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Posts posted by SirBrickingtonCrushworthy

  1. You left staves on female mageknights because of the Troubador class, but the Priest class can become sages and if you take staves from Sages then Moulder would lose his staff rank if made a sage.

    Are you sure Moulder can become a Sage? It's been a little while, so I'm not too sure...

    But beyond that, I think I'll give Mage Knights and Sages their staffs.

    Druids are still not getting Anima back.

    Anouleth, at some point I suppose I will put up the spreadsheet on Google Docs since it's going to be more convenient for everyone anyway. I'll get to this stuff later today.

    I'll also be staying up late trying to learn more about things like event hacking and whatnot, because upon initial tests it is obvious that I will need to learn more to meet my ambition.

    Finally, I'm going to close the disparity between male and female classes, because on second thought, it does seem kinda stupid. I'm not sure if I will make them entirely the same, or create minor differences, however I'm leaning towards minor differences.

  2. Well, I've been working on an FE8 hack since yesterday. I'm trying to make the game more difficult, hopefully about on par with Thracia, give or take a little bit of difficulty. I just finished altering character classes, and I'd like some of your feedback. I will list out the changes to classes not shown on the chart:

    (Please note that the chart itself was made in Open Office, so you might need to import it to Google Docs if you can't open the .ods file format)

    Brickington's Changes


    *Ephraim and Eirika start off with a C weapon rank in their respective weapon types

    *Swordmasters automatically get an S in swords on promotion

    *Required promotion level is now 20

    *Male sages can no longer use staffs

    *Druids can no longer use Anima

    *Male Mage Knights no longer use staffs

    *Valkyrie gets a B in light magic and a B in staffs on promotion (an apology for no Slayer)

    *Summoners can no longer use staffs

    *Falcoknights get a C in swords

    *After the initial charts, Great Knights now have their move increased to 7

    *Virtually ALL foot units (excluding armor knights) now have a move of 6.


    Here's what I have gotten done so far:

    *Classes rebalanced

    *Certain characters changed (I'm going to change all of the characters around at some point)


    Okay, here's a relevant update:

    I've come to the sad realization that my decision to start a hack based on a whim will not be as easy as I first thought it was. Needless to say, it's pretty stupid of me. I have the intention to learn more about hacking, and I hope to release this within the month, assuming I put in the same kind of time I have been thus far.

  3. 1338020113750.png

    To describe it, the whole idea behind this thread is for people to post pictures depicting characters from another universe using the style of another universe, or, something else like zombification, literalism, or dramatized pictures.

    I will dump more later, for now I want to give people a chance to post anything they may have.

  4. Ronan has all the bells and whistles of a good unit and is fun to play with when you first get him, but he is simply bizarre. He has a high move growth, a high magic growth, and 3 Movement stars. He also starts out with 7 move. The problem is by the time he maxes out magic, his Strength is roughly 11. That is at promoted level 17, if memory serves.

    3.14159265 (and so on and so forth) / 10 for being the weirdest unit in FE history.

    To go off topic here, I can't understand why people don't like Tanya. She's been great for me.

  5. Stop this legislation in America! You know, I generally have a respect for business, but when it comes to companies like Activision and the RIAA in general, I do not care one ounce for them. What's funny is that most bands don't care when you pirate their stuff, because they're not the ones getting screwed as badly as the record industry.

  6. Oes noes Bricky you did waifu stuffz now people will yell at you and grr!

    Nowhere close to as bad as before when we were doing worse things with our ladies in the thread.

    Priscilla: Good, as long as Raven can have me.

  7. I wish it would get hot and sunny here already. It's uncharacteristically cool (though not actually cool, but still).

    Though technically, it's not summer yet. Still a ways to go.

    Back in Alaska there's still snow, including eight feet in the town of Valdez. Here in Oregon it's raining like crazy. Not fun.

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