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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. I'm just so happy SS is the first game to get two BHBs. Hopefully this means we'll get more SS love in the future and my crack theory of a Lyon GHB will come to pass!

    As for this map, the starting area is awfully cramped, but I eventually pulled it off with LynHardt and two dancers (my goodness does that make me sad). It was morbidly hilarious when I boxed myself into the right corner of the map when I was using full Horse Emblem, I can tell you that. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    You realize that the average cost of a single 5-star focus character (assuming all other possibilities are considered worthless to you) when summoning is around 150-200 orbs, yes?

    No one would pull for additional copies of 5-star characters the moment they get one with an optimal nature if the prices were as cheap as you propose.


    16 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    You know we get over 200 orbs a month right


    I just came up with those numbers on the spot. I don't think the cost of a 5* should exceed 50 Orbs though. What about 25 for a 3*, 40 for a 4*?

  3. This will probably never happen but I'd like to see a Hero "store" alongside/ instead of the banners (the latter especially if the lootbox outrage reaches all the way to Japan and the F2P market):

    Have each Hero be available at a fixed price based on their rarity, e.g. any 3* for 15 Orbs, 4* for 20, 5* for 30, with the 5* cost for Focus units dropped to 20 for the duration of the banner. This way we're still encouraged to grind/ buy Orbs ASAP and avoids the frustration of bloated summoning pools and pity breakers. Granted, the latter is how IS makes money, but I feel people would be more willing to pay up if they had the option to guarantee exactly what they'd get (I know I would).

    Also, you could gauge your Orb usage based on your number of Feathers, e.g. opting for a 3 or 4* Hero because you have enough Feathers to make them a 5* (thus saving 15/ 10 Orbs).

  4. Wouldn't that be a twist?

    @Mis Leaker, can Dracul only choose proficiencies in the sword/ lance/ axe as a Vassal and Bloodbound?

    Now that this info has sunk in, this sounds like a really interesting game, both in terms of gameplay and plot! Hopefully the Direct airs when I can watch it!

  5. An interesting final batch! Dracul sounds interesting, though the "wants what's best for everyone" makes me worry they'll be Little Miss/ Mr Perfect again, but the premise and how they come across are interesting enough for me to be excited. It'll be interesting to see if Alain's beliefs will ever be challenged along his journey and Rival Units will be a nice new addition. I wonder if you can lure them to the enemy army with a cavalier or other unit with a high movement range who can escape easily...

  6. It's funny that I got my first Lucius in the Legendary Banner but I just wanted to say I'm supporting Priscilla in this - hopefully she can win this time! (She beat Lissa last time, so miracles can happen.) My Priscilla also has all the buffs V2.0 has to offer (save Wrathful Staff for her B slot...) so she should be better suited to this than healers were back then, at least a little :P

    But yeah, Enduring Love has several...implications about her that maybe IS didn't intend (or maybe they did).

  7. Thanks again for the Sacred Twins, @SoulWeaver! Now I want to give it a shot after V2.0 gave me some much needed inspiration :D Explanations are given in italics beneath each skill.

    Eirika - Restoration Queen

    Cavalry Sword Unit


    HP: avg

    Atk: avg

    Spd: high

    Def: avg

    Res: high

    I'm assuming Eirika gets a CYL buff. She's meant to be a buff-bot able to take hits, avoid being doubled and ignore non-Panic Ploy skills (or run them herself if you forgo her native C Skill)

    Weapon - Sacred Sieglinde, 16 Mt: Grants adjacent allies Atk+4 at start of each turn. Effective against Cavalry units. (Can be refined to add the Armorslayer effect.)

    Ephraim got Atk+4 on his upgrades and Divine Naga is literally "Naga but more". Also I initially planned on giving Eirika "Sacred Rapier" before Weapon Refining was revealed, so here we are (normal Eirika needs an upgrade too!) The rapier basis is also why the refinement described above exists (I figured giving her both of the rapier's bonuses AND Atk+4 was too much at once).

    Special: Iceberg

    High Res :)

    B - Lunar Brace: Attacks this unit receives target its Res stat. Cannot be inherited.

    The Dragonbreath upgrades showed us that targeting different defensive stats is a thing now and nighttime/ the moon is usually associated with mystery and magic. That and I think it fits Eirika's nature to talk her way out of situations than fight, so she avoids using her physical bulk/ Res. Does this make sense? Also, I thought BRACElets were a good fit for protective items in a fantasy world~

    C - Def/ Res Tactic 3: Allies within two spaces gain Def/ Res +4 at start of each turn if total number of that unit's movement type on current team <= 2.

    Thank you Shiro and Siegbert! I figured hybrid Tactic skills were only a matter of time and this way Eirika still fulfils her buff-bot role while using one skill slot less to do so. The movement restriction also means I won't need to see Eirika on any of those filthy cavalry teamses.


    Ephraim - Restoration King

    Cavalry Lance Unit


    HP: avg

    Atk: high

    Spd: avg

    Def: high

    Res: avg

    I'm assuming a CYL buff here too and wanted to make him a mirror to Eirika, hence the mirrored stats.

    Weapon - Siegmund+, 18 Mt: CYL!Ephraim has the "bonus skill" refinement of Siegmund by default.

    Special: Bonfire

    High Def :P

    B - Solar Brace: Attacks this unit receives target its Def stat. Cannot be inherited.

    As I said, I wanted him to be the opposite of Eirika: where she wants to avoid conflict, he'd rather skip the talking and take his opponent head on.

    C - Def Smoke 3

    An "evolution" of his base form's Threaten Def and emphasises both his eagerness for battle and tactical merit in catching his opponents off-guard before striking them down.


    Thoughts? It's my first time doing something like this, so I hope I did a good job. I did my best!

  8. 2 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    That's... a pretty boring gauntlet block. Better figure out which side may give me feathers...

    And great, it's the Ayra situation all over again thanks to the banner situation (stats-wise, Rhajat has similar stats to Tharja's, only having just enough of a BST boost to bump her Arena scoring up (150 v. 148), and Rhajat doesn't have as ridiculous of a vanilla kit as Ayra's).

    Stats and such from Gamepedia and Gamepress.

    Rhajat's stats spread: 36/35/34/21/24

    Default kit: Keen Gronnwolf+, Rally Def/Res, Distant Defense 3, Savage Blow 3 (available at 4*, implying that Rhajat would drop down to 4-5* once the Voting Gauntlet banner expires)

    Basically, Savage Blow 3/Rally Def/Res fodder once the banner ends. Could also be Distant Defense 3 fodder if the player is willing to drop 20K feathers on her (with Distant Defense no longer being on 5* exclusive units).

    Eh. While I'm upset, at least they told us and, most importantly, she isn't colour blocked by another unit.

    That and apparently 3-unit focuses are better than 4? It doesn't help anyone who wants Rhajat AND one of the other kids, but if anyone wants one or the other...

    I still think it's a bad move.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Kruggov said:

    For all of my luck... When I tried to use a code I got (paraphrased) "You can't use a gift code in this country". And I do not have card which is needed to change the country. I mean... damn region-coding, but it seems that someone else will have to use this code.

    I tragically volunteer as tribute!

    (Have you tried changing your region?)

  10. 3 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    preferably none of them

    I'd like F!Morgan

    M!Morgan makes more sense as a GHB because it works better for their setup(M!Morgan is F!Robin's son)

    nah, because this game needs more manaketes not named myrrh(because IS hates myrrh :cry:)

    I was hoping IS would just go by genders instead with the Morgans because I really want F!Morgan :P

    And I'm right there with you with Myrrh :cry: :tangerinesadness:

  11. The upcoming Fates banners tells us IS is ready to put kids in the game now and it's only a matter of time before Awakening comes around. I made this post because Lucina and Owain (Odin) are already in this game and they're the only children of the core cast in Awakening save Morgan (I don't think we'll get Owain as himself outside a Seasonal banner).

    So...what do you think? Who do you think are likely to make it in and who do you think WILL (based on popularity in Japan, CYL polls, etc)?

    I personally would like to see Morgan - one in a banner and another (hopefully F!Morgan) as a GHB to mirror Robin's debut. What about you?

  12. 16 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    I like that Rhajat at least has a different face from Tharja so that she doesn't look like a complete clone.

    Think I'll just concentrate on the special 5-Star Summoning Event right now, though.

    Yeah, as much as I hate her (and Tharja's) outfit, I love how her face is drawn. It's a really nice middle ground between "anime" and the super-realistic look of Arden/ Dorcas.

  13. 2 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I think giving the Morgans hybrid versions (e.g. Atk/Def Tactic, Spd/ Res Tactic) for that same reason would be more fitting, but I also think hybrids are far out in the future. That said, Atk/Spd and Def/Res could be the closest we'll get to Hone/Fortify Infantry, so those would be nice (they buff everyone but Cavalry in the process, but a pseudo Hone Fliers wouldn't be amiss either~)

    I misread Tactics, ignore what I said about them being anti-cavalry and being Hone Infantry.

    Just now, Dogla said:

    All in on green it is, tyvm IS. Totally doing it for that Keen Gronnwolf.

    Kinda bummed not to see Ophelia in there, but Soleil is definitely a win too. Also, Shiro is the first hero to come with a naginata if I'm not mistaken: neat! And Siegbert is there, I guess.


    I'm happy to Soleil too, but why did she have to rush into Zenith too? I won't have Orbs after the Legendary Banner!! (I hope she's demoted or this banner is only for three of them and one of the swordies is a TT reward).

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