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Status Updates posted by 4in1

  1. It's always Map 5, isn't it? Ah well. Good to see you again, Sylvan!

  2. You zetta sons of digits.

  3. My DS name is "ohai" (yeah, don't ask).

    Nah, sorry, I wasn't that other HappyNewYear guy. But I did actually meet another HappyNewYear guy before seeing yours; however, he was a max stats/Imhullu/infinite move hacker...

  4. Haha, nice team, Gerad! XD Happy New Year to you too!

  5. Wow, that was a close game! Now I know why everyone uses Dazzle; that lucky critical sealed the deal for you. GG, man.

  6. ...it just now hit me that that may not have been your best team... I don't recall you having Xane on that team, nor do I remember being able to double your Berserker. Oh well.

  7. Well, looks like I finally got lucky, huh? (Especially how I left my Sage in range to see your Berserker warp in...that was a complete accident, hehe. o_O) Though, you'll probably beat me again next time...I'm getting there! GG, Sylvan!

  8. Dang, that was the strangest match I've ever had. >_< First I thought you were using your good team, and then I felt bad about using Braves...ah, whatever. Sorry about that.

  9. 4in1

    Yeah, that's true, I guess. (Man, this site really needs a chat or something; this "three-way-comment-leaving spree" is getting a bit unwieldy...)

  10. Or you guys can, you know, exchange friend codes to guarantee that you play each other. :P

  11. Sorry, man. >_< I don't really have a not-so-broken team designed specifically for With Anyone, so... (Yeah, I guess I should refrain from using Braves unless I need to use them. Next time, then.)

  12. 4in1

    So the spirit of Christmas compels us all to play Fire Emblem at the same time? Haha, could be, could be. (I mean, I HAVE been playing more due to lack of school.)

  13. Yeah, I was Aggressive Scouting like mad, but I never expected you to come up from down there! Really? Only two squares? Man, then you did a very good job staying just out of my range. o_O

  14. 4in1

    Oh, and by the way, did you beat Sylvan? It looks like your team should be better than his, with those supports and all.

  15. 4in1

    Yeah, it's weird. o_O I've been running into a lot of Serenes Forest guys lately, whereas I don't believe I've ran into any of you guys before.

  16. Yeah, that was me. Sorry, guess I should've left the team names, hah.

  17. 4in1

    Wolt, you too? Agh, first Sylvan comes along and butt-rapes me with his horsemen, then one match later you come along and butt-rape me with your horseman! This isn't my best wifi day, hehe.

  18. Dangit, Sylvan, you again... Let's just chalk up another win for you, eh? (And interestingly enough, I went first again.)

  19. I believe I am currently playing against you on With Anyone. Is that you?

  20. Aw, lame, I didn't think you were using your good team. Derp.

  21. Hi, Sylvan. Looks like I ran into you on With Anyone. : P

  22. 4in1

    ...Chinese tea?

    And you don't know where you live?

  23. 4in1

    Oh, heh. Yeah, as awkward as most of the battle sprites look, the Mage Dragon sure looks pretty nice. Now if only the Earth Dragon didn't look like some bloated giraffe/lion hybrid. o_O

  24. 4in1

    "thanks for the pic of the mage dragon :)"

    No problem! If you don't mind, may I ask what you needed it for?

  25. Oh, yeah, Umbra definitely helped with that passage blocking you did there in the beginning (I knew I should have expected that <_<). Oh well, I'll be ready next time. ;)

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