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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. If you're actually an IS rep in disguise, then yes: make Orbs as cheap as you possibly can.

    Otherwise...cheaper Orbs would certainly be more tempting, but I doubt I would buy any unless I were truly desperate (and even then, I would probably just grit my teeth and move on).

    However, I may be interested in a paid upgrade to the game as a whole that swaps pulling on banners with extra quests to unlock new Heroes or something of that nature.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    I think this is a case where Video Game logic applies and simple inference.

    Nino was designed to look like Lugh and Raigh. Her paired endings both mention having twins that were placed in an orphanage, and we know Lugh and Raigh are twins that come from one. It's details like this written because they were made to be connected. Otherwise, why are they mentioned at all? Law of Conservation of Detail, and all that.

    To give an example also semi-related to the twins: Lucius's solo ending mentions he opens up an orphanage in Araphen. Why would the writers do that if not meant to be linked to the orphanage that Laugh, Raigh, and Chad come (it was in Araphen, after all) from? Although this one is not a nice detail, since the orphanage's caretaker was killed by the invading Bern forces.

    To quote something from a post I made long ago addressing this particular issue...


    Thank you for this!

    I figured it was just a case of inference but wanted to remove all doubt at the risk of making myself seem slow. But by doing so I got to read your amazing post, so thanks again! The implication that Nino was added to give the twins a mother is interesting (I don't know if they're popular enough to warrant a character as amazing as her or not, nor how I should feel about that) as is the detail about Lucius: I guess that's the benefit of writing a prequel last. (Poor guy, assuming he didn't leave running the orphanage to someone else.)

    So now I know that Nino's children are heavily signposted by the games (I just met Raigh in FE6 and wish one of Nino's sons isn't always as rough as he is right now :P) What of her being Canas' niece? Is there any further evidence to suggest that beyond the support conversation and the Law of Conservation of Detail?

    (P.S. I also need to find that FE7 novelisation. Is it easy to find and has it been translated, by fans or otherwise?)

  3. I looked at her wiki page a few days ago and saw that it lists Raigh and Lugh from FE6 as her sons, as well as Canas as her uncle. The former is only implied by the boys being green haired mages and the latter is implied by her support conversation with Canas in this game, though I saw a Support Science by Ghast Station who said this was in fact confirmed. Where? The two don't have a paired ending or anything that would spell this out, so was this confirmed by IS themselves?

    As for the twins, I get that them being Nino's is the inference you're supposed to make when you see them since they're orphans, but I was wondering if this too is something IS clarified later or there's a point later on in FE6 where they mention their mother/ father was on the run.

    These are probably very simple answers (I'm probably just being overly cautious) but I'd appreciate some answers nonetheless. I also want to clarify that I've only played the first 4/ 5 chapters of FE6 and plan to finish it, so please refrain from FE6 spoilers if you can (at the very least, be vague if my hypothetical scenario above does end up happening). 


    I do know - thanks to the wiki - that Lugh states his parents died when he was 4, so part of my asking this may be because I don't want this to happen to Nino. Then again, I have some hope that he's actually referring to her going into hiding because he doesn't know any better... :'P

    Thanks in advance!

  4. 34 minutes ago, LucarioGamer812 said:

    Hyrule Warriors did do that with the free npc updates, but that's pretty rare tbh. For Azura not fitting, it would honestly be hard to. The Fates represented is more Birthright vs Conquest, not Revelations or General Fates. Azura would be hard to work in given her relationship to each family is based off Corrin. Either she's regarded as a family member by one or an outcast by the other, and having the developers decide where she fits isn't right given her fluctuating character. If they did Revelations has a third representative then It wouldn't be a problem, but scene in the early game it is Birthright vs Conquest, which was the original appeal of fates.

    Can we call it a Dark path? Okay them announcing the dlc before echoes came out may have been wrong, but it was content that didn't really fit in the base game, either design wise or lore wise. They didn't have to give us dlc, but they did, maybe a little early but I still think it was good. Shouldn't support for a game after it's release be embraced? Especially when the content is optional and doesn't fit the base game?

    I don't know how Warriors adapts the Hoshido vs Nohr conflict, but surely Azura could have been included as Corrin's confidant as she was in Fates proper. If not, she really should have been a post-game unlockable a la Lyn, Celica and Anna.

    As for Echoes: the problem was also that the content was ridiculously overpriced, especially compared to Fates and Awakening's DLCs (I could be wrong about this point, but Echoes' maps were definitely more expensive). There's also the fact that gold is incredibly difficult to come by (even if you exploit the final floor of the post-game dungeon) and grinding is a chore in Echoes due to the EXP gain drop-off, meaning levelling up your units was a long process unless you fought an Entombed (which gives extra experience). However, there's usually only one Entombed in some dungeons and it will always run away and disappear if you're too slow - which is made more likely because other enemies will try to get in your way.

    Contrast that with the DLC, which gives you dungeons filled with Entombed that also drop bags of Silver and Gold Marks whenever you want and it almost starts to feel like a Pay 2 Win game at that point. Apparently Gaiden also had low EXP gains so the hardcore probably don't care, but as someone who's only played some of the second half of the FE library...well.

    And that's not even getting into how the best weapons are near-impossible to get without DLC unless you're RNGesus himself.

  5. It seems I was a bit hasty and that the DLC characters still need work done. However I'll hold onto my opinion that IS is being lazy for easy profits until we see everyone's movesets since, in the worst case scenario, we'll only get one new one (shared by Oboro and Azura, at that). Maybe Linde will get something unique, but I'm certain Tharja is going to share a moveset with someone.

  6. 3 minutes ago, familyplayer said:

    As if they weren't making enough bad PR decisions, this and Ayra have made things turn down a very dark path... I was hoping the Echoes reaction would make sure nothing would happen again for a couple years or so, but I see that an EA representative a money-grubber or two has decided to do some not so nice practices. Guess we'll just have to vote with our wallets and hope.

    This.  The more I read of it the more I was convinced this is what's happening to IS - and Nintendo in general.

    As @Gaia093 said, the NPC characters have already been voiced and given full movesets so whoever decided to pull them out of the base game at the last second is pure scum. I figured after Hyrule Warriors had such a praised DLC scheme that the NPCs would be free downloads alongside the Season Pass but clearly not.

    And that's not even getting into the fact that they put Azura in the DLC, given how big a part of Fates she is and how eager the public will be to play as her. There's no room for her in the base game, yet Niles and Oboro are okay as NPCs, IS? Really?

    With how generous Heroes was until this point I'd almost forgotten the sleazefest that was the Echoes DLC. It seems IS (as well as Nintendo) is indeed headed down a very dark path.

  7. Remember the leak that told us FE4 was coming? The leaker said we wouldn't get L'arachel for "at least two months". Did they mean that's how far their knowledge went and she wasn't available in that timeframe or that she would be available two months later?

    Having spent 200 Orbs on Ayra as I said, I sincerely hope it's the former scenario. If we get another SS Banner with Myrrh right after this I'm going to be furious.

    Back on topic, now that even the Japanese playerbase is angry, what are the odds that IS will try to make up for this at some point? I'm not expecting anything, but an Orb refund/ giveaway would be nice (as would a free Ayra, but I'm not THAT naive).

  8. Now that you've pointed this out (and even before then, now I think about it) I'd love to see at least some of these buffs implemented - at least for the Renais Twins' weapons for maximum buffs. However, whether or not it was feasible before IS lost a lot of my confidence after their stunt with Ayra.

  9. I'm glad even Japan is angry about Ayra being a banner unit - alongside old ones and another red unit at that. I forgot to mention the latter in my feedback, but I told them how I felt about Ayra being on a banner despite prior patterns suggesting she'd be a GHB or TT reward. Hopefully this never happens again.

    Thankfully, I did get an Ayra after 200 F2P Orbs...after my rate got reset by Gray, Eldigan and Athena. (There are too many swords in more than one 2017 FE game, huh?) Sadly she's +HP/-Def, but at least her Spd and Atk are unaffected...is that a good boon/bane combo?

  10. Phantom Res makes sense as a Seal for the (near) future, with all the Ploys about - especially since more units with them are coming with this update. I personally feel it's too soon for Smoke Seals though, as much as I'd like to see them.

    @Kiran I know your profile is a picture of Nino, but do you know where I can find the full image? I remember seeing it before but can't remember where.. 

  11. Having no children means voice actors don't need to voice the combinatorial explosion of possible child/ parent supports, which makes full voice acting much more likely. Maybe the number of (marriage) supports themselves will be dialled down to FE13 levels as well?

    I really hope this is true. My main concern was the description that the Avatar is a vampire, but the Kibaire seem to be a collection of various horror archetypes so it doesn't bother me as much anymore (plus I doubt the Avatar is a literal vampire).

  12. I wish you'd separated FE13 and 14 in the second question - they both implemented children completely differently (and one made much more sense than the other).

    As for children: I would have voted no, but after playing through Conquest and getting the one woman army that is Soleil just in time for the end game showed me how rewarding child units can be I voted yes - as long as they make sense!

  13. From the games I've played:

    FE7, FE8, FE15: the exact same things as you, but for Echoes's gameplay: the ability to build supports (and get boosts) from a unit that's two spaces away.

    FE13: Multiple protagonists (I really liked Robin and their implementation here) and skills (but make their activation manual a la Echoes)

    FE9 (I'm only halfway through this, so maybe I'll change my mind later): a down to earth story/ protagonist and bonus EXP.

    FE10 (I haven't actually played this one, so am just going off of what I've heard): the option to have fixed EXP gains. The less control RNG has in a game, the better.

    FE14 Birthright: gender-neutral classes.

    FE Conquest (I'm only partway through this as well): mission variety* (FE9 does it better thus far, but I already have a gameplay mechanic from that, so...), a tenser atmosphere for the story.

    FE Revelation (I haven't played this either, but needed a place to put this) Attack/ Guard stances.

    FE Heroes: you know, I would actually love a full game built on Heroes' mechanics, but for now I'll say: 100% accuracy, skill activation and special rates (again, the less power RNG has, the better).

    * except Chapter 19. I'm currently on Chapter 19 and I hate it so much.

  14. I find it interesting that one side has an avatar and the other a fixed protagonist - as if each side represents new and old fans respectively. If this is intentional I wonder if it's a coincidence that the new fans are vampires and the old fans are a religious/ knight order :P

  15. Huh...that she took the time to read this actually makes me more inclined to believe her. That the Avatar "MAY" have a personality is suspicious, but maybe it only changes dialogue (overall or just in key scenes) and not the story - that makes sense.

    The rest is also believable, true or not, including the Moonshifter clarification, as sad as that is to admit. I think it would be tricky to have Laguz meters in a game with infinite durability, pair up and the like (since they all promote more aggressive playstyles). A more serious story would be lovely and I wonder if there'll be a post-game where you use both armies at once, plot be damned if need be.

    I also wonder if we'll be able to get visual descriptions at some point, but that may be a bit too risky for whoever's leaking all this.

    P.S. Hi, Miss Leaker! Hope to hear from you again soon!

  16. 2 minutes ago, Hawkatana said:

    Same, I don't think IS is stupid enough to make the same mistake again, though.

    Was there a lot of backlash for that? If so, I hope they rethink their DLC strategies as well. (I'd also like them to stop locking content behind amiibo, but Nintendo loves doing that right now so I doubt they will :/)

  17. If this is true I pray to Naga that we get two routes a la Echoes and not two separate games again.

    And whether this is real or not, it's much more interesting a premise than a typical FE and I'll definitely be a little upset if it's proven fake. The succubus thing is...upsetting. Expected, but upsetting.

  18. 31 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    I don't get why the Avatar is a Vassal if he/she is royalty. That's like Corrin's class being Nohr Servant. Even if they're going for a "cool" class name, it has to make some sense from a story/gameplay standpoint.

    Either this is another case of a Japanese company picking an English word they think sounds cool without knowing what it means or the Avatar is a vassal to a more prominent member of royalty, due to being illegitimate themselves. Either one makes sense to me.

  19. The Sol/ Luna swap makes sense: I assume Luna is exclusive to the vampire classes due to the moon-motif (at least to begin with) and sucking blood to live is kinda their schtick. On the other hand, vampire/ werewolf slayers typically use silver/ blessed weapons to deal fatal damage to monsters and holiness is associated with light, thus Sol being the damaging one.

    Assuming this is all true: I assume the default succubus in the game will be the blatant fanservice character a la Camilla. I imagine the finale/ "true ending" will have both sides come to a compromise, but it would be nice to see extremism/ fanaticism in both armies until then. If Laguz are coming back and keep the transformation mechanic, I hope they can fight in base form this time - if we're going back to the old weapon triangle they can have knives: they're still weak but at least they aren't defenseless.

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