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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. 1 minute ago, NekoKnight said:

    Less feathers on the total score but more feathers from winning. In the old system, you were being punished for not choosing the popular candidate, so this is more equal, no?

    Actually no. In all versions of the voting gauntlet, people were rewarded for siding with the underdog as the underdog has less individuals, meaning it became easier to rank every individual round, meaning more feathers in the long run. The bonus 500 feathers for winning is pitiful compared to a potential ~1000+ feather gain for earning a good rank on a losing/underdog team.

    All that has changed is that with every successive voting gauntlet is that siding with the "clear winner" has been progressively worse, with less incentives to do so strategically.

  2. 23 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    Overall, I think the multiplier has been a positive element. People of the "no multiplier" camp complain about the possibility of a less popular candidate winning but so far it hasn't happened.

    People that complain about the multiplier aren't all upset about a less popular character winning, hell, I'm one of them and I don't care if the less popular person wins. This is my problem:

    35 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

    not only could it cause an upset, but it ended up discouraging people from playing and spending flags for fear of triggering a multiplier for the opposing team. when it gets to that point, i don't think it's a good mechanic..

    Yeah sure it's just a dumb game, but it doesn't change the fact that people want to win. Not getting a chance to participate because that's what's best for the team at the end of the day isn't really fun, and while it won't harm my enjoyment of the game overall, it still sucks that what used to be a fun, monthly event just becomes me staring at the screen waiting until it's safe for me to play.

  3. 1 minute ago, Anime27Arts said:

    I'll probably hop on with Elise next round for a few reasons.  She was my true hero in Conquest.  She was the mother I had for Ophelia and made her amazing.  I've actually played her game and I'm still on vacation.  I didn't want to be playing every hour on the hour out on the beach but I have been.  I think I'm finally going to enjoy this trip and not stress over this so much.

    We members of Team Elise welcome you with open arms!

    Well old and new members of Team Priscilla, I hope we all have another lovely match tomorrow.

    1 minute ago, Armagon said:

    Really? Well, i'm very surprised. Priscilla's popularity has caught me off guard. She's more popular than i thought.

    Well she's from FE7 which is popular in the West and if you skip Lyn's Mode/don't use Serra in Lyn's Mode she's significantly more useful because of her horse... also a significant number of new fans/bandwagoners might've opted for Elise instead of Lissa.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    What's your score? I have no idea what the cut-off for ranking in top 5,000 is for Team Lachesis, but I'm sitting at rank 4,346 with a score of 634,218.

    Great, I have neither Elise or Priscilla, so, joining either would result in someone contributing less than desired. Cinnamon roll or the healer that is not-Serra. Decisions.

    Join Elise, the best Horse Emblem healer who will always love you forever. She's such a cinnamon roll that she even has two in her hair? How could you say no to that? Join Priscilla and you'll always be second banana to Raven

  5. Don't remember the rest of the units I pullled in my first session, BUT I remember my first pull was a 4* Florina with +SPD/-DEF.

    It's funny too because I thought she was great when I first got her, oh how wrong I was... and how quickly she was replaced with Catria, who I still use now.

    I still have her though, even if Florina is kinda garbage overall. Guess it's the fond memories of her making the earlier story chapters much easier.

  6. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    Yuck, no coffee is even worse.  I had a chemistry prof in undergrad who brought in pungent coffee to class everyday, and its smell bugs me worse than the chemicals.

    But what do you have for caffeine then? Or are you just one of those people how never needs the energy boost? If so then teach me your ways.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    Indeed, they should just do a better job matching up characters with equal popularity. And get rid of the victory bonus.

    I do like that this round they put Sakura and Elise against each other right away. Makes it more likely they'll burn through a good chunk of their feathers before facing someone else.

    That said, I'm happy that there's at least now a possibility for it not to be a total curbstomp. If they want to gauge character popularity, they should just do another poll.

    Only if it's one vote per character. Those "Rally ____" during the CYH event really did skew the results....

  8. Honestly, as much as I like how the bonuses at least don't make almost every other match a curbstomp, it makes me feel like any other future match will never reach the levels of Chrom v. Ephraim from the first Gauntlet. I know popularity will always differ between characters, but IS really should understand that a bonus isn't a true solution when making these gauntlets more "fair"

    2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    Nuns and warfare do NOT mix!

    Shut up, Seliph, you just don't have enough imagination.

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