver.
  11. I don't think so...? Those stat ups don't influence Byleth's stats, but the gains from tutoring. They also can only be bought once.
  12. That's going to be the big choice, because they're amazing for weapon skill and build support points with the non students, but they don't give professor exp. Meaning if you focus only on them, you'll get less actions overall and less money. Similarly, attending a seminar means you give up on free roaming and the spending of your points for that weekend. In other words... there might be a path to make Byleth a great teacher but a limited combat unit, or vice-versa. Maybe. I'd also like a better grasp of how motivation works, the articles have implied several times that resting or going to the cafeteria is worthwhile to refill motivation, but we haven't really seen it progressively drop at this point, and if you're lucky, it recharges on its own while you tutor due to praise or advice. The face at the left of the bar is also a big question mark as to what difference it really makes, afaik.
  13. They're really good at telling people to keep quiet too. And horses. And probably wyverns.
  14. No, crits still deal x3. Ingrid here is the only example of a x4 I believe. As to why, no idea. Gambits probably? They're kind of becoming the nanomachines of this pre-release for me. If something is unexplained, it's probably gambits.
  15. It's not guaranteed that enemy assassins will get this skill, to be fair. Which would imply that yours are more... competent, I guess. ... it's true that it being a class skill makes things a bit weird, in Tellius it was tied to characters so it could be interpreted as their talent as individuals.
  16. Whether you do or not, putting your cursor on an enemy shows who they're going to target, unless that can be disabled too idr
  17. So snipers don't get range +2, they stay at +1. That's probably for the best, with arts that also raise range by 3 in the game. Yes, I know, accuracy, but still. Assassins getting a skill that lowers aggro seems bad at first, since those don't exactly have a history of being super useful or practical, but in a context where we can see who the enemy will attack in any given situation, that actually sounds really useful. Probably.
  18. So it's been brought to my attention on Reddit that we saw Ingrid's crest in action during the Japan Expo, adding +5 to her attack, just like Felix's. Well, that happens with Sylvain's crest here too. As for Ingrid in this video, her crit deals x4 damage instead of x3, for... some reason. I don't think I've seen that yet.
  19. Better preview image, courtesy of Reddit:
  20. Yup, I had taken that into account. Hence the idea that Ingrid would start at E, get only 32 from Manuella's seminar, and then 14 from choir practice, putting her at E+ 6. Basically my point was she doesn't need to have an E strength for things to make sense. Same for Byleth, as choir and seminar should logically raise their faith equally, and give Byleth the +10 authority that she seems to have.
  21. Switch Lite announced, some very short FE footage within, don't know where to put it since it doesn't warrant a thread of its own. It gives us yet another 100% displayed crit rate. I think that's the fourth one. ~3:30 of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQduJr0euNk Edit: ... I didn't think of that, my bad:x
  22. Well, wouldn't you know(not an actual spoiler)!
  23. The opposite, right? Considering Dorothea has been seen using the thunder spell a bunch of times, I guess that confirms that she's specializes in lightning magic to some extent, as opposed to Annette specializing in wind, or Hubert in dark.
  24. I mean, not to be rude but SpiceMan explained to you already why we don't associate chores affinities and strengths. We did at first, but eventually it contradicted known information. Well, sure, by all means.
  25. I'd have liked a movement penalty at the very least, though. Still, it's anyone's guess how they're not going to make dismounting almost entirely superfluous here.
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