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Posts posted by SageOfAnys

  1. So umm, it looks like that some images of Recollections of Bubbles is out!

    If no one minds, I'll leave links to the images (from Miiverse). Be careful of spoilers.



    And I'll just leave this here...


    Umm, if this was the wrong place to put these images then a mod or whoever can delete this post. I'm so sorry for my mistake, if I made one.

    Forrest's and Kiragi's faces... oh god why.

    Also you do use your own units in battle? This leads to many questions.

    I see male Corrin with male Kana, along with Shura and Azura.

    What is going on.

    99.99% sure that's actually a female Corrin there.

  2. To be honest, I'm gonna be really fucking salty upset if this isn't fake. First of all, not a single Birthright-exclusive character appeared in the Hoshidan festival. And second, they seem to be outright ignoring the results of the poll. Shiro is the 3rd most popular kid, yet Shigure got an artwork instead of him. Midori was less popular than Soleil, Selkie and Velouria. It doesn't seem to be consistent. I'm gonna be really upset if the Nohrian festival has a single Conquest-exclusive character.

    ... or I might be just cranky because it's really late in my Time Zone and I need to sleep soon. I'll probably be able to form a more concrete opinion next morning.

    Nah don't worry about that dude. Nohr pretty much dominated the popularity polls in all regards, so we're getting a huge Nohr influx.

    Assuming Shigure and Midori were chosen because they were the most popular boy and girl avaliable in both routes, the Halloween one will have these characters for illustration: Leo, Xander, Camilla, Oboro, Jakob, and Azura

  3. I find it hilarious that a DLC map of all things has become the next biggest complaint firestorm around the net right now.

    It's like the Smash fanbase all over again. People complaining about some character they like not getting in.

    This is why I have little faith in humanity... and fandoms. People need to learn to be more appreciative, jeez, and this is just an illustration anyway. They can easily go create their own if they wanted to, so they're complaining why..?

  4. My family and I went to a store after dining out with friends to buy something really quick, so me and my brother went to the video game section to see if we liked anything. My brother did, so I was obligated to get one to. I saw Awakening on the shelf and had heard some good things about the game from reviewers, so that along with some interest in series after playing Melee and Brawl made me get it.

    Since then I've played FE7, FE8, and currently on FE14 doing all three routes. I try to avoid emulating while I can, so I'm hopefully waiting for a chance to purchase FE9, FE10, and FE11 on eShop, waiting to emulate FE12 after playing FE11, and waiting for the new translation patch for FE4 unless it already released, then damn I need to keep better track of things. FE5 is saved for last because I lack faith in my skills.

  5. I god I love both of them to death why are you making me choose

    Elise, by a very small margin though. Normally in cases where I love both units, I tend to move towards weapon bias and design preference, but since both tomes AND bows are my favorite weapons and I love both their designs, well that leaves me in bit of a pickle.

    But in the end, I would probably say Elise though because she reminds me of some younger family friends I always enjoyed playing with when visiting. I myself am a very "tired" and socially awkward person, yet being around energetic, happy, playful characters like Elise is actually refreshing to me while I would probably just stand around awkwardly and look at my feet when around someone like Sakura. Not to mention she provides some lovely moments of humor in Conquest and her extreme dedication to her family seen in all three routes is something admirable. But I guess I could say the same thing could be said about Sakura's devotion to her nation though too...

  6. I think my opinion echos the majority in this thread: As characters, I love a lot of them, but their implementation with the Babyrealm is absolutely terrible.

    I really do enjoy a lot of the children as characters like Shigure, Shiro, Midori, and Kiragi, but the fact that they are children have nothing to do with why I love them. They would've been just fine had they not been children, and they might have actually been better if they didn't have the defining characteristic of "children" tied to them since they actually would've had access to fitting supports that might've developed their character more like Forrest x Oboro.

    But at the same time, we have children like Nina and Kana created which were some of the blandest characters in the game. Heck, a majority of the really "bland" ones are children.

    At this point, I might have enjoyed children in a future game, but Fates left such a bad taste in my mouth regarding this mechanic that I'd rather not see them for the next 5 games or so.

  7. Ohhh yes Proximity Shot.

    And well needed convos too.

    The failed revolution one seems interesting, and ahh scrambles.

    Is that Oboro in the Harvest Scramble shot? please let it be her unless Anna's dying hairs again and it's someone else welp.

    Also from the source page, there's another shot in the bottom right of the header thing. But I can't tell who that could be at all. No one really has that kind of hair? Unless that's Takumi with his hair down but thats too short...


    The two people shown in the yukatas are likely Dwyer and Ophelia (Anna does love that blue dye, doesn't she...)

  8. I'm probably kidding myself but I'd like sibling conversations a lot. I doubt we'll get parent conversations like in Future Past given we likely won't be playing as the parents, so it shouldn't be too hard to add an extra set of dialogue for every character to speak to Kana as if they were siblings, right? It won't happen.

    If anything, it's more likely we'll get special child/parent vs conversations since I'm willing to bet good money that all Gen 1 units will appear as enemies and not be only implied to be the parents like in Awakening. Also they absolutely need dialogue between Kana with his siblings, but considering how little in-game dialogue was changed to fit married couples, I'm not going to get my hopes to high.

  9. I really hope not. The Royals have already had fanservice images and I'd like to see some other people get some love.

    Unfortunately it's probably so. The guy in the pirate outfit has many bits of puplish bits of clothing the same color as Xander's (he even has a purple sash across his chest, like a certain Paladin...), the build looks about right, and if you look really close at the face, you can see a distinct, single blond curl. If it's not Xander, I will eat my shoe at this point.

  10. Ah, I think I've got a good idea for the setting of the Future Past-like DLC.

    [spoiler=All routes spoiler]It'll take place in a world where Corrin chose Birthright or Conquest - remember, the game itself called those choices wrong, and the enemies are all Anankos' redshirts.

    [spoiler=...] I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that children from both sides appear in this DLC... unless they're confirming that the enemy side also had access to a magical hyperbolic time chamber.

  11. Honestly considering we're probably going to be playing with the actual children units instead, and there being the very, very, high probability that some of the enemies we will fight will be the dead parents.... yeah this new DLC will be depressing as all hell.

    At least we have the Scramble maps coming later to lighten up the mood ha ha...?

  12. Looking at the images on the top of the site, we can see Kiragi with the Fujin Bow (Yep, Future Past v.2 is pretty much confirmed... time to prepare for the feels), what I assume is Dwyer in a yukata, and.. uh... I want to say Xander but really I have no clue.

    It would make more sense for a non-royal considering Xander already has an illustration but looking at the color, the sash, and the tiiiny bit of hair I see I'm 99.99% sure it's Xander.

  13. I actually really enjoyed the DLC? I mean, it's a hell lot more fun to play than the Awakening one and requires an actual brain to play it. After all that skill grinding in Awakening which I'll never do again, I literally wanted to bang my head into a wall after 1 or 2 playthroughs of EXPonential growth, while I've played this one ~5 times already and I'm still not bored.

    Also I mostly play these maps for support grinding anyways, so it's also better than that front. I hated being able to only bring 6 people at a time in Awakening as supports would go at a crawl. Also some units would end up unnecessarily high leveled...

  14. I know this is late, but one minor thing on this for anyone else: I have been pairing Wolf Boy (Flannel) and Setsuna but they gain no points. Turns out they can't get supports... or my game is bugged. Doesn't have it on the support list for me either. Just a word of warning.

    ACK. That chart was messed up? Sorry about that! I saw a correct version somewhere before. I guess there was an older, incorrect version that I found instead.

    I'm playing Conquest (at Chapter 16 currently if it matters) and I'm wondering if the three pre-promoted royal siblings are worth using. Habitually, I basically never use prepromote units in 'classic' FE games, but I realize circumstances may be different what with their special weapons and plot significance and whatnot.

    Mainly I'm wondering about Xander and Leo... (Camilla seems quite good, I just haven't used her yet since her exp gain is way lower as a prepremote)

    Both have decent tankiness and there's the obvious appeal of their special weapons, but they seem like they'll be easily overtaken by my other units in the stat department. Is it a good idea to use them and if so, when is the best time to start using them without the exp being wasted on units that could get more from defeating the same enemies?


    I have yet to actually play the game yet, but I've heard dozens of good things about the siblings in general. They should be okay to use because as far as I'm concerned, they seem designed to not suck.

    Also I have a few questions of my own. I just got Conquest but haven't touched it yet and I have a few questions before I do:

    How viable would you guys say skills like Lunge and the "___ Blow" skills are? Are they good for players too or are they more skills designed for the AI to make your life a living hell?

    When you begin a game, can you lower the difficulty? Not from Classic -> Casual -> Phoenix, but Lunatic -> Hard -> Normal? Or do you have to start with a new file?

  15. I'm not kidding when I say the only reason I'm marrying Silas on my main file is because I saw his background story with Corrin during E3 and immediately thought "that is both the cheesiest and cutest thing I've ever seen. I'm marrying him."

    Really I would mostly assume his popularity stems from that and the whole knight x princess relationship going on here which I guess is more popular here in the West. Also I guess if you don't plan on marrying a sibling, Silas is one of the most "fitting"? But why seriously why are Forrest and Saizou that low. Forrest and Saizou are too fabulous for that.

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