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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. I kept saying to myself I was going to bench Odin soon in Conquest, and on the map I was supposedly going to use him for the last time, I threw him at the boss to weaken him so others could take the experience. Except he got a 5% crit that killed the boss. And then he got a perfect level-up. Never considered benching him again. He still gets all these crazy crits and Astra procs in the main story and he has completed the gold arena two times already, and on both times, he didn't even get hit on the first two levels despite some of the 80+ hit rates at times.

    Elise dodged an 86% swordmaster that would've KO'd her and Leo dodged a 90% Enfeeble. They don't look that low but my luck typically has the opposite occur.

    On Vanguard Dawn my MU proc'd Lethality 3-times in a row. She didn't even have Hoshidan Unity.

  2. These kids don't really fit but I love the paring so here you go.

    Here's Leon-Kanna and Leon-Foleo too if anyone wants to add them to the masterpost.

    Thank you, it kinda bothered me how Leo/Forrest never got translated for a while while all the other royal brothers were.

    Also still waiting on that Hinoka/Siegbert. I mean, Camilla/Shiro got translated and I'm kinda confident that Xander x Hinoka is more popular than Ryoma x Camilla.

  3. You mean besides the impossible Ryoma/Xander, Ryoma/Scarlet, and Leo/Takumi? Okay.

    Most of mine are just Relevation pairings, because let's face it, that route is canon.

    M!Corrin x Flora (I always really liked Flora, and I really like how she isn't defined by a trope.... also I can get all the children)

    M!Corrin x Azura (Kinda because it's pretty much canon)

    F!Corrin x Silas (The childhood friendship thing is too damn adorable and tempting)

    Azura x Kaze (...Inexplicable bias that originates pre-release. Also Shigure and Midori end up ridiculously fast and I want that)

    Xander x Hinoka (I actually really like this? I wanted a Nohr royal + Hoshido royal, and this is really the only one I both liked and felt comfortable with the age difference)

    Ryoma x Camilla (The support is really awful, but dammit family parallels will exist. THEY WILL. Headcanoning fixes everything)

    Leo x Nyx (I just really like it, also Forrest with Nyx's hair looks really nice!)

    Takumi x Oboro (Self-explanatory at this point)

    Elise x Odin (Elise using Odin's verbiage is absolutely adorable. Also it fits with the family parallels down the line...)

    Sakura x Hayato (Literally the only pairing I feel comfortable doing Sakura with. Also they share candy and that's sweet)

    Laslow x Peri (The one of the only pairings where Peri doesn't seem like she ends up still a psychopath. Also Laslow must marry the crazy one in both Awakening and Fates)

    Saizo x Beruka (Dat C-rank tho No seriously, it's fitting that the two assassins get together. Also considering I'm pairing their lieges, it feels more fitting. Also because Asugi and Beruka both have a headband. It's stupid, but it's a reason)

    Kagero x Jakob (Jakob's still a jerk in this but not as much as in his others. Also I must have black-haired Dwyer. It's fitting)

    Selena x Subaki (To make everything go full circle)

    Azama x Effie (Pretty much Azama's only good support)

    Setsuna x Niles (...I needed pairings. Also Nina gets Bowfaire and the Archer branch, and that alone gives the pairing all my yes)

    Hinata x Hana (Look above. Also I guess I think it's kinda cute? They train together and it seems like they have good chemistry)

    Arthur x Mozu (Sir Justice deserves a nice quiet home life on the farm once everything is over)


    Keaton x Charlotte (I want a high strength Velouria for the lolz)

    Benny x Rinkah (Two isolationists get together. Also Rinkah doesn't screw over a child's stats)

    Reina x Yukimura (Because it seems really fitting? I know it can't actually happen in game, but both of them seem around similar age and both served as Mikoto's retainers)

  4. Leaving behind the winners, about the 1 generations supports, if with anyone or just a few of them?

    The supports given seem a little random IMO, there's a list of a few on a separate thread: The remainder of Japanese Map Pack 3 is now available

    Not sure if the list is complete, but I doubt it is. Also none of them are currently translated as far as I can tell...

  5. S-s-subaki? You know what, I ain't even mad. We got two Hoshidan exclusives as secret winners too. Butohmygodeveryonestoplookingsoattractivevjdsaljgf;adsjfkremcakl;ajeg;

    Also as a side note, I'm actually surprised at no Azura and Jakob CGs. I was confident they would get one, but I guess not. :/

  6. Logged on just for this post. I honestly love Fates and I will take any chance to praise it:

    • Localization was great, I don't care what anyone says. Yes, they took lots of liberties with the supports, but at the end of the day, I felt the changes never truly impacted a character so much to make me feel like they're a completely changed person or just bland in comparison to the Japanese. In some regards, I actually like some characters better because of it (Soleil comes to mind immediately). The only thing that remotely bothered me was Saizo x Beruka C-rank, but I still think it's hilarious and in-character, and that makes me totally okay with it. But seriously, kudos to the translation team, as Fates could've ended up far worse than the way people act like.
    • Oh my god the voice acting is great. Arthur, Odin, Kaden, Keaton, Gunter... even voices I initially hated like Xander's and Hinoka's I enjoy a lot. I personally think it's just as fine as Awakening's but maybe I just have low standards....
    • Gameplay is a fantastic growth from Awakening's. Lowmanning is discouraged, children are implemented wonderfully gameplay wise (storywise though... hahahaha...), gender-locked classes are almost completely gone at this point, archers are useful, it's great. I'm probably going to be spending the next 2 years or so playing this game to be honest.
    • The aesthetics are absolutely wonderful, and stunning, that's really all I can say, I mean holy cow.
  7. I've only seen the encounter and arc of Zola in the Birthright path so far... I figured he'd grown a bit fond of Corrin in that arc... mad pretty obvious by his death dialogue with Garron. But he actually made a proposal of how to end the war?


    Lemme guess. Corrin kills him?

    Nah, Leo does. Corrin just watches and remarks how coldhearted Leo is towards his enemies. Zola actually played smart and managed to trap all the Hoshidan royalty and had them ready to be executed so the war could be ended quickly. But then Corrin and co. come in, free the Hoshidan siblings (WAT R U DOING), and basically tell Zola "STAHP PLAYING DIRTY even if it actually saves us a lot of hardship, death, and other stuff in the future." It's possibly one of the dumbest moments in Conquest.

  8. I actually came up with a few, specifically for the four princesses a while ago:


    Class: Sky Knight *Growths tend to high skill and speed with low magic

    Personal Skill: Hero's Determination - When HP below 1/2, all stats +3. Effects double when under 1/4.

    Description: "Hinoka's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. I highly idealistic woman, she idolizes her family, leading her to pick up the naginata at a relatively young age. She's very headstrong and is quick to enter fights, often causing trouble. The best at improvising."


    Class: Shrine Maiden *Growths tend towards high resistance and magic with low defense

    Personal Skill: Natural Order - When healing units, also heals all debuffs.

    Description: "Sakura's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. A highly serious, strong-willed and dutiful young girl, Kaguya takes her job as a servant of the Gods more seriously than most people twice her age. Has an odd fondness for nighttime and the moon." Props to you if you get the reference


    Class: Wyvern Rider *Growths lean more towards magic and speed with low resistance

    Personal Skill: Bewitch - All male enemies within a 2-tile radius suffer +2 damage taken and -2 damage dealt.

    Description: "Camilla's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. An elegant, proper, but manipulative lady, she easily charms those around her, a trait she often uses to get men into doing what she wants. Has the weirdest but most contagious laugh."


    Class: Troubadour *Growths tend towards high skill and speed with low strength and defense

    Personal Skill: Mischievous - All enemies within a 2-tile radius suffer -15 Hit/Avoid at the beginning of every odd turn.

    Description: "Elise's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. Though Lucille loves her mother and wishes to be like her, she's very restless and blunt and enjoys pulling pranks just to get a reaction. Has the worst allergies."

  9. Lurked on here for a while, so might as well post some of my own.

    - Garon and Katerina had more children besides Xander, who was actually one of the younger ones, but all of them passed away or were assassinated.

    - Xander was actually very close to Azura and Arete who both supported him while recovering from his mother's death when he was a child and was hit hard by Azura's kidnapping.

    - Camilla covers her left eye because of a very tiny and faint scar she received when defending Corrin from an assassination attempt. The scar is incredibly hard to notice without being told about it but the thought of a blemish disturbs her far too much.

    - Camilla's wyvern's name is Eris and she raised the wyvern since she was a child. Eris died but Camilla was unable to handle burying her, so she instead studied dark magic for years so she could "revive" Eris and turn her into a zombie wyvern. However, the wyvern is still somewhat "dead" and can't properly react to most situations and when not being ridden just stands idly while breathing incredibly raspy breaths that disturb everyone around. It never sleeps.

    - Elise isn't the only one that plays an instrument in the Nohrian royal family. Xander plays the cello, Camilla plays the viola, and both Leo and Corrin play the piano. Leo excels more at the technical pieces while Corrin is better at the more "emotional" pieces. They compete and argue incessantly over who is the better pianist.

    - The pegasus Hinoka rides was a small, injured, wild foal she found when she was younger but nursed back to health with Mikoto's help. The pegasus refused to leave when she was healed so Hinoka kept her.

    [spoiler=Relevations spoilers] - Azura's dress is one of Mikoto's old dresses that was modified. The dress was when Mikoto was a priestess of Anankos before everything went to hell, but she brought it with her when she came to Hoshido. Young Azura came across it, fell in love with it, and asked if she could have it while making some modifications of her own, like the large slit in it to allow freer movement when dancing.

    - The sun disk Mikoto wears was initially Arete's, but Arete gave it to her as a parting gift before they split paths.

    - There were other Vallite survivors and they split into two to accompany Arete and Mikoto to Nohr and Hoshido respectively. The Vallites that followed Arete only dispersed because Arete told them to and she didn't want to attract attention while the Vallites that accompanied Mikoto ditched as soon as they were out of earshot of Arete's group because they knew Mikoto fell in love with Anankos and didn't want to stay near her.

    - Sumeragi actually met Mikoto in Hoshido before Anankos went mad, but due to the weird time flow differences between Valla and Hoshido, Sumeragi was still a young man (~18?) while Mikoto was only about a year younger than she was when she married him. Needless to say Sumeragi freaked out when he saw her again many years later but she didn't seem a year older.

  10. Peri/Soleil: http://pastebin.com/v8tH8VAM

    Holy crap that was really good. Peri's development since her supports with Las and her comparisons/contrasts between her and Soleil, and that little cooking portion at the end? Really good.

    Wow, Peri's actually a decent person in this convo.... Laslow, you are marrying Peri from now on and no one else. Fitting that you end up marrying the psychos in both Awakening and Fates.

    But seriously, why is the Sakura/Kana conversation a thing. Why. WHY.

    And Hinoka/Siegbert when?

  11. I have a bias for Bows and Tomes....


    Mysterious fighters that have no place they call home. Wield bows with high accuracy.

    Promotes to Adventurer or Freelancer

    Max Weapon Rank : Bows - B


    Resourceful (Level 1) - Gain Hit/Aviod +20 when attacking an enemy on plain terrain while skill holder is on a tile with terrain bonuses

    Trickster (Level 5) - Enemy suffers Hit/Avoid -15 if enemy initiates combat and skill holder is able to successfully counterattack


    An adept ranged specialist that wields tomes along with bows. High skill and speed.

    Max Weapon Rank: Bows - S Tomes - B


    Weapon Optimization (Level 5) - Upon selecting, the equipped weapon's range increases by 1 at the cost of -30 Hit, -3 damage dealt, and the inability to double attack

    Ranged Superiority (Level 15) - Gains +5 damage dealt against units that wield 1-range weapons

    Also the lack of a special class for Revelations bothers me beyond all logical reasoning:

    True Blood/True Noble (I don't want to use Valla in the name.... it seems wrong)

    Royals who align themselves with the path of truth. Along with swords and dragonstones, they wield shurikens to weaken foes.

    Max Weapon Rank: Swords - A Dragonstones - A Shurikens - B


    Hidden Strength (Level 5) - Gains +5 to Boon stat and +3 for related stats (the other stats that gain bonuses when choosing the boon) when HP below half (if HP is chosen as boon, effects are based on the STR stat)

    United as One (Level 15) - Any buffs units within a 2-tile radius receives will also be received by the skill holder

    No stats because I'm horrible at that stuff. Names suck too.

  12. Oh my god these supports are amazing, I'm so happy they did this for every child! Still sad over no sibling/sibling supports for Shigure and Kana though

    It's so nice to see Selena's growth over time in all her supports, they all hit me hard in the feels which is surprising because I couldn't care less about her before. They even show Elise growing up a little and her children inheriting her spoiled, somewhat selfish attitude. And Christ, Corrin/Shigure is absolutely adorable and I love it. It's funny too because Azura's scolding of Corrin reminds me of how my mother critiques my own god awful singing >_>

    Also Hinoka/Siegbert or riot

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