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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    It's unfortunate, but it's definitely a thing. Male and female Corrin are the best examples that come to mind. They're virtually identical in their character and decisions and their upbringing. The slight differences that are present in gender aren't enough to really change their basic personality. But the female one just seems more liked for whatever reason. Didn't CYL poll even have female Corrin within the top 10 while male Corrin was much lower down? The two are the EXACT SAME CHARACTER. It makes no sense unless gender and appearance really means so much to people :|

    Because being considered hot makes you invulnerable to criticism apparently to some people. It's frankly ridiculous when I see people specifically criticize M!Corrin for all the mistakes they made to explain why they dislike him while ignoring the fact that F!Corrin did the exact same things (or saying that she was a victim of circumstance to defend her).

  2. Just now, Hawk King said:

    Why? If someone is attracted to women, it only makes sense that they would be bias towards good female characters as opposed to good male characters. And vice versa.

    Honestly, at least for me, physical appearance of a character means anything. And it can go the other way too, don't guys also sometimes have a tendency to like guy characters a little more because they're guys and vice versa for girls? Granted, this kind of bias is more common in youth while the bias you mentioned is more common in older people.

    Either way, there is a reason for bias towards both genders for guys and girls respectively.

  3. 6 minutes ago, a bear said:

    We're definitely due for a stand-alone female lead though, for sure.

    I DO agree with this, but is it bad I'm scared for the game that happens. Not because there will be those fans that riot over this, but I still lack faith in IS writing capabilities. Knowing them, they might resort to every single negative trope possible for a female protag and make her just as hated as Corrin.

  4. Yeah, Julia is winning, and we didn't overshoot and give Tharja the bonus! Why does everything exciting happen when I have to stop playing.

    TBH, we're going to lose the lead rather quickly, but it's good that we might have to force Tharja to burn some flags to take back the lead. Also throwing in more support for a Julia v Robin battle. Not only do they represent Naga v Grima, are mirrored on the banner, they both have white-ish hair! Everything about that battle screams style.

    Also I would gladly be curbstomped by Robin than see Robin get curbstomped by his stalker.

  5. Just now, Arthur97 said:

    Well, I hope Julia wins too, so best of luck. Not going to happen.

    Do you have a Staff infection?

    I just hope it doesn't keep repeating the trend of bonus: get ahead, then have Robin whittle down his support and taking the lead then repeat.

    Hey, don't ruin the dream man. I can hope. Just like how I hoped Ephraim could beat Lucina

    Also have you not experienced the glory of staffs? Staffs are love, staffs are life.     Also nice pun.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    You realize if Juilia wins, then Robin will likely become an unstoppable force, right?

    To be honest, I think a majority of us prefer Robin winning over Tharja winning. At least, I do, so I wouldn't mind, I just want Julia to beat Tharja and go to the finals.

    Kind of like how during Chrom v Ephraim, most of the people on team Ephraim didn't care about winning finals and just wanted to beat Chrom.

    Also thank god that one Japanese friend I have has a Ninian out. Dancing made so many difficult matches a cakewalk, makes me so excited for the day when my Olivia is finally trained up.

  7. Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

    I'd wait for it to grow even larger and then spend flags once we get the 3x multiplier.

    Yeah that would probably be better TBH...

    I'm just really anxious. I've sided against the "guaranteed winner" all three times and I just really want to beat them one time. Hopefully we don't overdo it like last time

  8. 21 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Don't put out greens unless you're confident they're broken (Hector, Fury+Desperation Nino). Definitely don't put Julia.

    Alright then, I might just continue to stick with Catira then. 

    Also with that Julia v Tharja gap continuing to grow, I actually might start spending my flags. :/

  9. Should probably actually participate in this thread considering how long I've been lurking.

    I'm actually impressed, Julia's been doing pretty well keeping up and making sure no one gets the multiplier. Better stay this way, I'm hoping for a last second multiplier to overwhelm Tharja. I might not be able to spend all of them, but I have 1400 flags stored and more on the way to burn in the name of the Empress of Grannvale!

    Also to anyone on Team Julia, who should I have as my rep? I currently have a 5* +SPD/-HP Catria out with Threaten Def 3, Rally Attack, and +1 SPD seal and I've kept her on throughout the entire first round, but I have these to offer too:

    5* +DEF/-SPD Julia - Base with Bowbreaker 3 and Iceberg instead of Dragon Fang w/ +1 ATK seal

    4*+1 +SPD/-RES Cecilia - Gronnblade+, Draw Back, Dragon Gaze, Fury 2, Escape Route 3, Ward Cavalry

    5* +ATK/-RES Reinhardt - Base except with New Moon instead of ____ Thunder  I don't have a lot of SP, okay?

    Friend ID is 0453367742 and the name is Anys in case anyone wants to add me.

  10. 43 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    A Brave + Desperation set would be outclassed by Cordelia due to Catria having 1 less Spd than her, assuming both are +Spd. Her base attack is slightly lower as well.

    For physical units, the ORKO cutoff is 49 Atk, which Cordelia reaches easily with a +Atk roll and Death Blow. Otherwise, +Def Takumi OHKO's your flier back. Catria can't accomplish this due to having 4 less Atk at base, so we need to look elsewhere in order to give Catria comparable performance. Desperation, on your part, is a good start, though Fury needs to be replaced with Life and Death 3 to negate the -Spd penalty from the Brave Lance. All she would need at that point is a Hone Spd buff in order to ensure a quad-attack on units with 36 Spd, which is an incredibly crowded speed tier.

    How do we proc Desperation then? A single use of Ardent Sacrifice will do the trick, taking Catria to 25/35 HP (~71%), though if she had a neutral HP roll she would just barely make the cutoff, at ~74%.

    Overall, the only change I would make to the build is replacing Fury with Life and Death, lest she lose out on KO'ing units a Cordelia would have otherwise.

    Hope this helped.

    Thanks for the tips! I don't really have anyone with those abilities so far (at least without some serious investment) so I'll make do with what I have until that moment comes.

    It frankly depresses me how Cordelia outclasses seemingly all Blue Fliers. Makes me dislike her even more :P

  11. A Sacred Stones theme would make me cry because I frikin' love Sacred Stones...and also because I have no orbs.

    I'm still doubtful that Tellius (or at least Ike) is going to show up unless they confirm next update brings in a bunch of new story stuff, and even then, I would expect Tellius/Ike to share the spotlight with Valentia which is pretty much confirmed for this update or the next one considering it's 10 days until release in Japan. Don't want to miss out on that free advertising.

    Also am I the only the only one who wants Natasha. Please tell me no,

  12. Okay, thanks for the responses, I was just curious as to the relatively higher placings of Jeorge among other archers in almost every tierlist I've seen so far, even post-inheritance.

    I've been using Klein for a while now, but his -ATK bane is really starting to affect the arena, and I was wondering if replacing him with someone else like Jeorge temporarily until I get a better IV set or permanently. I guess I might try raising that spare Setsuna instead though, as it sounds like she could take Klein's/Gordin's niche and amplify it to 11 by actually being able to double. Then again I'm also lazy and not into uber-competitive/min-maxing stuff, so we'll see!

  13. Siding with Beruka because she's the only one from a game that I played and a character that I actually like. But she's going to inevitably die in the first round, isn't she?

    I'm going to use Beruka first round to maximize points, then I'll just play the safe route and stick in Klein as my rep for any future rounds (Probably going to side with Minerva if she survives, and if not... Palla?).

  14. 2 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    But are we really surprised though? It's not FE without at least a one note gimmick character.

    If she gets a paired ending with another guy, I'll feel pretty bad about him, because she talks about Alm all game until he says her feelings for her, and then she's all like "I love you too" but get her another support conversation and it's all about Alm again...... 

    Basically Cordelia all over again.

    I'm just praying that there's more to Faye's character that helps at least seem a little appealing. Even Cordelia has the whole deal with perfectionism and how very few people notice how much she actually struggles to be how she is now, brushing it off as natural talent. Faye? Faye just seems to be running the "cuuute~" thing, which frankly makes me want to punch her.

  15. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    My favorite example will always be the possibility of Forde painting while fighting Formotiis. I don't really see why in-battle supports are something people are cheering for.

    Don't worry, apparently the game makes fun of it too:


    Tobin asked Kliff how he was doing and Kliff got all mad cuz he'd told Tobin not to start small talk on the battlefield. Kliff then went away and tobin was all what's up with that dood


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