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Everything posted by Luankachu

  1. I've been thinking about it and I've been researching things in the supports that might make this easier. I haven't read all of the localized supports or compared them to their japanese versions, so I might miss something. Let's look at the facts (and personal theories): Sakura had just been born when Corrin was kidnapped. (Corrin-Sakura Support) Hinoka started training to save Corrin. (Story and several of her supports). She started when she was Seven Years Old (Hinoka-Camilla Support) That must mean that Hinoka is either 6 or 7 years older than Sakura, depending on how long she was moping about Corrin's kidnapping. Azura's support with Hayato shows that she used to live all over the world. With the Concubine War going on in Nohr and Azura being distrusted by pretty much everyone outside of the Royal Family (except Takumi) I doubt that she'd have many opportunities to travel unless A) It was before Arete married Garon; or B) Shura decided to take her sightseeing before handing her over to Mikoto (Now I wish those two could support). Since she has pretty clear memories of not only her travels, but Valla as well, I think that she'd be close in age to Hinoka. This would also justify why none of the Nohr siblings recognize her as well: she hadn't been living in Nohr for long before Corrin's kidnapping. Corrin is a weird case. We can't be sure if the reason for their memory loss is simply because they were young when they were kidnapped or if they sealed away their memories with magic. Sumeragi however did teach Corrin how to wield a sword, so they couldn't have been too young when the kidnapping happened. Elise was born after Azura was kidnapped (Azura-Elise Support), so some time must have passed between Sakura's birth and then. Mikoto must have tried to negotiate several times before she grew desperate enough to kidnap someone. Azura was also shown to trust Mikoto enough to share her problems with her, which is something Azura wouldn't do. We can't be sure if it's because Azura knows Mikoto is her aunt or if they just spent long enough together to be close to each other. Takumi seems to be at the typical rebellious teenager age, with him being a little aggressive, being easily flustered and having a constant need to prove himself. Leo didn't give me that impression, so I believe that Leo is older, but not by much. Camilla seems to be a little older than Hinoka. I also believe that there's an age gap between her and Leo because of the Concubine Wars, so I think that there's a gap there for their other siblings that were killed before the game began. I think Ryoma is around Camilla's age, with Xander being at most a year older than them. I have no evidence for this, though. These are the ages I believe they are: Xander-25 Ryoma and Camilla-24 Hinoka-22 Azura-21 Corrin (Adult Male build)-20 or 21 Corrin (Teenager build)-19 Corrin (Loli Build) and Leo-18 Takumi-17 Sakura-15 Elise-Technically an adult13
  2. That's not what the hex does, though. It makes it so the one with it won't feel embarassed/mortified. Wanting to remove her clothes was all Caeldori's own doing. The same hex shows up in an Awakening DLC, even in the localization, where Cordelia is the one doing it to Tharja repeatedly. When Rhajat sees that Caeldori is uncomfortable, she stopped.
  3. Xander Camilla Azama Jakob Niles (I've heard that he's better in the localization, but I haven't read enough supports to see if it's true or not) Tsubaki Nohr!Corrin Azura Yukimura Localization!Effie Localization!Selena (She was so well written in the japanese version. Why did they feel the need to make her act like Severa? She could have matured between the two games) Pickle Man Hisame Localization!Rhajat (In the original version she was socially awkward. Now she's creepy like Tharja) Garon Hans Iago Dwyer (Did I spell his name correctly?) Siegbert Nina Izana Peri Edit: Forgot to mention Suzukaze and Hayato.
  4. Definetly Hoshido. When the game was initially revealed I intended on siding with Nohr instead, as I believe that Bonds>Blood, but... (Note: this is just my personal interpretation) I'd personally side with Hoshido and try to convince the Nohrian siblings to help us or at least to investigate what Garon is keeping from them. If they refused, I would still side with Hoshido and I'd feel terrible for betraying/killing them, but I wouldn't let my loyalty to few individuals prevent me from doing what I believe is the right thing to do. Garon is not only attempting to destroy Hoshido, but his tyrany is also destroying Nohr from within. I personally believe that siding with Hoshido would lead to the better outcome of the two.
  5. What if Oboro could marry Leo? Considering how Forrest seems to share her love for fashion, I'd assume she'd make a pretty good mother for him (Shipping-wise. I'm not good with gameplay mechanics, so I'm not sure if Leo x Oboro would be optimal). Leo is also pretty similar to Takumi, as their supports show, so Oboro would probably have some pretty good supports with him.
  6. Do Felicia, Flora and Jakob count? Oboro Hinata Odin Laslow Saizo Flora Kagero Kazahana Felicia Selena Beruka Arthur Effie Setsuna Tsubaki Peri Niles Jakob Azama
  7. Takumi Sakura Elise Lobster Lord Hinoka Leo Xander Camilla
  8. I think the reason for that is because Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura (as well as their children) can't transform.
  9. Wait... was there even a point for removing them, then? If you can have the basic swimsuits, why shouldn't you be able to buy the other ones? They really aren't much lewder. It feels like removing them was a waste of time, money and effort.
  10. What I found: 婆娑羅:Officially romanized as Basara. A term which describes eccentric, self-indulgent, or restraint-free behavior. Source:http://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Basara
  11. Me too. I feel it adds more depth to Corrin. I'm just asking if it was in the japanese version because I feel I'd have heard of Corrin acting like that before if it was. If it wasn't, then I think that this is one change the localization did for the better.
  12. "YOU!You dare touch my child?! I'll soak these fields with your blood!" Was he this overprotective/violent in the japanese version?
  13. I don't know why this makes me so happy, but the fact that Conquest!Corrin's favorite meal is vegetarian...
  14. Maybe Emma, Shade and Yuzu from Cipher (I'm still hoping that they will be DLC in the second map pack).
  15. Hey there. I apologize for not giving feedback on chapters 1A and 1B, I was a little busy with school and then I kinda forgot that this existed. But now I'm back and I'm ready to review this (I'm currently typing on my computer while reading on my phone, so I might make a few typos that weren't present in your fanfic. My responses will be bolded).
  16. This fanfic seems interesting. I recommend giving Takumi a secondary Flying specialty, since his signature weapon is the Wind God's Bow, and giving Leo a secondary affinity to Grass, since I read that his personal tome Brunhilde spawns trees (I don't have the game, so I can't confirm it).
  17. You work fast. I've only been gone for a week and you've already finished the chapter. Sorry I took so long with the reply, I've been kinda busy. I think Taka-kun has already pointed out whatever issues I had with the story, so I can safely say that I greatly enjoyed reading it. I'm also curious about something.
  18. I have a few questions: Do the Bond Units come equipped with any items? Can they equip Yatonokami? Does anyone have a screenshot of the "Hooded Man" face mentioned?
  19. Sorry, I'm late. I didn't even notice that you posted an update for the story. "Saizou and Kagerou will take on his Lazward and Pieri" I think there should be a word like "vassals" or "retainers" between his and Lazward. Aside from that, Takumi is too nice to Felicia, as Taka-kun mentioned. Considering how he acted in-game towards Azura despite the fact that they grew up together, I think he should be a little meaner, as Felicia is new to Hoshido and he doesn't know her that well. I really enjoyed reading it.
  20. This was a great battle. Aside from what Taka-kun mentioned, I'm confused about Luna's comment about Tsubaki being the "least agile and mobile pegasus warrior in Hoshido's army." Considering how Tsubaki claims to be perfect (and judging by his supports, people actually believe it), it feels odd that such and obvious flaw wouldn't be noticed. I also love how you incorporated Arthur's MANLY Axe in this chapter already (I love this weapon's name). I was expecting the character's personal weapons to show up a bit later, but this weapon along with Saizou's Explosive-Dart and Jakob's Tableware already seemed to make an appearance. "Corrin greeted curtly with a nod of her head, though everyone knew how much she wanted to crush him with a hug instead" ...Shipping? Also, the last sentence: "The Nohrians held their weapons in a knightly fashion and marched toward the other side of the plains’ died up river to wrap up the conflict.". Shouldn't it be dried instead of died?
  21. (Can I have more than 2?) I really want to have Maribelle as an Oni Savage simply because of this quote: "I want to be a big, hairy barbarian! ...Ugh, laugh, would you? It's a joke." (I wanted to post a screenshot, but I couldn't find one). Her other class could be Rod Knight for obvious reasons. Gregor with Mercenary + Samurai. Ricken with Spellcaster + Samurai (Hoshido-only) or Cavalier (Nohr-only) or Corrin's secondary class (IK-only) (Since Ricken's other classes were based on Chrom's, I decided to make Ricken 3.0 2.0 have his secondary class based on the first prince of each Kingdom). Kellam with Knight + Ninja Lissa with Priestess + Dark Mage Virion with Bowman + Wyvern Rider Say'ri and Yen'fay with Samurai + Pegasus Warrior (Say'ri) or Outlaw (Yen'fay) Donnel with Villager + Mercenary Aversa with Dark Falcon + Witch (I know they are DLC classes, but they really suit her) Priam with Mercenary + Samurai
  22. What does he sound like in Fates? Does he have the same voice clips as the ones from Smash Bros or were they re-recorded? Does he have a deeper voice like in Codename Steam? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPRvQ8tyTRc If his voice clips are taken directly from Smash, I think they'll keep them japanese, but if they are new ones made specifically for this game, then I think they'll have Yuri Lowenthal (or Spike Spencer like in the anime, but I find the latter unlikely) voice him.
  23. I think Kanna might have a different animation for Dragon Fang triggering, as I've never seen Kamui doing this one in any of the gameplay videos I've seen (but it might just be because they are Dark Bloods and I usually see Kamui as a White Blood in other videos.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgpp257en9A It's around 0:17.
  24. Males also get Lodestar, so there isn't really a gender balance of DLC classes. If they make Vanguard available as well, and also make it gender-exclusive, males would get double the amount of DLC classes when compared to the females.
  25. Good luck with your classes, both of you. I'll be looking forward to when the chapter is officially released.
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