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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I'm not sure about it, I know there is someone at Tvtropes( and I'm sure it's a singular person), intentionally messing with Fate's information on the site, just some weeks ago, there Fates's page at Tvtropes was villifying Hoshido, especially Ryoma, so this thing about Felicia hating housework, is probably made up.
  2. So it's really complicated to trade villagers? Interesting, I knew you could trade them, but wasn't aware that it was that much of a hassle, And also, isn't Leif able to remove all weeds, when he merges his store with Tommy and Timmy's store?
  3. There's something I've been meaning to ask, does having the ability to use Dragon's Vein affect the unit's viability in some way? Or is it not that important?
  4. I'm guilty of restarting my town at least 10 times, I'm not exagerating, so my advice may not reliable, but unless there's something you absolutely can't lose, you really should restart, and about the villagers you want to keep, I've heard it's possible to trade villagers with another player.
  5. With Iwata's death, it's hard to say when the next direct will be. Granted, he wasn't in every single one, but he was pretty much the face of the Directs, maybe there was supposed to be a Direct that showed this costumes, but Nintendo decided against it due Iwata's death.
  6. It depends on what the manga will focus, I think. If focus more on the battles, then we will probably see the armor designs more, I'm also really curious about how he would draw some characters in casual clothing, such as an armorless Ryoma, a Felicia with hair down and what Oboro would choose as everyday clothes, considering her fashion sense.
  7. Interesting idea, but shouldn't Corrin have at least one Water type? Since her Dragon form has power over water? And considering that loyalty is the defining trait of Silas and Kaze, isn't Gallade/Gardevoir a better option for them? Sorry, I know it's your story, and I don't have the right to interfere with it and I'm probably being very annoying, but I like the idea so much that I can't help it!
  8. I think Azura is more likely, but Kamui is a good idea.
  9. Seeing this pics brings to mind one thing... Black Knight Jr.! Or Mini Me Black Knight?
  10. Black Knight costume was confirmed for the miis!!! And sadly, Samus was deconfirmed. How dare you, Sakuraiiiiiii!! I still don't have the pics, but you can see them on Youtube.
  11. So, the two warriors will finally have a rematch...And dammit! Samus was deconfirmed!! How dare they!!!
  12. Couldn't Felicia/Jakob be considered the Oifey or Jeigan of Hoshido/Nohr? Or they aren't strong enough for the role?
  13. The rain might make it worse, since other spiders might try take shelter from the rain inside your house, and then you would even more Spiders!And if there were two, there could be more. Don't let your guard down yet! Until you call an exterminator, the battle still rages!
  14. The Camilla and Belka one is my favorite, both look very good, and did Belka always had that ponytail?
  15. It's so interesting how different they look in casual clothes!
  16. Just read Suzukaze/Luna, It really suprised me, because the begining made laugh, but their S-support was really sad...
  17. Their support made me sad in way, especially with Suzukaze begging for her not to leave him.They probably have the saddest S-support.
  18. Water, Water, Water. It's my favorite element in RPGs and I always favor water related characters in any sort of media. For me it's unthinkable to have a water type in your team, and it's weird, but seeing other people without water types in their teams bother for some reason.
  19. Something I realized about K.Rool, He's a character that doesn't have much of a natural following, but on Smash communities, he has a fanbase that represents a vocal minority, most of which aren't even fans of the character, they simply bandwagoned him because he was popular in that community for a little while, and because a lot of people are kinda running out of ideas for characters they want in Smash, specifically first party ones. So some of them vote for being popular. This can also apply for Ridley.
  20. And again the girls prefer the wingman rather than Inigo, poor guy, but as Inigo said, Saizou's rock-hard pecs, abs and cleavage are just so hard to resist. Just look at Saizou's body!
  21. Well... Those two are pretty messed up, but support was still interesting...
  22. A skill like hers would probably be a little to strong on a defensive unit, not quite broken, but still... Maybe the fact that she's fragile is reason they gave her that ability in the first place.
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