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Posts posted by BionicKraken

  1. All Rinkah seems to be missing for supports, and correct me if I'm wrong, is Tsukuyomi, Hinata, and Asama (which I'm still looking for, since I'm open to a Rinkah!Mitama). These characters are easily the three most underappreciated Hoshido male units, since they're also missing quite a number of other supports. I guess they were just left to the back-burner for various reasons, since not everybody can be prioritized.

    As long as Rinkah/Asama is eventually translated, I'd be very thankful (since its among the last, if not last, supports I'm looking for), although I expect the other two will be translated first since they were already asked for. Either way, we're nearing the finishing line soon enough. A lot of effort goes into these translations, so I'm very grateful for those who do it. It's appreciated.

  2. I might eventually pair these two up after my initial runthroughs (M!KamuixRinka and BenoitxRinka/SaizouxKagerou and SaizouxCharlotte), since I really like Rinka and Saizou together. They have very good chemistry with one another. Granted, I'm still confused to hell and back about the stats and growth rates children inherit, so I don't know how optimal Rinka!Gurei would be, but I may still try it out regardless.

    Oh yes, Hinata and Odin absolutely get along well. Their supports are pretty funny.

    Where did you find this?

    Either way, Hinata's one of the more under-appreciated units in the entire game, but I don't know if that has anything to do with his strange growth rates or not that make him an all-around strange unit for his class. It's unfortunate, because despite his, um, enthusiasm, he seems to be one of the more likeable characters.

    Has FlannelKazahana been translated yet?

    I hope it's out there somewhere, because I've been looking for Flannel and Kazahana's C-S supports forever.

  3. Wow, are there any romantic Joker/Jakob supports out there that actually make sense and not offending? Anyway on the topic of canon pairings as people already said, M!Kamui x Aqua/Azura are pretty much the closes to a canonical pairings there is in the game.

    Joker and Kagerou, surprisingly enough, are very amicable with one another. Joker isn't at all intentionally offensive to Kagerou (besides one "shut up", but it isn't all bad), and for once actually treats a non-Kamui/Aqua/royal with some level of courtesy and respect, unlike Kazahana for example.

    It's refreshing.

  4. Among other things, I'll address a specific issue I have - battle panties with some of the female units, especially because it's so impractical. Elfie is, by far, the worst example - she wears a giant suit of armor that covers almost every part of her body, except her ass. Does she expect the enemy units won't attack her from behind because they're too busy staring? Sophie also suffers from this, predictably, and I'm sure others do as well. At least with Camilla and Orochi, it's in-character, but with Elfie and the others, it's nonsensical. It's fan-service for the sake of fan-service.

    It's a shame since Fire Emblem has, up until this point, usually been consistent with realistic-to-semi-realistic female armor designs. Now, it's becoming a problematic distraction to make them overtly sexy when nothing calls for it. Fanservice has its place, but not when it comes to fighting on a battlefield. Let's just hope it doesn't get worse in the future.

    Well, that's it for my therapeutic bitching, not that it's a bad thing.

  5. Joker x Rinka, however, was basically "YOU MARRY ME OR ELSE" and honestly[.....] if she was written even one bit in character in that S, with that attitude of his proposal, she'd just have punched him in the face and left.

    Heh heh. I won't force you or anything, but that would make a great comic (I don't actively dislike Joker, just only here). This is easily my least favorite marriage proposal so far, especially since Rinka is one of my personal favorites and I'm going to S-Rank in my Hoshido runthrough. Like, what was he going to do if she didn't accept his shitty proposal? It really rubs me off the wrong way.

    Referring to the topic at hand, I don't believe in canon pairings. Yeah, besides the obvious ChromxSumia M!KamuixAqua shipping, I'd like to believe anything else goes, since it should come right down to the player's choice and not the developers. I also don't like the whole "faster supports = canon pairings" mentality because it seems so arbitrary. What I do believe in, however, is that some couples have far better chemistry than others. It's a given.

  6. I expect these lists to change very quickly. People say they have them all settled but in their hearts they know they are only lying to themselves.

    True. If anything, a good amount of these will change depending on whenever all the supports have been accurately translated, as well as more knowledge of their marriage classes and the stat inheritance for their children.

  7. Well, I finally figured out my pairings for my first series of M!Kamui walkthroughs in Hoshido, Nohr, and Invisible Kingdom. I even decided to make some pictures, if anyone is interested. It's basically a lover's playground.

    *Note* These do not focus on S-Ranks with children.


    M!Kamui x Rinka => RINKAMUI (OTP)
    Ryouma x Aqua => RYAQUA Felicia x Joker => JELICIA
    Hinoka x Tsubaki => TSUNOKA Cyrus x Mozume => CYZUME
    Takumi x Oboro => OBUMI Suzukaze x Kazahana => KAZEHANA
    Sakura x Nishiki => NISHIKURA Asama x Setsuna => SETSAMA
    Saizou x Kagerou => SAGEROU Tsukoyomi x Orochi => TSUROCHI
    Poor Hinata takes one for the team by missing out on the action. Sorry Hisame. #BlameTakumi
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    M!Kamui x Sophie => KAMUIE (clever) Cyrus x Mozume => CYZUME
    Marx x Aqua => AQUARX Suzukaze x Elfie => SULFIE
    Camilla x Zero => ZAMILLA Odin x Pieri => PIERIN
    Leon x Felicia => FELEON Luna x Lazward => LAZNA
    Elise x Flannel => FLANNELISE Benoit x Belka => BELOIT
    Joker x Nyx => JYX Harold x Charlotte => HARLOTTE
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    Invisible Kingdom:

    M!Kamui x Mitama => MITAMUI Suzukaze x Aqua => SUZAQUA Odin x Kagerou => KAGIN Harold x Setsuna => SETSUROLD
    Ryouma x Camilla => RYOUMILLA Joker x Orochi => JOROCHI Lazward x Mozume => LAZUME Saizou x Charlotte => CHAIZOU
    Marx x Hinoka => HARX Cyrus x Felicia => CYLICIA Hinata x Luna => LUNATA Nishiki x Pieri => NIERI
    Takumi x Elise => TAKUMISE Benoit x Rinka => BINKA Flannel x Kazahana => FLANANA Tsukuyomi x Elfie => ELFIYOMI
    Leon x Sakura => LEOKURA Asama x Belka => BELKAMA Zero x Oboro => OBERO Tsubaki x Nyx => TSYXAKI
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    When I do my F!Kamui walkthroughs, I'll focus on S-Ranking her with the likes of Asura and Izana.
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