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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. All this time we were wondering if Eirika could overtake Camilla and Veronica comes out of nowhere, huh.

    I am a little upset by this, given she likely just won because everyone's impatient to have her as a unit and by the way the story's going she'll join us sooner than later anyway, but it could have been worse.


    My main regret is that this may have been Eirika's best chance at winning, since the female winners next year are bound to be a combination of Camilla, Loki, Tharja and the main waifu/ blatant fanservice character of FE16. However, Camilla and Tharja may rank lower if they get more seasonals, which is a given for the former's case, much like how Eirika was sabotaged by getting an alt... (I'm assuming Tharja ranked low because people are still salty about Enduring Love and/ or are currently voting for Loki, who may become playable before CYL3.)

    --RANT OVER.

    In any case, I'm getting my free Ephraim. I'll admit I don't feel as strongly for Hector and Celica as I did last year's winners, but I may pull for them if they have good skills...which they're bound to, since they got 1st place :P

    Now...why is Marth on the home page with the winners? Maybe we'll get the 3rd (and 4th! I doubt it but hope so!!) place winners as well! (Or Marth will be our next Legendary Hero.)

  2. 12 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    Of course ideally speaking, it would be nice to if they rewarded the 3rd place as well.

    Yes, please!

    Anyway, if we're also discussing CYL kits here, I predict one of the winning males will have Fierce Breath. Probably Hector, since it fits his character a little better (and Ephraim will probably be on a horse), though it would be hilarious if he kept Distant Counter (speaking of which, his weapon probably comes with DC built in).

    For the females' side, I think Celica could potentially get Swift Breath (assuming she uses Beloved Zofia), though I think it would fit Eirika better since her base form fits the "weak, yet fast" archetype (assuming she doesn't get on a horse). Granted, who knows if we'll get two Breaths at once? Especially since we're most likely going to get two new Ikes with them instead.

  3. 1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

    For anyone who cares, here are Ike's stats from a snip of the video the moment you get to see them:


    Looks like a Resistance based version of Steady Breath. Radiant Aether had a cooldown of 4, and added 18 damage to Ike's attack (became 34 damage from 16) while recovering 17, half of the damage dealt.

    So Radiant Aether is just an easier to use Aether? Interesting.

    Also, I'm amazed that IKE of all people has Warding Breath. I guess it makes sense since Brave Ike had Warding Breath, but still: it would have made more sense for Micaiah to have it (or anyone else with an already high Res stat).

    More Tactic skills are nice, of course.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    And anyone excited for Legendary Ike (which it's totally stupid that he's the new Legendary hero, by the way) who also complained about Eirika's new version, take your hypocrisy elsewhere, thank you very much.

    I was expecting to see exactly this issue pop up and came here expecting to be irritated xD Probably on Reddit.

    Also, I guess Nintendo was serious when they said this would be a cosy Feh Channel: CYL results would have been...intense, let's just say.

    I'm excited for the new maps and Tap Battles. I'm glad the LHB doesn't have anyone I particularly want (and hate that the Hero is RD!Ike and that he shares focus in the Tempest Trial with SS) and the Hero Fest is cool but I don't know if I want to pull on it. Maybe I'm just traumatised by my attempts to get Sigurd last month.

    Anyway, I'll hold onto my Orbs plus the 100 we get for the anniversary and hope the Movement Skills banner has Elincia!

  5. 3 hours ago, dmurr said:

    Internet complaints are never accurate, really. Eirika was below fCorrin in the last CYL, but is 3rd in this one below Camilla and Celica. Look at Myrrh for reference. I just checked, she wasn't even in the top 100 before, now she's 18th. If you ask me, the banner did nothing but give those characters an advantage. 

    At first I wondered if Myrrh's placement was just because she was a unit everyone wanted but hadn't shown up at the start of voting, then remembered the banner was revealed at the start of Day 3. A small part of me still wonders if her placement is just because of those first two days, but by Naga do I hope you're right...

    2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    My FINAL predictions are:

    Hector and Ephraim win the the men's side. Marth just BARELY misses out. Outrage online due to split votes.

    Celica and Eirika win on the women's side. Eirika gets a push from the banner and overtakes Camilla. Veronica pushes Azura out of 4th place. 

    Every time I see someone suggest the banner helped her, I get very happy (as I mentioned earlier, I've only seen people complain about it)...

    2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

    What I want: Marth, Ephraim, Celica, Veronica

    What I expect: Hector, Ephraim, Camilla, Loki

    This made me chuckle but also very sad.

    56 minutes ago, Morswo said:

    I hope that we get Erika in the top 2 of the female poll and Ephraim as 2nd placed male. 

    The most important thing for me is Caeldori in the top 100.

    That would be wonderful!

    I really hope Caeldori gets attention too!

  6. 11 hours ago, dmurr said:

    Only shake-up I could see is Eirika as a dark-horse pulling down Camilla out of second. She was added in a banner the game dropped in the middle of the voting period, which will definitely help.

    How I hope so...

    But I've seen more hate for the new Eirika than additional support, unfortunately. What about you?

    I really, REALLY hope both Renais twins made it in!!!

  7. 3 hours ago, Book Bro said:

    Eirika could get a bow or staff as a callback to her Awakening DLC (with a better outfit tho, "Queen" Eirika anyone?)

    Imagine if she got Latona - it'll be the second Sacred Weapon she stole xD

    I still think she'll get a better Sieglinde though (hey, if Roy gets a stronger version of his dad's weapon, Eirika can get a stronger version of her own).

    Since Siegmund was already upgraded, I think Garm is the likely option for Ephraim. Fingers crossed for both of them to make it in!!

  8. 9 minutes ago, Usana said:

    Well I did go ahead and toss my last vote to Eirika. So my final Ballot was Panne, Kaden, Selkie, Velouria, Ewan, Selkie, and Eirika. So I basically went my original plan but subbed an extra Selkie in over Ross and Voted for Velouria instead of Myrrh. I kinda regret not going all Bunny with a full Panne vote, but I don't get as much fun voting multiple times for the same character as I do spreading it out. The second Selkie vote just felt bleh to me.

    Thank you so much!!

    Edit: Double posted by accident. Is there a way to merge these posts? Thanks!

  9. 1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

    I'm a little torn with what to do with my last vote. So far its been Cynthia x4, Sumia, and Katarina. I'm considering doing the following: a) vote for a hero I want in the game (Ilyana, Flora, Silas) or b) get involved in the CYL wars and vote for Eirika or maybe even Azura to possibly dethrone Camilla. I'm considering going the former route, as while I'm not a huge fan of Camilla and getting an alternate OP Eirika would be nice, it doesn't really bother me enough compared to having one of my favorites confined outside the game.

    Could I convince you to vote for Eirika, please? Winning at the same time as her brother would be so magical!!

    2 hours ago, Lau said:

    I have to wonder though, will we get another live action trailer like we did last time? Because that was really great.

    This would be glorious! The Heroes would also end up as mascots for the game and even end up on adverts and the official site, if last year is any indication!

    9 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    So how many times have you guys been voting each day? I've voted 12 times per day so far.

    I...may or may not have gone crazy once the interim results were revealed. I've been voting a lot for Eirika through a VPN (so my account's votes aren't affected). I have gotten "cannot reach the domain" errors a few times so I hope that doesn't mean all my extra votes have gone to waste..?

  10. 1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

    I still hope Erika and Ephraim win. I would love to have the wonder twins win this

    This would be so magical!! I really hope Eirika can overtake Camilla. Can you imagine both twins getting Brave forms at the same time?! Squee!!

    Needless to say, Eirika's getting my remaining votes, Sacred Memories be damned. The Wonder Twins need to get their outfits together!

    So, do you know who you'll vote for, @Poimagic?

  11. 1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

    What were they thinking releasing the new variant of Eirika at the time they did, honestly.

    It just seems so shortsighted on their part, which makes me want to believe @Yexin's theory, farfetched as it is.

    1 hour ago, Cysx said:

    Honestly, she was released during the fourth day, right? I mean we'll see how close it ends up being, but if they really meant to sabotage Eirika, they should have done so earlier. Logically, most casual voters came for the first, second, maybe third day and then forgot about it, and as such, most votes were already in by the time of her inclusion. And this could have put more spotlight on her as well.

    Again if Camilla ends up with a, idk, lower than 2k lead(assuming nobody reaches 100k total), I'll give you that maybe things could have been different, but otherwise, eh.

    Eirika was announced at the exact start of the third day (the Banner trailer came out at 3am UTC, which is when a new day starts in the VG), which I feel is plenty of time to sabotage her (intentionally or not). Going off of reddit, a lot of people decided to jump ship as a result. (How Camilla having three versions never seems to occur to people who complain about Eirika having two escapes me entirely, which is why I said what I did in the post @Ice Dragon quoted.)


    1 hour ago, Yexin said:

    chill out, that was just a random thought my mind gave birth to, the chances for it being true are extremely low

    but, as cysx said, we'll see how much camilla and eirika differ in three days, assuming that no one's changing his/her position

    I really hope Eirika can overtake Camilla. As I wrote above, the timing of Eirik2's reveal is incredibly suspect and I wouldn't be surprised if IS had been planning to snipe Eirika off of the charts even before all this (she was the top non-Fateswakening female last year, after all).

    I think we need to prepare some tinfoil hats, but I can't help but wonder after reading your post... 

  12. 6 minutes ago, Randoman said:

    I'd just like to point out that with IS banning Radiant Dawn Ike and Masked Marth from the current poll, I'm pretty sure that IS is taking split votes into account. Otherwise, IS wouldn't be banning "alternate versions" of Ike and Lucina (winners from the last poll) in the current poll.

    Ike won 1st AND 6th place last time, so I suspect they aren't (I assume the only reason Ike and Lucina are banned this time is so that they don't get two Brave outfits, which are completely separate units altogether).

  13. 4 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    Oh wow. Just saw the twitter results, and I finished voting for all of the people I had planned on voting for. I added Ishtar, Edward, Leonardo, Tibarn, Shigure, Brady, Bruno, and Forrest to my votes. Now, I think I'm going to use the remainder of the days to vote for the peeps I'd like to see get higher in the ranks. I think I'll focus on one guy and one gal. 

    For the guys, I'd love to see Marth make it to the top. He deserves a special costume. I love both Ephraim and Hector however, so it's not as big a deal. I also love Celica, so I want to see her stay on top.... But I also want to see if we can push Camilla out of the top. XD I guess voting for Azura or Eirika would be a good way to do that, but I actually would like to see Veronica ranking higher. Hm... I'm torn. 

    Is anyone rallying behind a particular female? I wouldn't mind going for Veronica, Micaiah, Eirika, or even Nino. 

    I may also chunk a few votes at Alfonse because he earned it in that last chapter.

    Eirika, please! Besides, if you want to push Camilla out, she would be the best way to go :P

    Edit: I sure hope so, @Morswo! Maybe you could throw a vote(s) her way after you vote for Caeldori, pretty please?

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