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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. On 15/08/2017 at 5:30 PM, Tolvir said:

    I personally wouldnt mind another Archanea revisit around the same time as Awakening either.

    So, the FE5 to Awakening's FE4 or just in Awakening's era?

    As for me, I think a technologically advanced FE would be very interesting but doubt IS would do that. I do think we'll get a drastically different inspiration for the setting though - Hoshido showed they're willing to go outside Europe for ideas if they want to.

  2. What do you think would have happened if a child unit or Laguz won CYL? Those two seem to be topics FEH is trying to avoid thus far, so it would have been interesting if CYL forced their hand on that - I think they'd consider themselves lucky for that too :P

    (P.S. I'm still early on in PoR and haven't played Fates so please no Tellius or Fates spoilers!)

  3. 58 minutes ago, XRay said:

    You can use Azama (or any bulky healer) to block the left path where all the sword units are coming from, and put PA!Azura to the right of Azama so PA!Azura is blocking the right path where all the lance and axe units will head towards. I would then put two Dancers/Singers right below both Azama and PA!Azura.

    Once there are only reds left, you can try using PA!Azura to clear them out, but you might need Fortify Defense and lots of Spur Defense to make it work.


    15 minutes ago, Birdy said:

    I used BK on the left side of the map on 5/hard while sending Azura to the right side. She might not clear the whole map, but it was still around 7/8 kills for only 10 stamina that takes a minute or so to play. 

    Thank you both, I'll let you know how it goes!

    Edit: I sent B!Lucina down the left path and Azura down the right and it worked like a charm. Azura's HP got pretty low at the end but she survived, so I'm going to try pairing both with dancers to improve my speed.

    Thanks again!

  4. Are any of the Warriors maps good for SP farming P!Azura? I used 5/Hard to great effect with B!Lucina but since most of its units are sword units Azura keeps getting destroyed. Her low Def also causes issues with maps 3 and 4 as well :/

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: 1/Lunatic is working so far, but I can only use her on the blue and green units, with B!Lucina dealing with the reds. So I'm still getting SP, but split between two units. I can live with that until something better comes up.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Litrraven is typically used as a counter to bows. The biggest problem is that Lyn and Cordelia have high enough Atk stats to simply do enough damage to invalidate that counter.

    +0 Brave Lyn [+Atk] (Mulagir, Swift Sparrow 2) +0/0/0/0, for example, has 60 Atk when initiating combat. Even with Litrraven and Triangle Adept, that's 36 effective Atk. Against someone like +0 Sanaki [=Def] (Raudhrraven+, Triangle Adept 3), who has only 17 Def, that's still dealing 19 damage per hit, which is a two-hit kill.

    Ah, I thought you were referring to Litrblades here too, my bad! Makes sense, though :P

    As for my Bladetome team, I guess I just need to find the right melee unit...I have a 5* 40+1 Ninian and 4* Olivia, so which of my aforementioned mages is best - Nino? (I have a S!Corrin too but I'm pretty sure she's -Spd...

  6. Just now, Ice Dragon said:

    A second Litrblade user is entirely possible for the last slot. It really just depends on who you have in your roster and how you play.

    Huh. I've never really thought about that before...I'm quite aggressive (to the point of making silly mistakes and costing lives), but I usually start each map trying to bait an enemy unit into killing itself on one of mine. Though now that I mention it, I usually don't like using my -blade mages for the latter...

    Just now, Ice Dragon said:

    It depends on their stat distributions. Litrraven is pretty useless on a unit with low Def.

    Because of units that can counter them like B!Lyn and anyone with Distant Counter weapons?

    Thanks again, @Ice Dragon!

  7. 8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Strictly speaking, four cavalry units.

    For infantry, you generally want

    • Eirika or Ephraim
    • Dancer
    • Litrblade user
    • someone to cover the things your other units can't kill


    Before I got Brave Lyn and Reinhardt I was using Cecilia with Gronnblade on my Horse Emblem team. It's weird to think a Bladetome team would only have one -blade user...

    Anyway, I want to get one of the Green Units from the new Banner, so my team would be:

    Eirika; Inigo/ Azura; S!Lucina; another red/ green unit (depending on how powerful the dancer is)?

    P.S. While this should probably go in the Performing Arts thread, do -blades or -ravens seem better right now for our new mage dancers (and, more specifically, for -blade teams)?

  8. What do you think of the advice in this video?



    It's geared towards F2P users and advises pulling for "efficiency, not specificity", i.e. it's better to pull multiple colours instead of sniping because you get more pulls overall that way. The other tips are to only pull on banners with multiple units you want and be ready to accept off-banner pulls, and to quit while you're ahead instead of going back in for another unit (the latter of which I did with CYL).

    Given everyone here (myself included) advocates sniping so that you don't get your pity rate broken by another colour, I was interested to see what you thought of this.

  9. That was amazing and the funniest thing I've seen in a very long time. She seems much more aggressive than the Hoshidan duo and very fun to play!

    Does anyone understand how to unlock her? I assume it's something to do with save files...

    Also, I assume that clip of her with Rowan is just a reference to how she shows up at random in other games?

  10. Having flat-out vampires is suspicious to me, but mechanically wouldn't they play similarly to Laguz? Assuming there's a short day/night cycle during maps too: vampires would be regular humans for a few turns, then the moon would come out and they would wreak havoc only to turn back in another few turns, rinse and repeat.

    Just a shower thought. Anyway; fake or not, what do you think the new classes could/ would be?

    (P.S. I'm only on Chapter 17 of PoR and haven't played RD, please don't assume I've played all of Tellius! ...or Fates, for that matter.)

  11. Eh...maybe the leaker meant to say the Avatar was an anti-hero instead of outright villainous? I could see that happening if true. The rest...Japan probably didn't get the Twilight bug we all did so vampires are still unspoiled for them (though I remain sceptical) and a day/ night cycle sounds neat as long as you can choose to engage or move past a skirmish as in Awakening as that lets you decide how much challenge and grind you want. A Sword Lord was also (sadly) a given but hopefully we get dual/ triple protagonists again with other weapon types (or heck, if we have more than one one could be a healer?) Gothic architecture and themes would be cool though.

    I haven't played Fates so, how was the new weapon triangle received? I've seen a few people upset about bows being added to it but also some praising the extra strategy. Meanwhile, I'm going to go reflect on the fact that just two days ago I was thinking Fire Emblem: New Moon would be a neat title I only remembered Twilight was a thing when I saw this post don't hurt me...man that is creepy.


  12. 3 hours ago, Thane said:

    Look, I apologize for adding some unnecessary negativity here but why does Lyn sound like a 30-something trying to sound like an overly cute version of a 15-year-old? I may not be Lyn's number one fan but she's determined and proud, not a kid. She's no Corrin, but the voice just clashes with her character.

    It's a Japanese VA thing (not just FE, as already stated), but I hate this too. It's one thing to have moe voices for young characters or those designed to be as cutesy as possible, but really jarring (at least as a westerner) when women who are supposed to be more mature/ older get moe voices just because.

    It's one of the reasons I prefer the dubs of some anime to the originals - Spice and Wolf, for example.


    Back on topic, it seems Lyn and Celica bond over being estranged princesses. I didn't expect that, but it's pretty neat.

    Is it true we're getting another character reveal tomorrow? The game's out in a week so I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal the other leaked characters in the interim. They must know we know who they are by now, right?

  13. I realised earlier today that, if FE Switch keeps SoV's 1-range bows, we could have an Archer Lord who can still fight in melee combat, which I assume is part of the reason IS hasn't had one of those yet (the rest being a combination of this and this). If it also keeps Fates' weapon triangle, an Archer Lord would still act as a swordsman gameplay-wise.

    Just a shower thought, I guess. As for character - as someone currently playing through PoR for the first time (no spoilers, please!) - it would be nice to have another "nobody" a la Ike. Or better yet, bring back the Laguz (or an equivalent, if setting the story on a new continent) and make a story all about a conflict between different types of beast-people.

  14. I voted yes. That said, I did find it funny that he won the trust of the Deliverance (sans Fernand) with seemingly no difficulty whatsoever and him saying he's "not alone anymore" at the end (regarding an alliance with Berkut) irked me. I get that he's a heavily idealised individual and agree that a change would be nice, but I like him.

    If anything, my biggest complaint is that he completely eclipses Celica, in terms of both gameplay and plot significance, by game's end.

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