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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. 3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    Hmmm maybe that gives me reason to actually train Valter.

    Maybe Legion can join in with his Panic effect axe against Ephraim while Valter deals with Eirika?

    Wonder how many bladetome mages there will be in the map..

    Huh, that may be a good idea...my Valter is only 4* but I could give him the HP+3 Seal to compensate. I bet he'd be very happy about fighting Eirika, of course.

  2. I paired Eirika and Nino because Blade Emblem (and I thought they'd have a great sisterly relationship for months so this is perfect for me*). As for myself I supported with Brave Lyn because I use her in more than just Horse Emblem, so giving her one specific partner would be inefficient.

    I was tempted to go with Eirika (since I use her whenever I'm grinding a unit so would build supports incredibly fast), but decided against it since she herself doesn't do much fighting.

    * It's funny that, for a long time now, I wanted to make a post asking what Supports you'd like to see between characters from different games thanks to FEH, but IS beat me to the punch and made it an official feature of the game.

  3. 17 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

    Ah, my bad then. I thought I had seen something about it somewhere, but 10 orbs and 5,000 feathers is still pretty nice to get.

    The website itself says, directly beneath the list of rewards no less, that "further rewards will be added as tiers are met" but we haven't seen anything yet. Maybe we were faster than Nintendo and IS expected?

  4. 3 hours ago, Ildanach said:

    Two Bound Hero Battles and no new GHBs this month? That's more than a little disappointing. Ephraim and Eirika could be interesting though (will we get a new "disgusting" moment?). The idea of a mini tempest is pretty novel, but it really makes me feel like they need some new event types...

    I hope we get another "disgusting" moment if only so that we know IS is aware of the meme (they made "Roy's ya boy" and "We like Ike" official, so there's a chance). If we get a mini TT I hope all the rewards are easier to get.

    1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:

    Fae and Ninian! The adorable dragon meets the gentle mother!

    ...Another Ephraim banner, maybe? Or another Tana banner? I don't remember what the deal is with BHB banners. All I know is I didn't get the free Ephraim from Threaten Defence, and I don't tolerate Peri enough to divert effort from Brave Ike to gun for Ephraim and give Tana someone she knows other than Valter in my roster.

    I'm liking where the end of my prac sits on this schedule. Now just to survive the thing...

    Eirika and Ephraim will be the sole focuses of the BHB banner. I'll take my free (hopefully Blue) pull for him but I'm not spending any Orbs here while Brave Heroes is still live.

    Good luck with your exams!

  5. 1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

    The Order of Heroes is called the White Braves in JP version. Might this be the reason?

    I didn't know that, thanks! That seems to be the reason then (but if the ENG version changed the Order's name they might as well have changed this banner's name as well, though I can't see any way to put a spin on "Order of Heroes"...)

  6. 5 hours ago, MisterMister said:


    Brave lyn's main weapon is still fantastic,but ..... brave lady also needs a brave weapon o.o


    This is amazing (and "Brave" Heroes was a really weird moniker for precisely this reason: "Chosen" or "Legendary" would have made much more sense imo).

  7. 15 minutes ago, Usana said:

    Anyways I didn't much mind dropping a 39.99 at the game at least once a month since it seems like those 75+free orbs is usually enough to get you at least one five star. And I had been lucky enough in the past apparently that they were often a focus. Though since her banner Mathilda has been stalking me. Guess I should be glad she has given up even if she got Delthea to take her place.

    And now I'm imagining those two planning how to screw you over during downtime in Alm's army...

    I got my first Mathilda today, funnily enough. Thankfully she's only a 4* and I currently have a 4.50% pity rate. (You're right, @Hawk King, focus units should have a greater overall likelihood to show up - at least in special banners like this and Hero Fest.)

    I have 11 Orbs right now and oh boy does it suck having to wait for Orbs as a F2Player. At least we get 4 Orbs a day for another week (plus 4 when the Voting Gauntlet finals begin)...

  8. 27 minutes ago, Othin said:

    The way it works is, 0.75% of orbs the game generates on the banner are Roy and 0.75% are Ike. But about 30% of orbs are red while only about 20% are green, because the non-focus characters are much more frequently red than green. So if you pull red, you'll have to dig through a lot more non-Roy red orbs because there are a lot more non-Roy red orbs, with the Roy orbs being only 2.5% of red orbs while the Ike orbs are 4% of green orbs. But if you pull without paying attention to color, you're just going off the total rate of 0.75%.

    Ah, gotcha. Thanks!

  9. Thank you b

    5 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Sure, it is not bad strategy. That said while it's perfectly fine give priority to Lucina Ike being better isn't anywhere near "arguable". But that's not something you need let influence you.

    Also I think blue are more common though I don't have any hard numbers.

    I was trying to leave room for doubt in case something changed but I take it people still agree that Ike is better than Lucina and Roy? As I said I'm pulling for both. I think a good part of the reason I want Lucina is to complete the set (and also because I could really use another buffbot. On the other hand I'm low on Greens...)

    2 hours ago, Othin said:

    Lucina from a blue is 3%. A non-focus blue 5* from blue is also 3%: it's the one color that works out pretty much exactly the same as the overall rate.

    Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 10.59.53 AM.png

    For a 4% pity rate, it turns into:


    Thanks! This is the first time I've understood these charts.

    This really highlights how awful colourless hell is, doesn't it? I'm surprised to see Blue really isn't much better and I knew Green Focus units had a higher probability overall but that's an impressive difference compared to Blue (of 1.25%, but still). With only 10 Orbs to my name I can't wait to get the rest of the CYL Free Orbs so I can give this banner another try...come home already Lucina and Ike!

  10. I'm one Orb away from another full summon and this morning, to save Orbs (F2P), I decided I wasn't going to try getting Roy anymore. I got Lyn as my freebie so am currently pulling for Lucina and Ike. I know Ike is arguably better but I think I'd be more devastated to not get Lucina so she's probably my priority.

    Is that a good strategy? (I have a pity rate of 4%, if that's relevant.)

    P.S. I know Ike is 4% likely to pop out of any Green Orb, what are the odds of getting Lucina from a Blue)?

  11. 2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    You could do Chapter 2/hard or Chapter 1&2/normal. I think just chapter 2/normal won't suffice for that mission. 

    If you have some patience and do the missions for the training tower, you will encounter enough cavaliers over time. 


    I opted to do Chapter 1&2/normal but am now doing the Training Tower Missions.


    Hopefully another quick question: I'm currently running Lyn in a mixed Emblem team until I get fodder for a cavalry skill and wanted to know if Atk Smoke was a good skill to get or if I should skip it and hoard SP (knowing said fodder could take a while). Thanks again!

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