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Posts posted by Somnium

  1. If I had a dollar for every "cold-hearted genius" I've seen even in just the few anime and manga I've watched and read, I'd be rich. I'm so glad Leon actually became a character instead of...I don't know, someone like Sasuke.

    Oh God, you made me think of Naruto...ugh.

    Ahahah I also thought exactly that he would be another "Sasuke".

    Glad he wasn't. Sasuke is a little shit.

  2. I know I'm going to catch flak from the weebs who think GLORIOUS NIPPON can do no wrong, but saying that it's just a cultural thing isn't an excuse. If it's part of your culture to dismiss lesbians as just faking it until the right guy comes along, your culture sucks. Plain and simple.

    This isn't even about GLORIOUS NIPPON. (Wat.) I'm not saying everything is excusable because of culture, but freaking out over things that weren't actually meant as an attack on lesbians because of "implications" that they are not familiar with due to cultural background is ethnocentric.

    In this case Soleil is bisexual. She has a preference for girls, but she is not lesbian. Read her supports with Foleo.

    FOLEO: Then are boys unacceptable? As, um... romantic partners...?

    SOLEIL: I wouldn't say unacceptable, but girls are preferable by far.

    I think I can agree that some people are a little bothered that Kamui drugged her drink without telling her (once again, unfortunate implications they didn't realize), but the whole "therapy" wasn't to turn her straight. She said she had a weakness of fainting around women, which stopped her from being smooth and cool. That was what the therapy was supposed to "cure". Kamui was going to pretend to be a girl so he could get close to her until she stopped fainting around girl-Kamui.

    Soleil: H-Huh!? So I can see you as a girl!!?
    Kamui: Yes. After what you said, I wanted to resolve your concerns, so I thought it over a little. And it led me to a conclusion. Seeing me as a girl, you can use me to overcome your issues. From now on I’ll get closer to you until you can tolerate being around me without fainting.

    The training in question:

    Kamui: Thank you for saving our city! You were so strong and cool!
    Soleil: Hauu!
    Kamui: How was that? I tried to be like that girl from the town…
    Soleil: It was superb. I was on the brink of fainting.
    Kamui: Then let’s use this method as a special training. Let’s do it again at once.

    Jesus Christ people. Basic reading comprehension.

  3. I think it's okay to ask the localization to change this, since it will be received badly in the West. But people need to think a little more about where these things are coming from, and have more cultural awareness. Not everything is made with a WESTERN mindset, especially with something coming from Japan.

    Japan has it's own set of tropes and beliefs, and IS didn't write this support out of malice towards lesbians. The "girl acts lesbian but ends up falling for a man" trope is common in Japan. I think IS was just making this her character archetype.

    Yes, yes I know people are going to be mad anyways, and find reasons to be mad. But people need to cut IS some slack. They didn't write anything explicitly insulting, just unaware of implications. And probably because these type of "implications" are not even taught or thought about in Japan the way they are on Tumblr or wherever.

  4. I'm just worried they'll censor things, or change personality / dialogue for no reason.

    They did that to Henry big time in Awakening (turned him into a completely different character from the Japan version) and if they do that again to other characters,

    I'm going to be veryyyy upset. KEEP THINGS AS THEY ARE, DAMNIT.

    Otherwise I'm mainly just scared they'll ruin the sibling S supports lol. THEY BETTER NOT ALTER THOSE.

    No to mention the dumbed down versions of confessions that they did in Awakening. Ugh... Why do I feel like they'll do that again?

  5. I'd rather not open the gender vs. sex can of worms but can anybody just confirm that I'm reading this right?

    And of course, ninja'd by the post above me.

    Someone who was posting some of the Amie quotes said his son says this, "Um.. I'm a boy, so I don't have any breasts, you know?"

    So yes, tis Leon's son.

    I'm mostly bothered that he lacks any resemblance to his father.............

    Personality wise and looks wise... nothing. D:

    I was looking forward to the "Awww, you take after your papa~" feels but I guess I won't be getting any.

    (Honestly I think it would make sense if he was Elise's son, dem curls.)

  6. >MPID_H_ wearing: daughter of camellia. It is a genius of the beautiful and intelligent, but do not neglect also effort \ n always improve yourself.

    I remember this being leaked, but no image of her daughter is shown above?

    Has it not been found or does Camilla not have a kid attached?

    Same for Elise, does she have a kid attached if Camilla does...?

  7. Yeah, it's just that Foleo is well no offense but a disappointment to many people. We expected a badass dark mage or sage that was just like Leon or even better and then we get Foleo.

    Yeah, I'm quite disappointed I don't get a badass Leo dark mage family. I was planning to make my MU a dark mage too.

    I wish Foleo resembled Leo more, if you just looked at him you wouldn't guess that he's Leon's kid. I was expecting a studious nerdy type.

    At least you could look at Marx or Ryouma's kids and see the resemblance.

  8. I always suposed that at the end of the game or so you would discover that you are not even truly Hoshidan and you were adopted because of that pointi ears (c'mon!). But the other siblings having access to dragon vein made me think this was just a theory of mine. Seeing that I think I was correct, at the end you'll find out that nobody is your real family and they'll let you S-rank everybody!

    With Aqua I supose it happens the same.

    It's confirmed that you can S-rank your Nohr siblings (and even ones on Hoshido) so I can't see them really excusing it in another way.

    People are somewhat outraged but I feel like they'll probably do something to explain it, otherwise I don't see why they would make Aqua and Kamui the only ones capable of "incest".

  9. Not sure if this counts as a spoiler cause it's not confirmed, it's just a theory I have.

    I've speculated about this before in the hype thread, but I recently realized something extra from one of the pictures I posted.

    Leon's Supports

    You can see that Leon can marry Aqua, but cannot marry Elise.

    People were grossed out since Aqua was "supposed" to be related to Nohr, and Kamui apparently can S support the Hoshido siblings too.

    So, is this hinting that Kamui and Aqua are truly not related to either Kingdom?

    After all, Kamui is a dragon, while their siblings are not.

    It's also weird that if "incest" were allowed, that Leon can marry Aqua but not his other siblings.

    It just further makes me suspect that Perhaps Kamui isn't related to his siblings on either side, and same for Aqua.


    Ah, a translation for the dialogue between Sakura and Kamui appears!

    Kamui Sakura convo.

  10. OH LAWD. I'm not going to lie, my stomach flipped when I saw this. Like, that shock you get sometimes? Anyone know what I'm talking about?

    Hahaha yeah! I actually took it for granted that you would be able to S support Nohr siblings though, cause you are not related anyways. And it's a common Japanese romance trope... it was just people who kept saying you can't that made me second guess that.

    So having it confirmed makes me super happy. I was tunnel visioning Leon for a long time.



    (And presumably Camilla, since a lot of you wanted this hahaha.)


    Of course, we dunno if they'll label it something else in the game but... I'll take this for what it seems. :}

    We probably can marry them. Especially if they have specific kids attached to them, otherwise it would make no sense.


    Other news, for all you nay-sayers of A+ supports, it does exist for the same sex.

    Have some more screenies friends.




    (And presumably Camilla, since a lot of you wanted this hahaha.)


    Of course, we dunno if they'll label it something else in the game but... I'll take this for what it seems. :}

    We probably can marry them. Especially if they have specific kids attached to them, otherwise it would make no sense.


  13. I have the game now. Wouldn't be playing that right now, though. I'm at work. I'm also unlikely to reveal anything important (since I'm one day late anyway).

    Actually, cross-generation relationships (uncle/niece, aunt/nephew) become this in the JP version. The localisation makes cousins this too.

    I heard Lucina/Owain were labelled companions only in the localization, but were married in the Japanese version.

    However, I don't know how it went with other FE games for other blood related relationships, so I'm not completely sure if it was always the case.

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