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Everything posted by Luankachu

  1. Yeah... maybe not. Maybe a costume that is based on her adult self's outfit that won't look too suggestive would be fine, though.
  2. I just posted a massive comment with most of the costumes I want on a reddit post. It got so big that I had to split it in two (I didn't even know there was a character limit in there), so I'll just put everything in the spoiler tags to save up space:
  3. Taken from this interview: "And since we also have the non-mounted and armored Knight that will use a spear, Great Knights shall end up appearing with an axe."
  4. At around 5:50 and 6:30, there were two Lissas for some reason. One of them seems to be a Green Unit while the other is a Blue Unit. What is going on here? Is this Free Mode? History Mode? Multiplayer? A glitch?
  5. I don't know much about Shadow Dragon, so I'm not going to comment on that, but here's what I hope for/expect:
  6. For some reason, I wasn't able to post the picture by itself, so I decided to just put the link here. (I didn't make this).
  7. I voted yes to all of them. Avatars: I really like character customization. In fact, this was my main reason for buying Awakening and getting into the series. That being said, I'd rather have some decent options for this feature. It sucks that M!Corrin has some of the worst options for character customization I've ever seen in a video game. I have no problem with them having their own personality as long as I can customize them, but I'd rather have them be well-written. But I hope characters don't worship the Avatar to the point that the story feels incoherent as a result. Marriage: If there are two thing Shadows of Valentia has taught me, it's that fewer supports don't automatically mean higher-quality ones, and that having a canonical romance doesn't mean that it won't be forced. Alm x Celica and Clair x Gray feel very forced IMO (Mae x Boey and Clive x Mathilda are pretty good, though). I'd rather have the option to avoid those if possible and S-Supports would allow that. I like to have a choice between good and bad options instead of not having a choice at all. Not only that, but even in the games where people claim that "everyone can marry everyone" I feel there are some missed opportunities. Why can't Sumia support with Stahl, Kellam, and Ricken? Why can't Ryoma support with Scarlet? Why can't Flora support with Jakob and Gunter? Why can't Takumi support with Selena? Honestly, I believe that having more options is usually better. But please, no more AvatarSexuals. Children: While I'd rather have them with a good in-story justification, I'd prefer to have them with a lame "Deeprealm" explanation than not have them at all. Another thing I disliked about Shadows of Valentia is that it had almost no replayability. All it had was 5 villagers and 3 pitchforks. With children you can influence their base stats, their growths, their classes, their skills, etc. And since in Fates their paralogues scale with your progress in the main story, you can do their paralogues pretty much whenever and they'll still be usable. This adds so much replay time that I still play Awakening and Fates every now and then, while I've felt no inclination to ever replay Shadows of Valentia, despite the fact that I had more fun on my first playthrough of SoV than I had with the other two games.
  8. Do you guys think there's any chance of them adding Jake to the game? It's been a while since he's been in a game and I think this game is a good opportunity to bring him back to the series.
  9. You know, now I'm really hoping the Dual Audio will be like in Marvel vs Capcom 3, where you can choose which voice each character uses. I'm not a fan of Hinoka's and Camilla's english voices (though I expect I'll get used to Camilla's later, but not Hinoka's), or Corrin's japanese voice. I think we still have a chance of getting Sakura, Elise, and Azura. The Awakening trailer introduced 4 characters (Frederick, Lissa, Robin, and Lucina). It makes sense to introduce only 4 here too. Camilla unfortunately seems to be wielding an Axe. I was really hoping she'd be a Tome-using flier. The only other fliers that can wield Tomes in their base class are Aversa ...and Nichol, and I doubt either of them are going to be in this game. Other than this, can anyone really say they are surprised? Honestly, I'm just waiting for them to reveal some unexpected characters.
  10. Honestly, I was thinking less about popularity and more about plot relevance and how interesting their movesets could be. After all, Agitha was added in the base game of Hyrule Warriors while Groose wasn't Loose even in DLC. I don't know much about Archaneia, so maybe that's the reason they can think more of lance/bow users than axe users.
  11. I don't think the demos are a reliable way to tell what is going to happen in the Story Mode. From what I can remember, the Twins were on opposing sides in them. I doubt one of them is going to go traitor but I'd personally love that as a plot twist. Maybe we'll use him and his army in some paralogues? Maybe he'll betray his country and join Aytolis? Maybe he'll be a Camus? Maybe he'll be an actual villain? Honestly, I think it's too early to tell.
  12. Even so, I can't imagine them not making Darius playable unless they intend to give him a plotline death or injury before he has an opportunity to join the battle. Since HW was my first and only Warriors game, I'm not really sure how NPCs with unique models work, or if they are common in the Crossover Games. About Lucina, I didn't know (or didn't remember) that. I haven't seen much gameplay of the game yet so I can't compare their similarities. That's a relief at least.
  13. This interview kinda frustrates me slightly.
  14. I think this is either the Premonition like the 3DS games have done or this is the event that kickstarts the whole plot in the Story Mode. Rowan is only level 1 in this screenshot, so this either early in the game or there's a mode that resets your level to one.
  15. I feel like if they have branching promotions, they could keep the combos mostly the same, but change a little depending on what their class is. I'm not sure if I explained it well enough, so I'll try to give an example: Dark Flier Cordelia could use tomes in a few combos and Falcon Knight Cordelia would have different combos where she uses lances instead (Said combos would probably be unavailable before promotion), but otherwise their moveset would be the same.
  16. What makes you think F!Robin wouldn't get any additional skins if she was an alt for M!Robin? Cia in Hyrule Warriors always gets 3 variations for her skins: Masked, Unmasked, and Hatless. The only exceptions to that are the Guardian of Time and Majora's Mask costumes. I think they could do the same for Robin. Personally, I hope F!Robin is an alt costume. I don't want to have to essentially level up the same character twice, even if they will probably be my mains.
  17. My theories: For the Archers, the ones I expect the most are: Archaneia: Jeorge. Awakening: Virion. Fates: Takumi. If "mounted" means cavalry, the ones I expect the most are: Archaneia: Midia. Awakening: Sully. Fates: Elise. If "mounted" means fliers, the ones I expect the most are: Archaneia: Caeda. Awakening: Cherche. Fates: Camilla.
  18. Robin will probably be a costume. She seems to be using tomes just like her male counterpart. If she is a costume, M!Corrin will probably be one as well, so I'm glad for that. As for Cordelia, I'm really excited that she is in the game. She is my favorite Pegasus Knight in the 3 games that are being represented in Warriors, after all. I'm really hoping she has a Caeldori costume, though.
  19. I'm not a fan of Corrin's voice in this game. She sounded much better in Sm4sh in my opinion. I'll probably use the english dubs whenever I have to use her.
  20. Robin and Lissa seem like they're going to be really fun to use. They'll probably be my mains in this game. Thank you for posting footage of the demo. As for Dual Audio, I'll probably going to keep changing between the two languages depending on my mood like I did in Awakening. I'm a big fan of Matt Mercer's and Kyle Hebert's voices, but Hikaru Midorikawa, Tomokazu Sugita, and Daisuke Ono are among my list of favorite japanese voice actors, so I'm really thrilled by the news. On the other hand... wasn't one of the reasons for the lack of Dual Audio in Fates issues with Copyright for one of Azura's voice actresses? Does that mean that she is disconfirmed for the game? Or are they going to have her not sing Lost in Thoughts All Alone if she is included?
  21. This is probably just me being too optimistic, but there's a small chance that there could be a CAW system but is only usable in Free Play and won't be an actual character in the Story. What they said in the interview was "we decided the story would be more about the heroes from the other games. We made two protagonists who were a bit younger in age because we wanted the heroes to lead them".
  22. I doubt we'll get more than Lucina, Laslow, Odin, and Selena outside of costumes (Inigo, Owain, Severa, Nah, Morgan, Kana, Siegbert, Forrest, Kiragi, Caeldori, Rhajat, and Asugi for Laslow, Odin, Selena, Y!Tiki, Robin, Corrin, Xander, Elise/Leo, Takumi, Cordelia, Tharja, and Gaius, respectively, and most of these aren't even confirmed as being playable yet), except maybe Shigure.
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